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Man that sleep in felt good. Wait... we're going to VEGAS today! Thank fucking God! Surely I can get the guys to come out and I can find some girls looking for fun there! Or strippers if I really get desperate... either way.

Fuck chasing pussy on social media. 

Get me on this tour bus and to sin city already!


When I woke up to my alarm at 9am, I felt like death. I wanted more sleep so I was relieved that we didn't have a concert that night. I rolled over and looked at my phone. There was nothing else from Oli, but I noticed he had 'seen' my reply at 8:30am. Cass messaged me about 5 minutes later saying she was heading back to the hotel, so I got dressed and packed my things.

"Well look who it is... How was last night?" I asked her slyly as she buzzed herself into our room. She just laughed.
"It was good, but he wasn't Mat Nichols." she replied jokingly. I just laughed. I sat fully-clothed on the toilet  while she showered so I could tell her about Oli's message and photo-liking spree last night. "No fucking way!" she squealed, sticking her head around the frosted door.
"Cass, what does it mean?" I asked in total confusion.
"Well he's certainly trying to get your attention!" she said. "And you accidentally rejected him." she laughed loudly as she went back out of sight. I just groaned. This was so bad. "Maybe you should send him a sexy photo or sext him or something." she suggested. "You know, to get his attention and let him know you're keen!" she cooed. I really didn't know about that... did I really want to be that type of fan? "Mmm... I'll think about it." I said, though honestly, I probably wouldn't do it. 

It was nearly 5 hours' drive to Las Vegas, so we got on the road with a pit stop for some unhealthy breakfast and gas. Even though we were tired, we were still so excited to get there... Vegas was always so much fun, enhanced further by the fact we were also seeing our favourite band. On our drive across the desert, Cassidy and I talked about trying to figure out where the guys would be staying or where they might hang out. We fantasized about running into them and all of the crazy things we imagined we'd say and do.
"If Mat was single I'd do so many things to him." she sighed as she slid down in the passenger seat.
"You don't want to know what I'd do to Oli..." I joked which made her erupt in laughter.
"I still think you should send him a sexy pic or something." Cassidy said. I just rolled my eyes at her and said maybe, and we went back to fantasizing. We were laughing and squealing and we honestly fan-girled the entire way there. We plotted and schemed and came to the conclusion that the band would probably stay at the hotel they were playing at, which was the Hard Rock hotel. That part made sense, but as for what they would do or where they'd go on their night off, we had no idea. "You could just ask Oli." Cassidy said winking at me. I knew she was just kidding, but God it was crazy that I actually could. I checked my phone again - just to see that the conversation with Oli was still there, and it was, but no new messages or notifications. Damn it!

We arrived at our hotel in the afternoon and checked in. It was located about half way between the famous 'strip' and the Hard Rock hotel, which was where Bring Me The Horizon were playing the following night, hence why Cassidy chose it. We decided to head straight out to explore the strip for a while and grab some snacks, and we would go for dinner later, watch the fountain show at the Bellagio and then maybe go for a few drinks - nothing crazy, but how can you not go out when you're in Vegas?! Oli still hadn't replied to my message from last night... he hadn't even seen it... so I felt like I'd totally fucked up and blown any chance I had of talking with him. I was so angry at myself, but Cass said not to worry - just to wait and see how it was at the next show. If he still came and took my rose, I'd message him.

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