His Butler, Maturing - His Angel, Vengeful

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Aurora had no choice. She unsheathed her wings, flew forward and caught Ciel. She flapped her wings, desperately trying not to look at them as they fanned out around her. Ciel was in her arms, his eyes wide as he stared at Sebastian. Both of them only able to watch as the demon's cinematic record began to play.

"Sebastian!" He saw his master reach out, then his angel's wings before he was enveloped in his demon form and memory.

It was thousands of years ago.

A field of lush green grass, the earth soft underneath the young demon's feet. He was hungry. He needed a soul. Then, he scented it. Her. The angel. He saw the bright, blinding, white gold feathers lower the creature to the ground, her silver blue eyes bright with wonder as her feet touched the ground for the first time.

I was bewitched.

Her hair was a beautiful, light blonde, almost bleach blonde, but dark enough to have a lovely color. Her eyes, silvery blue, were enchanting. He stood there, a young, starving, scraggly little demon. Her, a beautiful young angel, roughly his age if he had to guess. She smelled of a thousand souls, a delicacy. He briefly pondered over stealing her soul, but then he found himself unable to drain the beauty and youth from her face. He made to leave, but a branch cracked under his weight. He growled. The angel turned, alarmed. "What are you doing here?" He growled. The angel was flustered, "Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't realize someone was already here! I just came to feel the grass under my feet! Honest!" The young demon stood there. As did she. They stared at each other for a solid few minutes before she finally spoke, "Are you a demon?" The young demon stood taller, and nodded. The angel flew around him as though she were examining him. "You don't look like a demon." He snapped, "I am!" The angel grinned, "Prove it!" The young demon's eyes flashed a bright fuchsia. In response, the angel's flashed silver. 

We were natural enemies.

We should have been. But fate... is a funny thing. 

There were visions of several more meetings over the years, the demon then shown braiding the angel's hair as she sat on a rock overlooking a pond. 

The same pond that had been rectified a few months ago. 

The angel was laying back on the rock, a flower in her hand, picking the petals as she spoke the the demon. "Malphas," she said, "Have you ever seen a human?" The demon nodded, "Plenty of times. Why?" The angel glanced back at him, "What are they like? I've never seen one." Malphas, the demon- looked confused, "Why not? Surely you angels must come down to earth at some point. We demons come up to feed." The angel sighed, "I cannot see humans because I'm not allowed to see nor interact with any, my father is an arch angel- and because I am a half breed I need to remain safe inside the borders of Heaven. Therefore, speaking to humans is forbidden." Malphas paused, "Then... what is what we're doing right now?" The angel was quiet. "Forbidden?" Malphas smiled and nodded humming, "Exactly." The angel sat up abruptly, spinning around to lay on her stomach, a pleading look in her eyes. "Malphas! Won't you take me to the nearest human village?! Please?!" Malphas blinked. "I-" He stopped and thought for a moment. Then, his eyes brightened, "Meet me here tonight. We'll go then." The angel looked thrilled, and hugged him. "Thank you!" She spread her wings, and quickly flew back up to the heavens.

As promised, that night he waited by the lake. She flew down not long after, and he took her by the hand, pulled her into his arms, and in a flash- they were in front of the Schon Brohn Palace. He had his hair slicked back, and wore a suit fitting for the time period. The angel, he gifted a dress to match, then did her hair to the event. They entered the palace, hand in hand. Introducing themselves as nobility- a betrothed prince and princess of two countries. They danced the night away, and then came the inevitable. The promise, and it's failure.

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