His Butler, Agitated & His Maid, Forgiveness

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The demon was still as she left the room, and he began to bathe the boy in the bath. The young earl's breathing was irregular, though it was slowly beginning to regulate. It wasn't something he had anticipated, tending to his master while ill. 

He knew taking care of the young lord was something Angelica might enjoy, angels had a knack for preserving humanity and such, it was only natural. What vexed him was that she dared to insult him.

Loyalty issues.


What a joke.

He had only ever been loyal to her. He'd practically been tied down to consummate his mating to Lilli. He'd never touched any other as he had with her.

He'd always been truthful with her.

He'd always been loyal to her.

He'd always put her first.

He'd always protected her.

He'd always loved her.

She had been the first choice. She had been everything. And as angry as he was with her, she was still everything.

His fledglinghood was catching up to him in waves, and it had been since the moment he saw her again. His still heart that had been dormant for millennia began to beat furiously at the sight of her. 

Creamy white sunlit skin... silver flecked azure eyes- and light blonde hair with wavy curls. 

He had dreamed of her for so long. And now that she was in his grasp, he was doing all he could to keep her there. Making her his mate was a priority now, ensuring she would never leave his side again. 

Now it felt like she was leaving him all over again. She refused him time and time again, yet she wanted to remain near. 

It made little to no sense to him, that she wanted to maintain a relationship yet not be bound to him.

He was jolted back to reality as Ciel broke into weak coughs before dropping back into unconsciousness. The demon looked at his master, watching the boy's breathing. Closer to normal. 

He lifted the boy out of the bath, quick to wrap him in a hot towel and bring him back to the bedroom. Aurora was already there, using angelic magic to fix new sheets onto the bed. Her eyes were narrowed in a scrutinizing glare as she attempted to even out the sheets. 

"You are proficient in angelic magic?" The demon inquired, dressing his young master in a pair of pajamas. Aurora jumped, a short squeak of surprise escaping her as she then glared at him, "Don't scare me like that!" 

Her French accent was thick- though there was a hint of a British one growing in the background. Sebastian smirked, "I'd no intent to. I was merely commending your magical ability." He walked over to lay the young master in the bed. "The only other being I know with such skill is my younger brother." 

Aurora hummed, "I was locked in a prison cell or a tower for many years, my only company was often books. So I took to learning my mother's spell books." He watched her carefully tuck the young earl into bed, then sit on the bedside to lift a small pasty liquid to the boy's lips. "Drink," she whispered, trying to encourage him to drink the foul liquid. 

The taste alone was enough to rouse the boy and make his face twist in disgust. "Ugh-" Aurora shushed him, "You need to drink it all Ciel, it will help you. I promise." Sebastian watched with a rather intrigued expression, "What exactly is it you are giving him?" He asked. 

"A healing elixir of sorts, it should do to remove some of the sickness from him, or at least enough that he might be able to finish the case sooner rather than later." Her eyes flickered with worry, "But I'm not sure how long exactly it will last or if there are any adverse side effects. I was never proficient in alchemy, only magic and swords."

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