White Maid One Shot #22

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Summary; Sebastian and Aurora's relationship starts to have problems

Set; Weston Arc

Do You Love Me?

Sebastian had returned to his quarters after another late night of grading papers. Even for a demon, being a teacher was exhausting work. It was just past one thirty... he wanted nothing more than-

"Where were you?"

Sebastian glanced over to see his mate laying in his bed, a sad look on her face. He sighed, removing his long teaching robes and hanging them neatly in the ward robe. "Apologies, my darling, I was busy grading papers." His mate- Aurora Magné, or as he much preferred, Angelica Desideriis or Aurora Michaelis- had a dejected look on her face. The sad look almost killed her mate, he hated to leave her by her lonesome. He walked over and kissed her cheek before removing his clothing. "What are you still doing up, ma cherie?" He asked, "Usually you are asleep." Aurora didn't answer him for a few moments. He was about to ask her what was wrong when she finally spoke. "I don't like going to bed without you." He glanced over his shoulder at her. Her blonde tresses were a cloak around her face, and he frowned at the sight, kneeling by her side to tilt her chin up, eyes startling to find tears streaming down her face. "Darling..." He said, "What ever is the matter?" Aurora batted his hand away and rolled over. "Nothing." She choked. "It's nothing." Sebastian was growing agitated, "Angelica, tell me what's wrong." Aurora looked up at him, tears in her eyes. "You're never here... I never see you anymore." She sniffed, "You didn't even notice I was gone." Sebastian stiffened and searched his memory, he couldn't recall her being gone... 

Aurora continued, "I went back to the manor for three days. Three! I came back and you didn't even notice I was gone!" Sebastian stared at her. He had assumed she just stayed in his room and napped... How had he not sensed her departure? Aurora wiped her teary eyes and glared at him, "You claim to love me. Yet you don't even notice my existence." She wiped her eyes and glared down at her wedding ring, tears of pain and anger in her eyes. "Why did you marry me if you weren't going to look at me after it?" She choked on tears and went to remove the ring from her finger, only to have Sebastian drop to his knees before her and put his hands over hers. "Darling please don't get so emotional over this- I'm sorry I haven't been more attentive- but you must understand that the young master is being very demanding at the moment." He reached up to cup her face and she took a good look at him for the first time in days. She saw the bags under his eyes and the tiredness in his crimson eyes, dulling the bright red colour from it's usual bright vibrant hue. 

She sniffed and the demon's hand came up to wipe away her tears. Aurora sniffled, "I'm sorry." She said, "I'm being stupid." Sebastian sighed and stood, kissing the top of her head and then moving to the desk in the corner of the room to check the graded papers once more. Aurora frowned and moved to stand by the window, looking out over the courtyard. She glanced at her mate in the reflection of the window, "Will you be coming to bed tonight?" He paused and remained quiet. She sighed and closed her eyes, wrapping her arms around her body. His silence was answer enough. She glared outside at the courtyard, silver blue eyes having a soft angry glow of a violet ring around them. "I hate this place..." She muttered quietly to herself before sitting on the edge of the bed with an angry huff. Sebastian's brow twitched in slight annoyance. In his opinion, she was acting like a child. He pushed the spectacles he wore up on his nose as he browsed through the papers. His mate suddenly got up and violently began rummaging through the books on the shelf in his room. He watched out of the corner of his eye as his beautiful Fallen Arch let out a snarl and threw her hands up in anger, "I've already read every book here!" Sebastian hummed, "It wouldn't hurt to re read one or two." Aurora sneered, "I've read them multiple times from cover to cover, Malphas!" The demon sighed, "Perhaps then you could help me grade these papers?" Aurora rolled her eyes, "Our handwriting is too different. It would be too obvious you had someone else helping you." Sebastian sighed, "Who is going to pay attention to something as trivial as handwriting? Most of these human children are going to toss away these papers once they have the grade." Aurora growled in annoyance and flopped down onto the bed. She glanced over at him, her voice slightly muffled by the pillow. "Can I not have five minutes of your time?" Sebastian sighed, 

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