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Oli had booked us in for dinner at the restaurant in his hotel in town, the Four Seasons, as always. He messaged me once he was out of the airport, so I decided to take the tram and meet him there with Ivy in her pram. I messaged him once I arrived and he said he was coming down. I had kind of forgotten about Oli's haircut in the hours since his call, but when he exited the elevator and wandered over to me, my jaw literally hit the floor.

"Hi, Stranger." he said as he approached. "Oh my God, your hair is so short!" I stated as I looked at him in wide-eyed wonder as I stood up to greet him with a quick hug. 
"I know! I keep trying to play with it and it's not there." he chuckled. "It's a weird feeling." he laughed as I let him go. "How are you?" he asked casually as he looked me up and down. I hadn't made a whole lot of effort, so I'm not sure what he was looking at exactly, but I told him I was good. "And how is my favourite little pumpkin?" he asked as he pulled back the pram cover to say hello to Ivy. I'm sure he was disappointed that she was fast asleep, but he still touched her head. "Aww... I swear she gets cuter every time I see her." he said as he covered her again to block out the light. "Alright, should we get our table? I'm starving." he asked.
"Sure." I replied.

"I still can't get over your hair... I mean, I know it's just hair but you look so different." I giggled as I put Ivy's pram out of the way and I sat down opposite him. He really looked so different, older, more grown up... less brooding and gloomy too. I did like his long hair, I have to admit but sometimes it looked so out of control, lol. This was definitely going to be easier for him to manage. I swear Oli looked bigger too, like he was more muscular, but maybe that was just my imagination. We chatted about his flight, my day at the hotel's spa a few weeks back, our plans for the next few days and he showed me a tattoo place he wanted to go to while he was in town, so that we could get our Ivy tattoos. Our dinner arrived quickly and we were done after barely an hour, so I suggested we go to his room so he could settle in and cuddle Ivy until she was ready to be fed. I was a little anxious about being in his hotel room since I hadn't really been alone in one with him since Mexico City, not while I was sober anyway, but everything felt OK once we were there.

Oli cuddled Ivy like he hadn't seen her in months, I guess as a newborn, a few weeks was a long time to be away though. He booped her nose and kissed her face and generally just smothered her in love and it was cute to watch. I breastfed her after a while and gave her back to Oli to burp. He was humming something as he gently patted her back, he actually seemed so invested and involved, happy but quiet. 

I put Ivy back in her pram to sleep and Oli and I started talking. He told me about Malibu and sounded so excited about it. He showed me pictures of the insane house the label booked for them too... it was 8 bedrooms, 3 levels and was right on the beach with direct access from the balcony down onto the sand. "Wow, that looks incredible!" I squealed quietly as to not wake Ivy. 
"Yeah, it's pretty cool, hey?" he replied. We talked about the dates and decided Cass and I would go down on Thursday; the same day the band arrived in LA; the day before the concert. We'd stay for 2 nights in a hotel then go out to Malibu on Saturday until the following Friday. We also decided that while the rest of the band went home, Oli would road trip back up to San Francisco with Cass and I for a week or so. It was going to be a lot of fun and honestly, I was really excited for it. It was the first adventure I was going to have since Mexico!

Oli was laying on his back and I was just sitting on the bed with my legs crossed as we chatted about things; the trip, what we were going to do while he was in town this time, our tattoo ideas. Bringing the tattoos up reminded him to email an artist at the tattoo parlour he'd found to get our Ivy tattoos done. The place had great reviews and the artist he liked had the most beautiful, delicate linework... her work looked incredible so I was happy to put my skin in her hands. I showed Oli a few pictures I'd saved on my phone and we were talking about tattoos for quite a while before  we hit a lull. We didn't have awkward silences very often anymore, though I didn't feel uncomfortable, just... quiet. Oli was just staring at the ceiling as I sat cross legged next to him and I started wondering why it had suddenly become so quiet. We'd been talking non stop for an hour or so and just talking about our matching Ivy tattoos... I wondered if I'd said something, or if he was just thinking. Sometimes it was impossible to know what was going on in Oli's mind. 

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