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"Cass!" I squealed as I looked at her on the opposite end of the couch. "Oli just messaged me." I said with a stupid smile that I desperately tried to contain or at least play down in front of her.
"WHAT?!" she questioned, sitting straight up and almost choking on the popcorn she was munching on. "What did he say?!" she asked impatiently. I shuffled over beside her and showed her my phone so she could read it for herself. "Oh shit. Wills... you know what this means, right?" she asked. I frowned at her and shook my head. "He's thinking about you!" she stated with a smile. "He's at his house in fucking England, thinking about you on the other side of the world!" she squealed. I guess she was right... though that seemed insane to me. "And let's not ignore the fact that he put an 'x' at the end of his message... guys don't do that unless they like a girl." she added with a nudge. I just smiled and blushed because I knew she was right. "You know, I kind of want to tell you to ignore him since you deserve so much more than he ever gave you, but it's Oli Sykes and I know how much you like him..." she said with a smile.
"I can't believe he messaged me, after all this time. It's so random!" I said in a state of confusion.
"Well I always thought he liked you more than he admitted, or even realised... Maybe it took distance for him to figure out how much of a good thing he had with you." she said sweetly.
"You don't know what you've got until it's gone?" I questioned.
"Exactly." she replied with a wink. God she was so supportive of me and of my decisions; good, bad, or downright dangerous. She just went along with my crazy life, ready to offer support and guidance without judgement on whatever path I took.
"I don't know, Cass... I really don't think he likes me. He made such a point of not wanting anything serious... He probably just misses his access to unlimited, zero-effort required sex he had when I was with him." I replied with an eye roll.
"Well, yeah, he definitely misses that. You turned into a total nympho." Cass agreed with a laugh. "But he's on the other side of the world now, so it's hardly a booty call. And it's not like he can't easily find girls over there to fuck around with. He's famous, rich, attractive..." she added. I suppose that was right, it wasn't like he was trying to organise a hook up - he wasn't even in the same country! And then there were the girls... she was right about that too. I'm sure he constantly had girls throwing themselves at him, it's not like he'd have any problem in that department. I guess it made me feel kind of good that despite that, he still messaged me.
"I'm so happy for you, Wills. Just don't get your hopes up too much." she said as she hugged me. "What are you going to reply?" she then asked, breaking me from my thoughts as she let me go. God, I hadn't even thought about replying... I was too shocked to have heard from him and I was too busy trying to figure out what it all meant. I just sat there staring into space with a hundred thoughts going through my head before Cassidy looked at me with a frown. "Babe, just be yourself. If he didn't like you, he wouldn't have messaged you or taken you on tour. Just pretend he's a regular guy." Cassidy said. She knew I was overthinking and she was right, I was, but he wasn't a regular guy. There was nothing regular about him and it was impossible to pretend like there was. She was right about everything else though; there was no point in being anyone or anything other than myself. I took a deep breath and wrote my reply.

'Hey stranger. Aww your dogs are so cute! I bet they're happy to have you home 😊 Everything is good here, life seems too normal now though, Lol. How's the UK? x' I replied.

Oli replied almost straight away, even though it was almost midnight in England.

'Haha yeah they wont leave me alone. Zero concept of personal space. The UK's alright I guess. So you're missing tour life, huh? 😂 It's not that great after you do it for long enough lol.' he replied.

I loved how he was just talking to me about normal things... like a friend, not like a fuck boy with a one-track mind. I wanted to ask when he was going back on tour but he probably didn't want to talk about that. I mean, he was on a break from it and I didn't want to make him think about his 'job' even if it was a ridiculously exciting one. I also wanted to tell him that I missed him, that I wished I could see him... but I wasn't dumb enough to admit that. I knew better than to mention anything to do with emotions to him.

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