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Once Oli had recovered from his bathroom treat, we decided to head over to the beach bar because apparently the rest of the guys were hanging out there to watch the sunset. They'd secured a prime spot under the palms and Oli sprawled out on one of the loungers straight away. Oli asked what I wanted to drink, but I offered to get them this time since he looked comfortable, lol. I headed off to the bar and found Jordan ordering drinks, so I asked him how his wife was and made small talk with him about his new baby.



This is so fucking relaxing... especially after that blowjob. Jesus, what an afternoon.

"Why do you look so happy?" Mat suddenly asked me, dragging me from my thoughts. I just laughed.
"I don't know what you're on about." I replied trying not to grin. He looked at me slyly and laughed. He definitely knew why I was in a good mood, or at least had an idea. I looked around to check where Roses was... to make sure she wouldn't hear me, but she was at the bar talking to Jordan. "Oh you know, just got the best blowjob of my entire fucking life." I chuckled. Mat laughed and shook his head then kicked my chair. "Fucking lucky bastard." he quipped.
"I didn't even fucking ask for it." I said with a chuckle just to make him even more envious. He just rolled his eyes at me and laughed. I'm sure he was jealous, lol.
"Well I hope you fucking re-payed the favour." he said as he got up and headed for the bar.

Hmm... well, no, but the night was young...


"Hey." I said to Mat with a smile as I passed him on the way back to Oli. He looked at me so strangely as he said Hi back... I had no idea why. I sat by Oli's legs on his lounger as I delivered him a beer and we sat around with the guys chatting about all kinds of random things... I didn't feel so much of a burden on them anymore, and I wasn't afraid to speak up like I used to be, they were actually really nice guys - though Mat and Oli were the clear troublemakers, and the ones who always steered the conversation into stupid places. I laid back on the sun lounger when Oli went to get more drinks and he laughed at me when he got back. "You look so relaxed." he laughed as he pointed his phone at me to take a photo. It was weird to me that he was suddenly taking photos of me, but I didn't mind at all. It wasn't like I didn't randomly shove my camera in his face either. I just closed my eyes and grinned and let him do whatever the hell he wanted to do.

I hadn't actually spoken Cass since I'd left San Francisco... we'd messaged a bit, but I hadn't heard her voice in days so I thought I'd take a moment to call her while Oli was occupied with his friends. It was about to hit 8pm back at home, so I knew she'd be going on her break at work. "I'll be back." I said to the group, waving my phone so they'd know I was going to make a call. I hit my #1 speed dial once I was down by the water and waited for her to answer.

"Willooowwwwwwww!!!" she squealed excitedly down the line.
"Hey Cass. How are you?" I asked with a laugh. It was so good to hear her voice.
"I'm good, but more importantly, how are you?!" she asked. 
"I'm great. I've been sitting at the beach bar with all of the guys waiting for the sunset." I replied.
"Oh my God, I'm sooooo jealous. I'm on my break, so excuse my eating in your ear." she said as she munched on something. "How's things with Oli? I hope you invited him into the bath with you." she said quietly like there were people around her that she didn't want to hear. I just laughed.
"Not exactly, I made him stand next to the bath, and then I made him lose his mind." I said proudly. 
"Blowjob?" she asked super quietly.
"Yes. It was a thank you for my bracelet." I laughed. She just laughed.
"Uhhhh have you seen his story?!!?!" she asked suddenly. I assumed she was talking about the photo from the island. "Yeah, with the rubbish? It was so sweet of him to post that." I cooed.
"Uh no, he just put up a photo of you, like a minute ago. Holy shit Wills, he's put a heart on it." she said seriously. I needed to see the photo so I put her on speaker and opened the app. 

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