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NOTE - This entire chapter is written from Oli's side of the story 🖤


I had to head to the airport at 6am and I felt like I'd been hit by a truck when my alarm ripped me from sleep at 5:30am. 'Why the fuck did I book such an early flight?' I thought to myself as I stumbled around in the dark. As I packed the last of my things, I felt apprehensive. I didn't want to go back to the tour, back to the guys, back to my 'normal life'. Not yet. I felt like I was leaving something that felt so good only to go back to a life that didn't necessarily give me much purpose. Those feelings weren't new, hell, I'd had them for the entirety of last year, but I hadn't felt them as intensely as I did now that I was flying away from my Daughter. It wasn't that I hated my life, or hated being in a band, just leaving right at that moment didn't feel right. I didn't have long enough yet. Ivy was so young and Roses was still healing, not to mention exhausted. If it were up to me, I would have stayed in San Francisco... just for a while so Roses could catch a break, at the very least until those paternity test results came back. I knew they were going to be positive, but it didn't stop me from thinking about how I'd feel now if they weren't. Honestly, I'd be heartbroken if they came back negative which was crazy seeing as a week ago I would have sold my soul for that result. I guess I'd become more attached to Ivy than I thought I ever could and I didn't want to be so far away from her. It was ironic that 4 months ago when we were on tour in San Francisco, I vowed to never come back, and now it was where I wanted to be. Life is funny like that sometimes.

As I sat on the plane bound for Munich, I was ready to sleep. Yes, it was 10am but I didn't care. The past few days had taken it out of me mentally and emotionally and I needed to rest before the show which was in, two days – well one, God I didn't even know because of the time zones. I looked out at the city as my plane took off and I knew I wanted to get back there as soon as I could.

I managed to sleep for most of the 11 hour flight to Germany, happy that my mind switched off and let me rest. It actually worked out well since I arrived at 7am, so it was like I'd just had my sleep for the night and was ready for the day. Once I'd landed, I took a taxi to the hotel and checked in, then organised to meet the guys for a late breakfast. They had arrived last night and we had a while before we needed to head to soundcheck so none of us were in a rush. I messaged Roses too, just to tell her I had arrived and she sent me back a photo of Ivy - telling me that they had been to the park that day with Cassidy. The distance made it easy for me to believe that I'd imagined the past 3 days; that I wasn't really there and that Ivy wasn't really mine, but the way my heart felt when I saw her let me know that it was all completely real. 

I headed down for breakfast at 9:30 and was reunited with the rest of the band; none of them other than Mat any wiser about the massive things going on in my life

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I headed down for breakfast at 9:30 and was reunited with the rest of the band; none of them other than Mat any wiser about the massive things going on in my life. Of course they were going to probe and ask about why I hadn't flown there with them though... why I had been missing in action, why I was in LA. "So, are you going to tell me why I had to tell Zoe you were with me in LA the past few days?" Matt asked almost as soon as he arrived. He'd clearly been wanting to ask me for a while and the others all clearly knew about it. "You know she called and I had to lie and say you were taking a shit." he stated in amusement. I couldn't help but laugh.
"I will explain everything later." I said. I didn't want to tell them anything before I had those paternity results that were due today or tomorrow. "But thanks for covering for me." I added.

The guys kind of pushed, trying to figure out what the hell I was up to but I wasn't going to tell them... not yet. "You're not cheating are you?" Jordan asked me with a frown. I just rolled my eyes. Did he really think that little of me? "You'd tell us if it was something bad right? Like you're not... dying or something... are you?" Matt asked. I just laughed.
"I'm not dying..." I replied with an eye roll. "I promise I will explain everything, I'm just waiting on something, OK?" I said to try and get them off my back. They kept questioning but with enough silence and eye rolls, they eventually left me alone and I ate my food in peace. 

I went back to my room and did some work stuff; checking emails and approving designs for Drop Dead before Mat came and suggested we sneak out of the hotel so we could chat. It was a relief to have him to talk to about everything and I couldn't stop talking as we wandered around the city. In a way it felt weird to be back in my 'normal' life again; on tour with the guys, working on Drop Dead stuff, living in hotel rooms and never being somewhere for more than a couple of days... but when I was with Mat, all I did was talk about my "other" life... the one that revolved around Ivy and Roses.
"I never thought I'd see you like this, man. I mean, gushing over a baby." he laughed after I rambled on about how amazing Ivy was for a solid five minutes.
"Trust me, I didn't either. I don't know what it is... she's just so perfect. She's absolutely fucking adorable. She looks so much like Roses but she got stuck with my eyes." I chuckled.
"Are you calling Roses adorable?" Mat asked playfully.
"I didn't say that..." I rebutted. Mat just looked at me and I rolled my eyes. "Roses is gorgeous, as if anyone is going to say otherwise, but if you're trying to get me to tell you that I have feelings for her again or something, I'm sorry but you're not going to hear it." I replied.
"Again? So you did have feelings for her last time?" he questioned. Eugh. He was so annoying. "You know, you're a fucking pain in my ass." I stated. Mat just laughed. I don't know why he always had to say things like that, especially since he knew I was with Zoe. I was sure that he low-key didn't like her.

My phone beeped as we wandered back toward the hotel and I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw that it was a file from Roses. "Fuck." I said out loud.
"What?" Mat questioned.
"Roses just messaged. The results are back." I replied. I felt fear in the pit of my stomach... part of me didn't want to open the attachment Roses had sent me. She hadn't said anything in her message, just that the results were back – no smiley face to hint that it was positive, no words to ease my fear. What if Ivy wasn't mine? I didn't think I could handle that now that I'd accepted that she was. I took a deep breath and opened the results, my eyes automatically scanning over all of the numbers and stuff I couldn't understand. I searched for a simple answer, a yes or no, and I finally found it in the bottom right corner. I zoomed in just to be sure. Probability of paternity: 99.9%. Ivy was mine. I was her Father.

Relief flooded my body and I couldn't stop the smile from forming on my lips the second that information sunk in

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Relief flooded my body and I couldn't stop the smile from forming on my lips the second that information sunk in. I knew she was mine, but having the proof made it real and tears welled in my eyes. "Congrats man." Mat said as he obviously read the percentage too. "Are you happy?" he asked. The confirmation was definitely a lot to take in and it was going to change my life massively, but I was. I just looked at him with a smile and he kind of laughed at me. "Dude are you crying right now?!" he asked playfully. I laughed and shoved him. "Fuck off." I said. 

Roses was typing another message as Mat teased me, eventually asking how I was feeling, asking if I was OK... I just shook my head like I could barely even believe she gave a shit about how I felt when I never took her feelings into consideration once last year. She was such a kind, caring person. 

"I think this might be the happiest moment of my life 💗" I replied.

I knew those words would make her happy and I wanted that. I wanted her to feel good, reassured, secure. For once, I really considered her feelings. She deserved to know she wasn't alone in this massive life-altering situation and that I was there for her. She replied with lots of happy, smiling emojis and that made me feel good. I was determined to never make her feel like shit ever again, it would only be good vibes for everyone, kindness to her and a good example for Ivy from here on in. 

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