His Butler, The Lady Of The Lake

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Sebastian Michaelis's thoughts raced as he stood on the train platform with his mate and young master... or was said young master now his son? He did not know. He noticed his beloved's eyes glazed over. He stared at her. Remembering the fateful day he had met her. And the events that lead to the down fall of their romance.

Malphas Desideriis had been a young demon at the time. It was his first contract. He had just devoured the soul, and was reveling in the savoury flavor. He'd also taken the opportunity to explore, as at this time, Lucifer's Law of the River Styx had yet to be implemented. Malphas had found a lake, opting to rest there. The clearing around the lake was filled with beautiful tall grasses, and gorgeous fields of flowers. Asophels, roses, lilacs, lavender, wisteria... The list went on. The clearing was colourful, and the crystal clear blue lake beside it was the most beautiful thing the young demon had ever seen. The willows that overhang at the lakeside were gorgeous. Malphas looked into the vast pool, his crimson eyes wide with wonder. The coloured fish swam in the water, the ground beneath was covered with soft sand and perfectly round pebbles. 


This world was beautiful. It was new. It was-


He looked up and slunk  back into the darkness of the grasses as an angel descended. When he saw the white gold highlights on her wings, he felt a bolt of fear run through him. 

An angel?! An Arch Angel?! How am I supposed to make it out of this alive?! He tensed, then realized how young this one was. Roughly his age, maybe younger. He could scent her divine soul. If he were able to steal the soul of an angel- an arch much less, he would be praised throughout all of Hell. He readied his muscles, licked his lips, and crept forward.

Crack. Snap. 

Shit. His eyes widened as he stepped on the branch. The angel gasped and turned to face him. Neither said a word for nearly five minutes. They just stared into each others eyes, waiting for the other to make the attack. Malphas gather his courage and hissed, "What are you doing here?" He growled, his voice wavering just slightly. The angel was flustered, "Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't realize someone was already here! I just came to feel the grass under my feet! Honest!" The young demon stood there. As did she. They stared at each other for a solid few minutes before she finally spoke, "Are you a demon?" The young demon stood taller, and nodded. The angel flew around him as though she were examining him. "You don't look like a demon." He snapped, "I am!" 

The young angel watched as a young demon stepped out of the brush, his red eyes glaring at her, a hint of fuchsia glowing behind the red. the angel stared, her breathing heavy, "You are a demon." The demon scoffed, "So?" the angel shrugged, landing beside him, then proceeding to walk around him as though she were examining him. "I've never seen a demon before, much less anything outside the Silver City." The demon boy stood tall, slightly nervous. "So?" the female angel frowned, "Is that all you know how to say? So? If so, that is indeed disappointing. I was hoping to have a conversation with an intelligent being." The demons eyes flashed, "Hey! I'm plenty intelligent, you winged pest!" The blonde angel gasped, before laughing, "So you do speak!" 

Malphas stared at her. The angel  came forward and rounded on him, hands behind her back as she eyed him, "I've never seen a demon before." She said, "You are not what I would expect one to look like." Malphas scoffed, "What did you expect one to look like?" The angel hummed, "Oh, I don't know. Horns maybe. At least, that is how my father described them." She held out her hand suddenly, "Oh, how rude of me. I'm Angelica. Angelica Laverne. And you are?" Malphas frowned. Why of all creatures, would an angel be so... nice to him? He eyed her suspiciously. Most angels carried a weapon. This one, did not. The angel frowned. "What's wrong, demon?" Malphas looked confused, "You don't carry a weapon. Most angels carry a sword made to slay demons and other beings." Angelica shook her head, "What?! Why in Heaven's name would an angel carry a blade to kill another being who has done nothing to provoke them?! That's preposterous!" Malphas folded his arms across his chest. "I've never seen an angel other than you, but I've heard the stories." Angelica rolled her eyes. "Do I look like I have anything to defend myself with? Or slay anything with?" Malphas shrugged, "I suppose you don't." He shook her hand. "I'm Malphas." 

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