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Oli came back to the apartment the following day at 10am. He'd messaged me an hour earlier, asking if I wanted him to bring anything over, more donuts, coffee, some breakfast from the hotel... I had already eaten a bowl of muesli and drank a smoothie, so I said no, but it was still really thoughtful that he had asked.

With Oli around, I felt a kind of freedom that I hadn't felt for a while... like I suddenly had all of this time to myself. I knew I could leave Ivy with Oli and if he couldn't figure something out that he would come to me. I knew she was safe with him. It was actually kind of weird to have free time like that. Cass and I decided to organise dinner together and it felt like the old days as we chatted while we chopped vegetables in the kitchen. We used to always cook when we were home together and had nothing better to do with our time, and I can't deny how nice it was to give her my full attention. Ever since Ivy had arrived, my life had revolved around her, so Oli and the way he watched her like a hawk was a god-send. "You know, I'm not starting work until 4pm tomorrow, so I could babysit Ivy if you wanted to take Oli out somewhere. You should take him to some bars or to the fair or something." she suggested. I looked over at her with a frown. Was she actually suggesting I spend time with him? Make plans with him? "You're tune has certainly changed." I chuckled.
"Yeah, well, I know you're in a good headspace and I guess I can see that he's trying really hard to mend things. I mean, what he did for you last night was really selfless." she replied. I couldn't not smile as I hugged her tightly. "I still haven't forgotten what he did, but I can acknowledge that he's trying to do better... he obviously cares about you as well as Ivy." she said. That made me really, really happy because I felt exactly the same way. He had done wrong by me, but that was nearly a year ago and I believed he had changed. His actions had shown that since we'd met again and after last night, I felt like he cared about me too. "Thanks Cass. I would love to take him somewhere... he never does anything fun when he's here. I'll speak to him today and see what he thinks." I said as we continued our food prep.

Cassidy made a point to say goodbye to Oli when she left for work at 12, and even though it was such a small thing, it really made me happy. The tense, awkwardness between them felt like it had faded away and it made it all feel so comfortable. It did make it easy to imagine things in ways I shouldn't too though, to daydream about things I knew I couldn't have. It was easy to imagine Oli being there all the time, being with Ivy and I - and Cassidy, like one big, happy family. I knew I shouldn't fantasise about such things when he had another life I wasn't a part of, but it was sometimes hard not to when he looked so happy with Ivy. 

I decided to clean the kitchen and sort things around the apartment since I hadn't had a lot of time for that until now. I was dusting and making sure everything was where it should be and as I moved closer to my bedroom, I could hear Oli. As soon as I stopped moving around, the entire apartment was silent apart from the faint sound of his voice. I quietly walked over to my bedroom where Ivy slept, and the sound got louder as I approached. It was his voice, but he wasn't talking to her, he was singing and my heart started racing.

His voice was so comforting and warm and my heart completely melted in my chest as I listened to him sing to her. I leaned against the door frame, listening to him without him knowing, and although I missed whatever he'd already sung, I heard some of it.

"I would drown forever just to hold you
To the grave I will defend you
I'll be your army when you need me
A love so strong it surrounds me
creeping into my veins like Ivy."

I could feel tears welling in my eyes as his words flowed past his lips. They were so strong yet heartfelt, sweet yet protective. I'd never heard those lyrics before... and then it dawned on me. Had he, had he written a song for her? My heart was overflowing with this warm, fuzzy feeling that completely overwhelmed me as he just sat in my rocking hair holding her, now humming, and I guess he must have noticed my presence because he suddenly looked over at me.

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