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We've finally touched down in San Francisco after god knows how many hours in the air... Thank fuck for that. I'm so relieved to be finished with that long fucking flight, and honestly, I'm so glad we're on tour again. The past month has been all kinds of hell... I need to get my mind off the break up and my fucking ex who ripped my heart out; and there's no better way to do that than to be on tour. 

To be honest, I'm not sure how it'll be... I haven't been single in years, and the rest of the guys are in relationships... fuck; Jordan is a Dad and everything! I remember the old days on tour when we'd go out after our shows, get drunk and go home with a different girl every night... God that was fun, but it was different then. Anyway, I'm sure the guys will  come out to let off steam and be my wing men, and if all else fails, I guess there's always social media. It's crazy how many girls slide into your DM's, even when you're NOT single. 

Anyway, it's good to be back on tour with the lads... and now, time to blow off some steam, forget about all this recent heavy shit and just have some fucking fun.


We arrived at the venue at 10am and queued. We couldn't believe that there was only 2 people in front of us! We were so excited knowing we were going to be able to get on the barrier. As 6pm rolled around and the doors opened, we ran straight for the front and center of the stage and we got it. As soon as my hands grabbed the barrier, I squealed. Cassidy was beside herself even more than I was. It felt like the longest 3 and a half hours of my life waiting for Bring Me The Horizon to come on, but when the lights went down at 9:30pm, I knew it was going to be worth it.

Cassidy almost deafened me when Mat appeared behind his drum kit, and when the chant of 'Happy Song' started and Oli walked onto the stage, I grabbed her hand and screamed my lungs out. This felt like the most amazing moment of my life!

There he was; Oli Sykes. The man of my dreams... well, the man of my fantasies at least. He was just as I imagined him to be; sexy, dangerous, dressed head to toe in ripped black clothing... but somehow also cute and maybe a little timid. He was so much better looking now that he was a real person and not just an image trapped on the screen of my mobile phone. They played nearly all the songs from their latest album, and the rest, mostly from the one before, and their stage visuals were truly a sensory overload. Oli's accent just about killed me when he talked to the crowd between songs and During 'Drown', he jumped off the stage so I leaned forward to try and see what he was doing. He was in the gap between us and the stage; running his hand along the people on the barrier but he stepped back before he got to the middle. I was so disappointed! He kept coming our way though and he stopped right in front of Cassidy and I before laughing at her sign. At that moment, I smiled and held my plastic rose out in front of me, past the sea of limbs of people crushing me to try and touch him. Maybe Cassidy preferred the drummer, but I didn't! He looked at me strangely and took the rose; grabbing my hand as he did, then used me to pull himself up onto the barrier right in front of me. He was literally using my hand to support himself up there as he sang, hovering over the top of me. I could have died I was so happy.

I looked at Cassidy with the hugest smile when he jumped down and went back to the stage and still had my stupid rose in his hand. He waved it around as confetti cannons went off at the end of 'Drown' and we were completely overwhelmed with a sea of white paper. I could barely even see Oli for the stuff! 'Drown' was the last song, so I was really sad when it ended, but I saw Oli walk off the stage – STILL with my plastic rose in his hand. I laughed to myself. The show was amazing!

Mat had obviously noticed Cassidy's sign and came straight over and threw one of his drumsticks to her... and to say she was ecstatic would be an understatement. As the last of the guys left the stage and the lights came on, we hugged each other and squealed at what had been such an incredible first show for both of us. "I'M NEVER WASHING THIS HAND!" I joked to her as I shook the hand Oli had held in front of her face. She just laughed at me. I was fan-girling hard.

We queued for ages at the merch stand on our way out, and it took forever for us to get home, but when we got back to Cassidy's apartment, I posted a few photos from our night; tagging all of the guys and Bring Me The Horizon and saying how much I'd loved my first Bring Me The Horizon show.

My ears were ringing, I was on a massive post-concert high, and I was SO ready for the next one in Los Angeles!



Show one done and dusted. Fuck that felt so good; I'm so fucking jet-lagged though... I need to go to bed. I'm probably gonna fall asleep in the back of the fucking van on the way to the hotel! 

Also, why the hell did someone give me a plastic rose? And why do I still have it? What the fuck? So weird. 

Anyway, let's go. I need to sleep. 

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