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I was so lost in the moment as Oli kissed me that when he stepped back I almost felt dazed - like I didn't even know where I was. He kind of looked at me for a moment as my mind came back to life inside my skull. "How was your interview?" I asked as I stopped being so spaced out. "Better than the last one I hope." I added.
"Lets not talk about that right now..." Oli said with a laugh as he sat me on the edge of the bed and pushed me back into the doona. He pulled my shorts and underwear off; throwing them over his shoulder dramatically with a chuckle then fell forward onto his hands. He kissed my lips, before moving to my cheek and then the spot right below my left ear. "Open those pretty legs for me." he whispered softly before kissing my cheek again and standing back up. I did as he asked and he kissed the skin right by my tattoo, then kissed downward as he dropped to his knees. I closed my eyes as he went down on me and slipped his fingers inside me. God, he had getting me off down to a fine art... I swear he knew exactly what to do as he licked and sucked and did all the right things with his fingers. I pushed my hands through his hair and he looked at me which made me feel weak and ten minutes after he started, I was practically trying to throw my body off the bed as I involuntarily jerked and tensed from the intoxicating pleasure of orgasm. 

I felt exhausted when it was over, even though all I did was lay on my back with my legs open. I don't think anyone had ever made me feel so amazing in all my life, and as Oli planted kisses on my cheek and neck, I felt like I'd completely surrendered to him. He fell onto the bed next to me and propped himself up on his elbow, and I just laid there staring at the ceiling - even though I knew he was looking at me. "Happy?" he asked with a snicker. I let my face fall to the side that he was laying and I looked at him; totally fulfilled, euphoric, happy... and he just smiled at me as I nodded. My feelings were intense and unapologetic. I'd completely fallen for him and I couldn't think about anything apart from how much I liked him and wanted him to feel the same way.
"You're so funny after you orgasm. You get all dopey." he said as he leaned in to kiss my lips. He laid there, resting his head on his elbow just looking at me and I just stared back at him. I don't know how much time passed, but it felt like forever. "What are you thinking about?" he asked after a long moment of silence. 'I adore you', 'You make me happy', 'I think you're incredible', 'I'm falling in love with you...' I thought. I wished I could say those things out loud, but I knew he didn't want to hear anything like that. 
"I'm happy." I responded with a grin as I closed my eyes. 
"Eww." he said jokingly as he pulled me into his arms. I knew he was just kidding... I wondered if deep down maybe he was happy too. 

"So, since you asked before, the interview was great." Oli said a few minutes after we'd been laying there cuddling in silence. "That's good." I replied. "I was thinking about you the whole time, hoping you weren't having a terrible time." I admitted without really thinking. It wasn't a lie but I knew admitting that was showing my feelings a little too much. Fuck. He kissed my forehead and started telling me about the interview and the photo shoot in more detail and honestly, I could listen to him talk all night - it wouldn't matter what he talked about, I just liked listening to him; especially when he was holding me at the same time. I was almost disappointed when he said we should get out of bed to get ready to go out for dinner with the crew... but I nodded and headed for the shower to freshen up. 

I couldn't believe this was the last time I'd be with the guys, the crew, with Oli... it made me feel hollow inside, but I had to ignore what I felt the way I always did, even though it killed me. We ate at an Italian restaurant by the park, and I suggested an English bar for post-dinner drinks that we had to enter via a red phone booth. The guys all thought that was fun and kooky, and felt right at home inside - though joked about being offended there was no Bring Me The Horizon stuff on the walls. I sang 'Wonderwall' by Oasis loudly and badly with Mat when it played, but the words kind of rang true for me. I had to avoid looking in Oli's direction as I sang'there are many things that I would like to say to you, but I don't know how' because it was true, there were so many things I wished I could tell him and be honest about - mainly, how much I liked him and was going to miss him. Despite it being the last night of the tour, nobody went insane with their drinking, and surprisingly, Oli pulled me aside quite early to ask if I wanted to go back to the hotel. I was surprised, since he was usually the life of the party and the one who always wanted to go out. He probably wanted to have some marathon sex session since it was going to be our last night together or something though I suppose. 

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