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I woke up to Cassidy's alarm at 10am... yeah, it was pretty late, but we needed a sleep in after how much we'd been on the go. Not to mention my two late nights with Oli Sykes. She immediately asked me about my 'round 2' with Oli, so I told her everything, including how it felt way more intimate, how much we kissed, and about how we'd actually been face to face this time. I also mentioned the way he'd pulled me in for a kiss before I left and then messaged me a goodnight message when I got home.
"Sounds like he might have a little soft spot for you." she said with a grin. I just laughed.
"As if! It was just a bit more comfortable since it was the second time." I replied. Secretly I kind of hoped that she was right, but I knew nothing would ever come from it anyway. I wondered if he would message me today... or maybe ask if I want to 'hang out' again tonight. I hoped so.

After walking to Taco Bell for some seriously unhealthy breakfast, we decided we needed a pool day, and since the pool at our hotel was lack-lustre to say the least, we decided to head to the MGM Grand on the strip to visit their day club, or in other words; their pool party. A day chilling out in the sun and the water with drinks and music sounded perfect. By midday, we were poolside with drinks in our hands, taking in the bright Nevada sunshine. "Jesus Christ there's so many hot boys here." Cassidy said to me, dropping her sunglasses to oogle all of the wet, shirtless bodies. I just laughed at her as I laid on my sun-lounger with a trashy magazine in my hands. "Seriously? You're not even going to look?" she asked me. I rolled my eyes from behind my sunglasses and put away my magazine to help her scope. She was right, there was a lot of beautiful people there... and so much skin on show, but honestly, nobody was interesting to me. I guess I could blame Oli for that, and I could almost picture him standing waist-deep in the water, his hair all wet and water beading down his body over his tattoos. "Man, Oli would look so good shirtless in this pool right now." I sighed as I daydreamed. Cassidy shot me the filthiest look and threw her towel over my face in protest so I just laughed. "You don't have to be loyal to him you know..." she said when I pulled the towel off of me. "I mean, he's just casual... you can have fun with other people too." she said nudging me. I rolled my eyes. God she could be such a slut sometimes. "If I see anyone I like, I'll let you know." I said to her with a chuckle.

It was almost 1pm and I was really thinking about Oli... wondering what he was up to, if he was still in Vegas... wondering if he was maybe thinking about me as well or if he was off hooking up with other girls. I needed to get his attention. "Right, I need to take a sexy photo." I said, thinking maybe he'd remember I existed if I posted something a little raunchy. I was at a pool in a bikini, so it wouldn't even look totally desperate. "To send to lover boy?" Cass asked.
"Yes. How do my boobs look?" I asked as I laid beside the water.
"Like he'll get a hard on." she replied with a laugh. I took about a dozen photos before getting the perfect angle that made my boobs look amazing, and 5 minutes later, I'd posted it to my story. 

I got into the water for 15 minutes or so and fetched more drinks then came back to lay in the sun and read my magazine while Cassidy went to chase down some guy she liked the look of. I just laughed and wished her luck, then checked my phone to see if Oli had seen my post. I was acting totally desperate, I know, but I got the biggest rush when I knew that he'd seen it.

 I was acting totally desperate, I know, but I got the biggest rush when I knew that he'd seen it

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