His Butler & Maid, Preparations

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A few weeks had passed since Easter. It was the beginning of summer and Sebastian and Aurora were fully healed since the Campania. Ciel was still worried and was hesitant on what he asked of them now, but things had been uneventful. Which left Sebastian and Aurora plenty of time to plan out their wedding ceremony. They ultimately decided there would be only two, one on earth, and one in hell. The wedding in hell would follow both angelic and demonic customs, the demonic mating would take place the eve of their wedding night as demon tradition, and the wedding itself would follow a blend of customs. Aurora would wear white, Sebastian black and a dark crimson red. The ceremony itself would be similar to the one on earth, however- the angelic/demonic wedding would include a trail of crimson red roses accompanied by white roses to the altar. The ceremony would be officiated by a reaper, the in between of a demon and angel. The rings were to be bonded angel and demon wedding bands, the color would instead of black or white gold be a twined of both colors, almost resembling a pair of black and white gold vines laced around the wearers ring finger. It was a summer morning and the couple was in the kitchen, cleaning up after breakfast when the back door was thrown open. 

"Hello, my dove!" Both Sebastian and Aurora dropped the dishes they were holding, sending the porcelain plates shattering to the ground. Bard, Finny, and Mey-Rin poked their heads in, all curious to see what the problem was. What they saw was a dark haired woman smiling brightly at the shocked couple. "I- I- uh..." Aurora stammered, looking to Sebastian for help. The demon was equally as shocked, his eyes wide as he stared at the dark haired woman. The dark haired woman pouted, "What? No- 'Hello mother I missed you?'" Aurora looked extremely uncomfortable, "H- Mother, what are you doing here?" She asked slowly. Her mother looked a bit offended, "Angie, my darling little dove- I'm here to help you and Mal-" Aurora ran over and hugged her suddenly, "Oh yes! To help with me and Sebastian's wedding! I almost forgot I told you about that!" Aurora hissed in her mother's ear, "There are humans about, they are not aware of what we are!" Her mother gave a small nod, "Ah, yes." She pulled away and eyed Sebastian, a twinkle of mischief in her eyes. "Sebastian. As disheveled as always." Sebastian's eyes flashed a dark crimson before he plastered a fake smile onto his face, "Mrs. Magne, what a surprise. Aurora and I were not expecting you to make an appearance in such a manner." Aurora's mother chuckled, "Oh? But I do expect only the best for my little girl. I can't have her marrying someone who cannot provide for her." Aurora blushed as her mother gave her fiancée a wicked, teasing smirk- clearly satisfied she was able to openly mock the demon lord. Sebastian narrowed his eyes briefly but smiled deviously, "I assure you, Lucia, I can indeed provide for her." Lucia chuckled, "Can you? A butler is certainly no lord." Aurora leaned against a counter top and groaned, this was going to be a long  visit.

Ciel sat across from Lucia in the dining room. "So what brings you here, Lady Magne?" The young earl asked, taking a sip of his tea. Lucia smiled, "Oh I'm simply here to ensure my daughter's wedding goes perfectly fine." Ciel nodded, "Yes. And when exactly have you planned the wedding?" He asked glancing at his maid and butler. Aurora cleared her throat, "That was mother's job milord. She was tasked with arranging the time and date while Sebastian and I worked out the details." Ciel nodded looking to Lucia who smirked. "Tomorrow." 

Sebastian and Aurora stared at her in disbelief. Ciel looked startled. "Tomorrow?!" Ciel and Aurora exclaimed. Lucia nodded, "Yes. And hence why I came today to take my daughter and her groom shopping to get their proper attire." She looked at Sebastian and smirked, "Your brother and sister will be accompanying you, Sebastian." Sebastian's face paled a bit. Ciel looked at his butler surprised, "I wasn't aware you had a brother and sister, Sebastian." Sebastian grimaced, "I can't say I'm too fond of either of them, my lord." The door to the dining room opened and none other than Stolas and Ilia walked in. "Sebaaasstiaaannnn!" Ilia called, dragging out the demon's name, "Your favorite baby sister is here to help you choose your wedding tux!" Aurora smirked at him, "Oh your going to have fun." Sebastian cast her a small smirk, "I'm not the one who has to deal with the pickiest Fallen in the world." Aurora winced at that, "Don't remind me." Lucia went on, "Anyways- we will be gone for the day, milord. Feel free to join your butler, I'm sure he could use advice on clothing." Aurora giggled, "Oh now your in for it." Lucia looked over, "By the way Aurora darling, we have a few friends joining us." Aurora looked surprised. "Wha-" She was cut off as Nammah, Amara, and Lucian entered the room. Sebastian smirked, "I think its fair to say we are both completely doomed." Aurora squealed and ran over to tackle Lucian. "Lucian!" Lucian laughed and caught her, hugging her close. "Aurora, it's been too long." Lucian stuck his tongue out at Sebastian behind Aurora's back noticing the jealousy radiating from the demon. Sebastian looked to his mother, "What brings you here, mother? Your not one to journey... here." Nammah smiled, "My son- my oldest and beloved son, do you really think I would miss the opportunity to go shopping for your wedding? And miss out on seeing how uncomfortable having members of the Angelic Council in attendance." Sebastian and Aurora paused, "Members of the Angelic Council? They said simultaneously. Lucian puffed out his chest, "Your looking at the Arch of the Angelic Council!" He announced. Amara sighed, "So full of yourself, honestly..." Lucian smirked at her, "You know you love me!" Amara blushed and looked away, "I have no idea what your talking about, Lucian!" Aurora grinned, "Your an Arch now?!" Lucian nodded, "After we arrested Gabriel, and Uriel ascended to the throne, there was need of a new Arch to oversee the council. And since the other Arches didn't want the position, I got it." Aurora laughed, hugging him again. "Oh Lucian! That's wonderful! Congratulations!" Lucian laughed and took her hand, "I'm not the one who should be congratulated, your engaged. To a demon, but- still engaged! Haha! I never thought I'd see the day!" Everyone began fawning over Aurora's ring and the males in the room gave Sebastian a grunt of approval. Stolas nudged his brother, "Good choice brother, how did you find such a ring?" Sebastian smiled and stood a little taller, "I had an old friend help me out with that." Stolas grinned, "You didn't?" Sebastian gave him a small smirk, his eyes telling his brother exactly who he had gone to for help about the ring. Stolas smacked him on the arm teasingly, "The King of Hell himself helped you go ring shopping? I find that hard to believe." Sebastian smiled, "I had to pull some strings." He admitted, "But I managed." Stolas snickered, "Shall we expect his majesty at the next feast?" Sebastian gave him a devilish smirk in response and put a finger to his lips. "Well, we'll have to see, won't we?"

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