His Butler & Maid, That Night & Setting Sail

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A/N: Okay- I tried, if this sucks- sorry. I've never written smut. But the situation kind of called for it. Any time I skipped doing smut earlier was also to show Aurora's innocence. This is that innocence completely being destroyed. Up until now, she was naïve. She had never left the gates of Heaven - that she could clearly remember- and the only person she knew outside of her father's strict rules was Malphas. William was a designated babysitter, and Grell she didn't meet until the Offering chapter. From now on, there is no more pure angel. While yes she was sleeping with Sebastian, the relationship was barely approved in Book of Angels. Now that Aurora is a Fallen, she no longer has ties to Heaven. Which means she doesn't play by their rules anymore. when she fell, she was sick because she is pretty much the only one of her kind that's gone through such an experience. She is half arch angel, and half fallen angel. Lucia had her after becoming a Fallen, because Lucia DID have a past in which she became a Fallen Angel of Lust. But because she'd been a Fallen for so long, she was given a certain status. Lucia is technically a Fallen- but by hell's standards is a Demon Angel because she ahs been a Fallen for so long. Now, enough with my rambling on how some of the logic works, enjoy the first smut I have ever written. 

Sebastian followed Aurora into her room that night, "I can't thank you enough for seeing to the cats while I was indisposed," Sebastian said, picking up a black cat with pretty blue eyes. Aurora smiled, "Of course. They were all I had left of you." She frowned at the memory of seeing him dead. She put a hand to her mouth to with hold the small whimper that threatened to escape. Sebastian turned and noticed her silence. The butler sighed, set the cat down and walked over to wrap his arms around her and press his lips to her passionately. "I apologize that you had to go through seeing me in such a state my lady." Aurora sighed, "Ciel ordered you to do it. You had no choice." Sebastian nodded and gently guided her to the bed where he laid down beside her. Her eyes didn't leave his for at least an hour, "Sebastian..." Aurora finally said, reaching out to caress his face, tears in her eyes. His crimson eyes met her soft grey blue. "I'm sorry." She whispered, "I'm so, so sorry for what I said. I would never wish you dead. I never could." Sebastian sighed and brushed the blonde hair from her eyes, "My angel," he whispered, "You've no need to apologize to me." Aurora sniffed and nodded, "But I do. I wished you dead and then..." She buried her face in his chest and cried. The demon pulled her as close as he could to him and ran a hand through her hair. "It's alright, Angelica, I'm here." The angel in his arms curled closer to him. He smiled, "I do find I adore the sound of your voice, if it's alright with you, angel, I'd like you to hum a bit more around me." Aurora sniffed and laughed, "Oh that. That is something I hope I never have to do again." Sebastian frowned, "What exactly is it? I found your voice quite enchanting." Aurora sighed, "It's an angel tradition. When someone you love dies you cry to the Heavens. It's like a plea to bring them back, or promise your heart to them. Its a promise that your love for them will never die with them, even in death." Sebastian smirked and rolled over, pinning her underneath him. "I'm touched you would pledge your heart to me, Angelica." Aurora smiled and reached up to caress his face, "I'd do again. I'd do it for all eternity, Malphas." The demon above her was brewing with lust and love for the angel beneath him. His crimson eyes had a lustful glow to them and he leaned down to press a kiss to the angel's lips. Aurora opened her mouth for him immediately, a small moan coming from her as his tongue slipped between her lips and plunged into her mouth. When the kiss finally broke, Sebastian noticed the angel below him eyes glowing a soft magenta rimmed with silver. He grinned, she had completely fallen now. He was excited to see what this new side of her might bring. He knew many fallen, and the fall changed an angel's personality, infusing it with the sin they had committed. And because Aurora had been a rare breed of angel, he was curious to see what the fall would do to her. He grinned and leaned down to whisper in her ear, "How does it feel, my angel?" His voice was a low seductive growl, "How does it feel to finally have a taste of sin?" He was surprised as she suddenly flipped him over and straddled him. Sebastian's eyes flashed a bit in excitement. The angel above him ran her hands along his chest before she began to undo his tie and shirt. Quickly seeing where this was going, Sebastian sat up and slammed his mouth onto his angel's, while their mouths were occupied, Sebastian's hands moved to undo her corset and dress, Aurora's own hands were busy unbuttoning his shirt and pants. When skin finally met skin, the demon shoved her down, climbing between her legs and running his hands along her body as he kissed her. Aurora wrapped her body around his, pulling him as close as she could. They didn't pause for a moment, he didn't stop until he had himself out of his pants and pressed against her. There was nothing sweet about this night, not like when they'd been in the Silver City, not like all the other times they'd had sex. This time it was passionate, angry and a little bit violent. It didn't take long before Sebastian was on top, muffling the angel's pleasure filled screams with his mouth, his hand grasping hers as he kept going. The cats in the room had crawled into the closet, none wanting to hear the sounds the demon and angel were making. Aurora was sure the only reason that no one was coming into the room was because she'd put a sound proof seal on the room when she and Sebastian first began coming in here for their nightly rendezvous. They tired for only a moment, her hands on his chest, his arms wrapped around her and his face resting on her collar bone, hot breath on her chest. They picked up as quickly as they had left off, his  mouth having to move quickly to silence his angel. He gave a grunt of surprise as Aurora rolled them over, pinning him under her. She pressed her mouth against his, their kiss long and a bit messy. Her nails raked down his chest, not causing much damage but still drawing some blood. The demon hissed as her nails danced down his abdomen, getting closer and closer to his crotch. He let out a guttural growl when she got there, her hand resting there before her lust filled gaze pierced his. In that moment, he quickly sat up and kissed her harshly, his hand coming to wrap around her neck, but releasing when she came to the borderline of unconsciousness. He didn't finish with her until the early morning, and they both collapsed on the bed from exhaustion around four. They'd started at eleven. Sebastian licked his lips and wrapped his arms around the now exhausted angel and pulled the sheets up over them.

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