His Butler & Maid, Assembling

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Sebastian sat in the carriage all the way back to London with a frown on his face. It had only been a few days. A few days he was thankful for, there was no lie there, he'd had Angelica all to himself for some time. Now, here he was, cramped in a carriage to London with Mey-Rin and Bardroy across from him, Bard snoring, and Aurora laying across his lap, his hand in her hair, gently massaging her scalp as she slept. The carriage stopped a few blocks away from the Shangri-La, and Sebastian woke the others before leading the way to an alleyway where they climbed into a sewer tunnel to return to the Shangri-La. Aurora was half asleep, resulting in Sebastian having to carry her, all the way. He had her initially bridal style, but somehow she ended up being carried piggyback style like a small child. Neither Bardroy nor Mey-Rin uttered a word about it. By the time they were in the Shangri-La itself, Sebastian went straight to his and Aurora's room, set her down on the bed, walked over to the ward robe, grabbed her a night gown, carefully changed her clothes, tucked her into bed, and then changed himself. 

"On the topic of new facilities and fads of normal society, Aurora and I investigated news on 'places where many people gather'. Sebastian said to Ciel as the young earl sat before him and Lau, arms folded across his chest and one leg crossed over the other. Ciel wore a kimono of Lau's, one that was far too big for him as the top was rather baggy on him. "Good work," Ciel said, "And where is Aurora now?" Sebastian hummed, "She was tired, my lord. So I put her to bed and decided she could use the sleep." Ciel nodded slowly, "Alright..." Lau continued his own side of the story, "You did say to find anything I could, so I even included bits of idle gossip." Ciel nodded, "That's fine. If my brother's faction's goal is to gather blood then they would lying low to avoid police involvement. Event the Sphere Music Hall plan tried to minimize the number killed while gathering." Lau nodded, "Indeed,  the goal of exploitations is to take as much as you can without killing them. Now then, let us begin the reports." Sebastian reached into his pocket and cleared his throat, "I shall start. With the Cotswold cheese rolling event. As the name suggests, it is an event where a round of Gloucester Cheese is sent rolling down the hill and competitors race to chase it. At the end, everyone has a party based around cheese. Super popular, apparently people get hurt every year doing such a thing." Ciel mumbled, "What in the world... this goes beyond common sense..." Sebastian continued, "The next event is similarly bizarre, the Leicestershire beer bottle kicking. However, this festival is celebrated with hare pie." 

Ciel sighed, "I quite doubt that they would get involved with something like this." There was a sudden yawn from nearby. They all looked over to see Aurora in her night dress with one of Sebastian's tailcoats draped over her shoulders. "I agree, Ciel. I told Sebastian the same thing. The one I do agree with is Mister Lau's theory about missing women. He relayed Sebastian and I the information and we attended a gala at the Baron Heathfield's manor. I would agree I believe something to not be right about him." She walked over to Sebastian who wrapped an arm around her, keeping her close while she continued. "I would beg to differ that the Undertaker's 'Aurora Society' is involved." 

She shuddered, "I do hope he didn't name it after me..." she muttered to Sebastian. Her mate smirked, "I should hope not." Ciel gasped, "That's it! Aurora, you might be onto something! The Aurora Society was a secret organization that utilized the Karnstein Hospital's doctors!" Sebastian narrowed his eyes. "After the sinking of the Campania the hospital was dismantled, and we have not confirmed any public action from the Aurora Society since then however it is likely that not all of the society's members were aboard that ship." Aurora nodded in agreement, "It would stand to reason that they may just have other members floating about." 

Ciel nodded, "The Undertaker was controlling the Society from behind the curtains. So there is a chance that some of the members with a connection to the Undertaker are still taking action out there, under different organization names." He looked to the butler and maid, "Sebastian! Aurora! Look back into the information you've gathered and find what you can on people that were heavily involved with the Aurora Society!" Sebastian and Aurora shared a small smile and gave short bows, "Right away, young master."

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