White Maid Oneshot #17

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Summary; Sebastian's misery after the "death" of Angelica several centuries ago.

Set; Prior to / during Jack the Ripper Arc

The Demon Who Feels

He was one of a kind. That he knew of anyways. There had been no other demon he had heard of that suffered like this. Suffered so greatly when the one who died was an angel. Yes, demons grieved when their mates were killed or just died, but that rarely happened. Sebastian Michaelis had been lost in his grief for centuries now. Despite being mates to another, he missed his previous lover dearly. After he found out about her death, he had collapsed where he stood after Ash Landers had left. He stared in horror at the blue pendant that once belonged to his angelic lover. Dead. Dead. She was dead because of him. He dropped to his knees, shaking, and let out an agonizing scream.

The years that came after were not good to say the least. In his possession, he always kept the angel's pendant. It never left his sight. Often under his clothes, the pendant would rest upon his bare chest. And every night, he would force himself to look at it. And remind himself that he had essentially murdered his love. When his contract would finish, he'd make one last stop to that lake. One time he saw a man trying to build a cabin on the land. The man never returned home to his family. Sebastian had ended the man there, covered in blood and his eyes bloodshot. The pendant hung around his neck, without a drop of blood. He destroyed the structure, and all that remained of any sign of trespassing. This land was his. No one else's.

The years went by slowly. The demon felt human. Time began to drag, and after the first century ended, he swore off all emotion. Becoming whatever his master needed. A servant, a confidant, an ally, but never a lover. There would be the odd master that demanded of him to lay with them. If they could not take no for an answer, they would lose their soul. Years passed. And more years. Until the present day.

The demon butler was pouring tea for Madam Red when she decided to pat him on the bottom, suggesting he work for her instead of Ciel. Had he not been void of emotion, he would have slaughtered the woman. But that was not the worst part. There would be the nights that he dreaded, his demoness coming up from Hell to beg him for an heir. The demoness even going as far as to try and force herself on him. Sebastian would try and please her, it was expected of a demon of his status- to treat his mate like a queen. Only, his mate was not his love. Not a queen worthy of his affections. No, that was reserved for a certain angel. A dead angel. The night he was required by his master to go to the Viscounts party, after he saw the young master leave with Druitt- he saw a blonde woman.

She bore a striking resemblance to his lost lover. But he knew well it was not her. Her scent was human. And her voice was not of his lover's. He stepped outside the first chance he got. He bit his lip and snarled. Weak. He was weak. He had fallen for that blasted angel and now.... now her memory wouldn't leave him. "Damn you, Angelica..." he growled to himself. "Damn you for making me fall in love with you. Damn you for making me suffer so. Damn you for dying. Why couldn't you have just- just lived a little longer? Or- or escapes yourself. You should've... you could've come back to me, Angel..." he glared down at the pendant in his shaking hand. "Is everything alright, Sebastian?" The demon glanced back and saw Madam Red. He relaxed. "I am fine... my lady." Angelina Dalles- Burnett knew better. She walked over, "Come now, Sebastian. I know a broken heart when I see one." Her face fell. "I lost everything in a matter of days. My husband, my unborn child, and my sister and her husband." Sebastian hummed, "I am well aware. I am sorry for your loss." Madam Red smiled kindly, "my point is- you don't need to suffer alone." She looked up at the demon. "Tell me. What is it that bothers you? Do not lie." 

Sebastian sighed. He had no choice. "There was a time I was in a similar position to you, Madame." He frowned, "It did not end well." Madam Red nodded, "I can understand the feeling. Might I ask what happened?" Sebastian chuckled, he found it rather funny a human was so interested in his love life. "We were both from... opposing sides so to speak, and a relationship between us would not have been accepted." Madam Red hummed, a small smile on her face. "A forbidden romance, hmm? I can't say I expected something like that from you Sebastian." Sebastian hummed and then continued, "I never expected it from myself either." Madam Red continued, "What happened then? I can only assume things did not work out as you are here as a butler." Sebastian sighed, "Quite right you are." He took a breath before he spoke, "My... partner, passed a long time ago. And it was most likely my own fault." He paused, toying with the ring on his finger. "I cared deeply for her, however our affair was discovered after some time." He paused again, "We were meant to run away together, but instead when she left my side to gather her belongings, she was imprisoned and murdered by her own family." He gave a sad chuckle, "But of course, I did not know this until years later. No, instead I thought she had betrayed me- and I spent years searching for her to get my revenge." He hummed thoughtfully, "Eventually, her best friend came to me and dropped this pendant at my feet." 

He pulled the bright blue jewel from his coat pocket. "He explained to me how she died. And how the lies they fed her killed her." He frowned, "It appears that she was under the impression I knew of her capture. And they let her believe it was I who abandoned her." He stared down at the jewel in his grasp. "Eventually, it was the realization she would see no rescue that killed her." He cleared his throat and pocketed the gem. "But time does... heal..." He said slowly. "I found myself affianced to another, and it worked out perfectly." He smiled brightly at Madam Red who stared at him in shock at the tale. "Now, it appears that I must fetch the young master. My Lady." 

The red haired woman watched him leave, her eyes wide. She looked back to the garden they had been looking out at. We are far too similar, Sebastian... The woman in red thought to herself, glancing down at the wedding ring she still wore, a reminder of her lost husband. For you share the same grief I do. Only... She looked back to the party where she spotted Grelle Sutcliff sneaking in and giving her a thumbs up. She smirked at her red reaper.

  I deal with mine differently.

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