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NOTE - This entire chapter is written from Oli's side of the story 🖤


I was laying on the couch playing Playstation on a Monday night, enjoying my last couple of weeks of freedom before we started touring again when Mat called me. What the hell did he want at that hour? It was almost 9:30pm...
"Hey. Why are you calling me?" I answered with a confused tone.
"Is Zoe there?" he asked. What the fuck? 
"What?" I questioned. He sounded like he was anxious, like he had anticipation in his voice.
"You know, your girlfriend... Is she there?" he asked.
"No, why?" I questioned.
"I'll be there in 10." he stated before hanging up. What the actual fuck? 15 minutes later, Mat was at my house, buzzing at the gate to be let in. I wandered outside and frowned at him as he pulled up and parked in front of the garage, confused about what he was doing there.

As soon as we were in the house, he sat at the kitchen bench and I pulled a couple of beers from the fridge. "So what the fuck was so important that you needed to come over here at this time of night?" I asked in amusement. Mat just looked at me as I flipped the caps off our beers and he pulled out his phone.
"Remember Roses? from San Francisco?" he asked. I just looked at him. Seriously? Of course I remembered her... in fact hearing her name gave me a weird, uncomfortable kind of feeling. "Remember how she completely disappeared off instagram?" he continued. I just continued to look at him... that was months ago and I hadn't really thought about her too much since. To be honest, I didn't really give a shit anymore. "Remember she had that friend; Cassidy? I don't suppose you follow her on instagram?" he asked. Where the fuck was he going with all of this? I wished he'd just get to the fucking point.
"No, why would I follow her?" I asked. "I forgot about Roses, remember?" I added with a shrug. That was a lie, I didn't ever really forget her... I thought about her every time I saw that rose tattoo on my shoulder, or heard the word 'Mexico', but I left the past where it should be left and didn't really ever look back. "Well, I was deleting direct messages out of instagram earlier and I saw Roses' thread, and I came across that photo she took in Vegas... you know, the night we first met them right?" he explained. How could I forget? "So I clicked on her profile and still nothing. But then I clicked on Cassidy's profile, since she was tagged in the photo as well." he admitted. "God you sound like a total fucking stalker." I joked. I was surprised that Mat didn't laugh, it actually un-nerved me a bit. "OK, so why should I care?" I asked, playing along.
"Because I'm pretty sure she had a baby." he said seriously.
"Who Cassidy? I wouldn't be surprised, I think she slept around." I said as I leaned against the kitchen bench opposite him drinking my beer.
"No. Roses." Mat said with a straight face. 

I felt a strange feeling spread from my chest all the way to my toes when he said that. I can't really explain it... it wasn't necessarily a bad feeling, nor jealousy or something, I guess I was just surprised. "Cassidy had pictures of baby stuff and I thought she must have had a kid, but then in her story, she mentioned being a Godmother and then there was a picture of a baby's hand and it said Congratulations and she'd tagged someone called flower_girl95." Mat explained. I just frowned at him... he really was going so fucking in depth with his stalking, but why did it matter anyway? "So I looked at who flower_girl95 is... I think it's Roses." he said as he turned his phone toward me.

I looked at the profile on his screen, but there was nothing to suggest it was Roses

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I looked at the profile on his screen, but there was nothing to suggest it was Roses. It wasn't obvious who it was at all. It didn't have any personal information on it other than a picture of a pregnant girl with her face cropped out. I guess the profile photo of white roses could have been a hint, and the girl in the photo could be Roses, but there was no way anyone could tell. I felt strange looking at the photo though, knowing that it could be her. It made me feel something that I couldn't explain, something that I wasn't going to let Mat notice. "Why should I care? I seriously doubt it's her anyway... she had bigger dreams than to be tied down forever with a kid." I said as I shrugged it off. I didn't care. Roses was in the past... if she wanted to throw away her life to being a parent, it was up to her. I didn't need to care. Mat just stared at me.
"Oli, think about this for a second... the baby is newborn..." he said. "I don't want to freak you out, but if flower_girl95 is Roses... 9 months ago she was in Mexico. With you." he said.

My heart stopped.

My stomach felt like it fell out of body.

I felt my chest tighten and my mouth go dry.

I quickly counted the months since Mexico and my heart was racing as I realised Mat was right about the timeline, it was a couple of weeks shy of 9 months ago. There was no way though... was there? No, it couldn't be. I was careful. I was always careful. I didn't do it unprotected with anyone and I would have known if a condom broke or something. I made no mistakes. No, there was no way. This was all just a coincidence; a really fucking, momentarily terrifying one.

Mat was just staring at me, but I let out a heavy breath with a relieved laugh. "You freaked me out for a second there, man. Even if that was her, which I'm sure it's not, it's not mine. There's absolutely no way." I said as I took a massive mouthful of beer. "There were no mistakes. I used to sleep around with enough girls to be very careful with that shit." I said with a chuckle. Granted, I did get lost in the moment with Roses like I didn't with any of the others, but not so much that I would take such a risk. I never skipped protection. I never had accidents. "Nothing happened with her, I mean, none of them broke or anything. Trust me, I would deal with it immediately if that ever happened! You know how much I do NOT ever want a kid." I stated. That was the last thing I wanted... A baby was not a problem I wanted to have,  definitely not when the band was starting to really gain momentum and especially not with someone I was just hooking up with. "You don't even know if this girl is Roses, but even if it is, it's definitely not mine. There's just no way it's possible." I said. I was completely convinced.

"You don't think you should message her just to be sure though?" Mat asked me. Message her? Hell no. If it was her, it was none of my business and I didn't want to speak to her anyway. I didn't hate her or anything, but I'd moved on and clearly so had she. Stirring up the past wouldn't be good for either of us. I just wanted to leave it alone. "I'm not going to open that door again - it's closed and bolted shut now. Her life is nothing to do with me." I replied with a shrug. Mat just frowned at me.
"Alright, but just remember that you bragged to me that she didn't fuck anyone in the 3 months between leaving you in Atlanta and seeing you again in Mexico... she wasn't exactly a slut." he replied. He was right about that, but, well... I guess she must have gone on the rebound after Mexico to have wound up pregnant. Not that I would blame her for doing that after I completely broke her heart. How unlucky that she got knocked up as a result of it though. God I'm such an asshole. What do I know? Maybe she's in love with the baby's Father and it wasn't even an accident. Why does the idea of that stir up feelings of anger and jealousy? Whatever, it was none of my business. "Look, if we find out for sure it's her, or something comes up that makes it seem like I need to ask the question, I will, but I'm positive I have no reason to contact her. I don't want to get involved when it's nothing to do with me. It's probably not even her." I explained. Mat just nodded and stopped questioning. Finally.

Mat stayed for an hour or so, playing Playstation with me, but the mood was weird and I found it hard to focus. I couldn't really believe that Roses might actually be a Mother... that she potentially had a baby. She was young, studying and had massive career dreams... she loved travelling and spontaneous adventures, concerts, partying... I couldn't imagine her giving all of that up for parenthood. Roses had a sweet, caring nature, sure, but it's not like she'd ever come across as the type who wanted to settle down or have kids at a young age... I remembered the dirty talk and sexy photos... honestly, I couldn't picture that insanely hot girl that I had so much fun in the hotel bedrooms with as that pregnant girl on flower_girl95's profile. It actually made me feel uncomfortable when I thought about it. 

After Mat had gone, my mind went crazy and I couldn't stop thinking about all of his revelations, so I looked at that profile again. Was flower_girl95 actually Roses? Was that pregnant girl the same girl I was fucking all those months ago? I don't know why, but I hoped she wasn't. 

Mat made me paranoid, so I stalked Cassidy's profile for anything that gave me clues or answers, but there was nothing.

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