A History Lesson

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Once there were two realms, both alike in dignity

One bathed in the light of the moon, the other the dark side of the same hovering rock.

The side bathed in light, was blessed by the gods, gifted with the ability to fly, and in such they made home in the skies- laying claim to their realm, the Silver City.

The other side, shunned in darkness, was the opposite. The second realm was birthed from the first. It began with an outcry of unfairness, of unjust actions broke out between the winged creatures of the sky, and in such, the god banished them to the darkened realm, exiled from the heavens, and doomed to starve for all eternity. That, was the First War of the Fallen. The two realms were the first to rule the world, and they did so together, for many years under the hand of the gods. But when the gods influence began to fade, chaos and distrust began to sow into the world they had created.

And furthermore, the bringing forth of humankind brought even more. The moment the gods stepped down, the one who ruled the Silver City, known only as the Creator, vanished- leaving his only apprentices, a select few of angels, to argue over whom should reign. Thus, the Second War of the Fallen began. Two victors of the war, brothers- a pair of the younger generation, Michael and Gabriel, towered above the others.

Michael, became the Arch Angel of them all. At his right hand, he appointed his brother Gabriel, and formed the Angelic Guard. The Arch proceeded to conclude the Second War of the Fallen by exiling countless of the original angels, and so bringing peace to the realms once more.

Some many years later, a new realm was forged, created to store the souls of the dead in what were named cinematic records. The reapers, soul gatherers, were made to collect and harvest the souls of the recently dead, and review their memories for the record. They were the pillar between life and death, with the ability to choose should one have the chance to live, or die.

It was sometime in eternity. Where the earth was young, inexperienced, and wreckless. So many years after the end of the wars, and where peace was relatively present.

Yet still a time where the first two realms wanted nothing to do with one another. By now, the reapers would often act as a middleman, peace keepers even. The gods had all but vanished from the planes of existence, and it was this time in which friendship became the start of armageddon.

"Everything has a soul."

The female argued, toying with a pretty purple larkspur in the field. She was of the first realm, born with wings coloured in white gold, unlike others of her kind.

"The only ones with souls worth eating are humans." The male argued back, glancing back at her with bright red eyes. "I stand by that, as someone who will starve to death without them."

The female, blonde haired with silver eyes huffed, rolling over on her belly to look down at him, braiding together a flower crown of purple and white larkspurs. "Not true. You're older than me, and you are just about out of your fledgling years. You still rely on food made by your parents in the Hellscape." She giggled, "Or well, servants more."

The male smirked, "That might be, but I'll be eating souls soon enough."

His companion rolled her eyes. "Oh please." She rolled back onto her back with a grin. "You'll be complaining about it soon enough." She glanced over, "You have to tie yourself down, don't you? To a human?" The male smirked, "Only for a short period of time. Then I get a five course meal."

"If you're lucky," the female pointed out.

He shrugged, "I'm sure I'll find something good."

She smiled, "I'm sure you will." She pecked him on the cheek, then climbed to her feet.

"Where are you going?" He demanded. She glanced back, tying her braiding her hair into a silk white ribbon. "Home," she replied. "My father will start getting suspicious otherwise." She frowned, "You know how things are, demons and angels don't work. They aren't... practical." The male, the demon, scoffed. "I could care less about practicality." He smiled at her, a half genuine smile, a half smirk. "You're company is good. For an angel." She huffed and elbowed him in the side, "Right. And you're not so bad for a demon."

He sighed, sitting up, shaking his head to let the grass fall out.

"Would you stop that?" The angel giggled, "You look like a wet dog!"

The demon chuckled, "Nah, don't feel like it."

They stood together, still in fits of giggles and laughs. She smiled, "I'll see you again tomorrow?" She asked, tying her hair a bit tighter than need be. "Of course," he said, "I wouldn't miss a day with you." She blushed a bright pink, and he smirked at the action. "Aww, is the little angel blushing?" Her face reddened even more, "No I'm not!"

"Oh yes you are!"

"Ugh! Stop making fun of me!"

She yelped as he kissed beside her ear before whispering softly, "I would never." He pulled away as if nothing had happened, "Anyways," he stretched, his vertebrae popping one by one. "I'll see you tomorrow, hm, princess?" She groaned, "How many times must I say, no titles, demon prince?" She smirked at him, giggling a bit as his own devilish smile. "I like titles." He teased. "Besides, you blush far too much when I call you, princess."

He laughed as her face reddened again.

"Stop that!"

"Make me, princess."

She rolled her eyes, finally unfurling her wings. "I'm going home now." The demon purred, "Of course, princess. I'll see you tomorrow, princess."

He was surprised as she suddenly barreled into him, knocking the air out of his body. "Humph!" He coughed, grimacing as she pinned him to the ground, her wings fanned out, making her look like a majestic bird. Come to think of it, when the sun hits her wings she looks remarkably like a phoenix...

She glared down at him for a moment, though there was something playful in her eyes. "Goodbye, Malphas." She said, moving off him, stretching her wings before taking flight. He smiled watching her fly with a goofy smile crossing his face.

"Until we meet again, Angelica."

InteractiveFics KEY

Aurora (servant/human name)

Angelica (angel name)

Laverne (angel last name)

Magne (human last name)

Angie (Raphy nickname)

Rara (Grell nickname)

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