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Oli came rushing toward me, crouching down in front of me and putting his hands on my knees. "What the fuck happened?! Are you alright?" he asked, his face showing a concerned expression. I nodded. He stood up and spoke with the paramedic, I heard him tell Oli I'd been hit in the back of the head with something, followed by the word 'concussion'. I felt so embarrassed. Oli crouched down in front of me again and stuck out his bottom lip. He was so sweaty, but I smiled at his sad little face. "I'm sorry. That crowd was mental tonight." he said. I didn't know what he was apologizing for, so I shook my head and frowned. "It's not your fault." I tried to say through my oxygen mask. He hadn't done anything wrong. He asked Cassidy what happened and she said I'd passed out after being hit in the head and security couldn't get me out because I was being crushed. He just shook his head like he was annoyed about it. 



Poor Roses. God I feel so bad. I hope she's alright.


Mat appeared in the room shortly after, and I noticed he was holding Oli's plastic rose. "Shit Roses, you OK?" he asked.
"I'm OK, thanks." I replied through my mask. It was really nice, and kind of surprising that he'd also come to check on me. He noticed me looking at the plastic rose in his hand and he hit Oli in the face with it. "You left this on my drums when you ran off stage. I thought you'd want it." he said. Oli laughed to himself as he took it from Mat, and I just smiled. It was pretty cute that he kept every rose I gave him, but it was cuter that maybe he had forgotten it because he was more worried about coming to see if I was OK. At least that's what I was going to tell myself to make myself feel good.
"Maybe I should give it back to you since you're having a horrible night." he suggested.
"No it's yours. And I still had a great night." I laughed lightly. The paramedic leaned down to speak with me again as they removed the mask and monitors from me. "OK Willow, I'm satisfied you don't have any serious injuries, but I want you to monitor the next 24 hours." he instructed. I nodded. The paramedic wanted to speak with Cassidy since she was essentially my care-giver at that moment, so she moved away and spoke with him - and strangely, Mat joined their chat too. I hope Cassidy was actually listening to the paramedic and not just staring at Mat and daydreaming about kissing him!

"So... You have a real name, huh? I should have guessed from your instagram." Oli questioned with a smile as he sat down beside me on the couch, taking Cassidy's spot. I just laughed.
"Yeah, but I like 'Roses' better." I replied. He laughed lightly.
"Willow is a great name!" he said, defending my birth name. "But I'll keep calling you Roses if you prefer." he laughed. I thought about how exhausted he must have been from the show and how much he was probably dying to shower and change into clean clothes.
"You can go if you want. You must be dying for a shower." I said.
He cocked his head to the side and frowned. "Are you trying to give me a hint?" he asked jokingly. I laughed at the comment, God he was adorable when he frowned.
"No, I just mean you don't have to stay here with me or worry about me. I'll be OK, and you probably have things to do after a show." I said. He looked amused.
"I've got nowhere to be." he replied. He was being really sweet, and it was very endearing that he cared enough about my well-being to stay for a while. I looked over at him for ages and I thought about how kind he was, and how you would never expect him to be like that just by looking at him. I couldn't help but smile at him.
"What?" he eventually asked.
"Maybe you're a nice guy behind your hardcore exterior." I told him. He laughed to himself.
"Trust me, I'm not. I'm an asshole." he said with a laugh. I giggled but I didn't believe that for a second.



Oh Roses, I'm not a nice guy. You'll see. 

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