White Maid, Her Story

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Aurora froze, "I don't want to talk about that..." She whispered, tears pooling in her eyes. Sebastian hummed thoughtfully, "Why ever not my lady? I was under the impression angels were divine- I never thought an angel, especially one such as yourself could be expelled." 

Aurora whirled around to face him, a snarl on her face. "It was a mistake!" She hissed, "I was innocent!" Sebastian chuckled darkly, "Truly? What did you do, Aurora? Which of the seven deadly sins did you commit? Too much pride? Envy of another? Gluttony? Wrath? Sloth?" The demon chuckled as the angel shook with rage, tears streaming down her face. 

"Or was it lust? Did you bed a demon, little angel? Or was it much worse? Murder perhaps?"

 Aurora choked a sob, remembering how she had walked in on the horrific scene and then dragged away in chains, accused of her father's murder. Her own screams replayed in her head constantly, and the day of it all haunted her. Sebastian's eyes had a soft red glow to them, "Was it murder, Aurora? Was it?" 

Aurora looked up at him, silver blue eyes full of tears, blonde hair plastered to her face and hiccupping between soft sobs. "I- didn't... kill anyone... I was framed..." Sebastian watched emotionlessly as the angel cried before him, dropping to her knees and holding herself so tightly as if she believed she would fall apart at any given second. 

She is truly distraught... 

Aurora put a hand to her mouth, stopping herself from crying.

 Stop it.  Stop it. Don't- don't be a cherub, Angelica... 

She stifled a sigh and wiped her eyes before regaining herself. Aurora sniffled and turned away, "Excuse me. I will see you tomorrow, Mr. Michaelis." Sebastian watched as the maid walked down the hall to her room, the door slamming shut behind her. Sebastian walked into his own room, surprised to see Lilli on the bed. "Sebastian..." She purred draping her arms around his neck and nuzzling him like a cat. Sebastian sighed, "Lilli- What do you want?" 

Lilli made a face, "Sebby- darling, you know I would never ask you for anything!" Sebastian sighed, "Lilli, I don't have time for this." Lilli pouted, "Sebastian- you promised we'd try again! You know I want little demons running around!" Sebastian growled, "Lilli. I am in the middle of a contract. When it is finished...." He paused for a moment, before snapping as she reached out to touch him.  "And don't get any ideas. I know you. Now get back to hell and do your job!" Lilli hissed and in a wisp of black smoke, disappeared out the window. 

The next day, it was noticed that Aurora was quiet.

 At breakfast she stood a little farther away from Sebastian, and her silver blue gaze was averted and rested on the ground. Ciel raised an eyebrow in question to his butler who merely stood there, stoic as ever waiting for his master's orders. "Aurora, I'm finished. You may remove the plates now." Ciel said before standing up and leaving the room, Sebastian in tow. The angel gave a mere nod and hurriedly set to cleaning the table. 

She was in the midst of washing the dishes  when she caught a glimpse of the butler behind her. She gasped and dropped a plate, sending it hurtling towards the ground. But before it could shatter on the tile floor, Sebastian's clad black butler coated arm lashed out to catch it.

 "Something the matter, Ms. Magné?" He inquired, his crimson red eyes piercing the angel's silver blue. Aurora bit her lip, glancing away from him. "Yes. I'm fine Seb- Mr. Michaelis." Sebastian furrowed his brow, "Ms. Magné, you need not address me as such. Sebastian will work just fine." Aurora gulped, "O-Of course, M- Sebastian." Sebastian sighed, "If I may be blunt my lady, is there something troubling you?" 

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