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I walked around the city and sat in a park to waste the hour wait for Oli's gift to be ready, and the anticipation was kind of killing me to be honest. I was so happy with the idea, I hoped it would come out how I imagined it in my head. As soon as the hour was up, I hurried back to the store and when the man showed me the finished product, I wanted to scream.

There it was; this slick, sexy, matte-black bottle, engraved with the exact rose I had tattooed on my hip and Oli had tattooed on his side. It was useful, it was personal, it helped the environment and it was so Oli. It was perfect.

I thanked the man about 20 times as he put it in tissue paper then a gift bag for me, and I headed off with my perfect purchase

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I thanked the man about 20 times as he put it in tissue paper then a gift bag for me, and I headed off with my perfect purchase. I started to slowly head back toward the hotel since it was approaching 5pm - when Oli said he'd be back, and right as I was thinking about him, my phone beeped. It was Oli, sending me a DM on instagram - well, actually 3 since my phone beeped 3 times. When I opened the app, I almost died - Oli had sent me a shirtless photo and I felt myself blush as I stared at it. God he was sexy. He also asked where I was and told me to go back soon.

 He also asked where I was and told me to go back soon

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Holy shit. His photo was so hot. I couldn't stop staring at it. It was crazy how he could turn my gushy feelings about the present into ones of pure lust so quickly... I guess I knew how it felt when I sent him sexy photos now. I replied saying I would be back in ten minutes, and to tell you the truth - I started walking faster. I remembered what he promised I was getting when I got back to the room and I was eager. I swear he was the first person to ever make me this interested in sex.

"Oh, there you are. I thought you were going to be waiting for me when I got back..." Oli said with a snicker the moment I swung our hotel room door open. He was laying on the bed looking at his phone, with his shirt off just like in his photo. He was so fucking sexy.
"Sorry, I had to go and do stuff!" I replied with a laugh. Oli threw his phone onto the doona and sat up; swinging his legs off the side of the bed as I put my bags on the desk beside the TV.
"What did you buy?" he asked, motioning his head to the gift bag he'd obviously noticed. I wasn't planning on giving it to him as soon as I got back, but I guess it was as gooder time as any... and I guess it was better than giving it to him later in case he got drunk again. "Well... I uh, I got something for you." I said. "I hope you don't think it's totally weird that I got you a gift." I added as I retrieved the bag and walked over to him. I felt kind of silly, and maybe lame for giving him a present. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea, but it was too late now.



Oh God. What is going on right now? 

I hate getting presents. I hate having to pretend I like stupid shit! If this is a fucking framed photo of her or something, I am literally running out the door.

OK, It looks like an alcohol bag... Thank God.


"I just wanted to say thank you for my tattoo, and for letting me come on your tour... for everything really." I said a little shyly. I hoped he wouldn't think this was the stupidest thing in the world. "I hope you don't hate it." I said as I handed him the bag.
"Ohhh... I thought it was alcohol, but it's light..." he said with confusion. He pulled out the bottle and then just kind of sat there looking at it. He was taking way too long to react, or to say something. "It's our rose tattoo." I said with a smile after he'd turned it and looked at the engraving. I wondered if he didn't realise what it was since he was completely silent. "I didn't know what to get you, so I thought it was maybe something you could use. And it helps the environment if you use a reusable bottle rather than bottled water." I said trying to explain why I got it. "Not that I'm preaching or telling you off or anything." I added quickly, not wanting to make him feel bad. He still hadn't said a word. He hadn't even looked at me. Did he hate it? God I wished he'd say something... anything.



I don't know what to say... 

I'm speechless. 

OK heart, calm the fuck down.


"I can take it back if you don't like it." I said awkwardly and honestly, uncomfortably. As soon as I said that, his eyes shot to mine. "No." he said. "No, I love it, I'm just... I guess I wasn't expecting a gift like this." he added.
"I know it's a really weird thing to get as a gift... Are you sure it's OK?" I asked. He didn't really look like he was happy or excited about it, he just looked confused.
"It's perfect. I love the rose - it's very me." he said, finally cracking a smile. "Well it's very you too." he added, finally showing some kind of happy expression. Yay! I was so relieved.
"I thought it was useful, and environmentally positive." I said with a smile. He was looking at me so strangely, but he seemed happy. "Thank you." he said as he suddenly stood up to hug me tightly. "I really love it." he said as he squeezed me. 



I still don't know what to say.

This is so thoughtful... I actually really love it. 


The way he enveloped me in his arms made me so happy since he'd never been much of a hugger. He always made sure they were short, but this time he didn't rush to get rid of me and I loved it. It was warm and comfortable and I felt so protected and safe... it was the most wonderful feeling.

When he eventually let me go, he just stood there and looked at me and shook his head. "You didn't have to get me anything, you know." he said like he was a little confused about why I got him a gift. "I know, but I wanted to." I said with a shrug and a smile. He was trying not to smile, but he was, and he couldn't look at me as he shook his head to himself again, he just looked at the floor. He was almost being shy and I found it endearing. "You're so sweet." he said with an eye roll as he stepped in and pressed his lips into mine. He kissed me so sweetly; holding my body close to his and pushing my hair behind my ear so he could cradle my cheek. It was romantic and gentle, and I felt so happy that he was being that way with me - I wanted that moment to last forever. 

The way he was being made my heart fall further into a place it shouldn't... my feelings had become too strong, but he made me feel wonderful. I felt so alive with Oli, like there was just this energy between us that I'd never felt with anyone else. I was smitten with him... I adored him... I wanted to stay with him forever, and I wanted to give him every part of myself. I wasn't falling for him anymore, I had fallen, and I felt helpless.



I feel really fucking weird right now...

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