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As I laid there in Oli's embrace, I just smiled. Our reunion had been everything I had hoped for, and everything I thought it wouldn't be. He made me feel so many things; not just physically, but emotionally too, and it made me happy. "You're not falling asleep are you?" he asked as I laid there against him. "No, not yet." I replied with a little laugh.
"OK good." he replied. "I guess I should probably take you for dinner though if you're tired, right?" he asked.
"Sure, whenever you want." I answered. Honestly, I probably would fall asleep if I stayed laying there with him, but I loved being back in his arms, I didn't really want to leave. "I was looking forward to that all day, you know." he said softly as he squeezed me tighter. I wasn't really surprised and I laughed a little as I looked up at his face. "Well, to be honest, since I asked you and you agreed to come actually." he admitted with a laugh. He was so funny and desperate, but it made me feel good to hear it at the same time.
"Me too." I replied.

We laid there for a minute or two longer, quietly, though I could hear the waves crashing against the rocks through our open balcony door. It was so perfect and comfortable and, well, romantic. I was almost sad when he broke that perfect moment. "Alright." he said out loud as he slid his hands down and lightly tapped them against my bare ass cheeks. "Let's go down and get food." he stated. He rolled away from me and off the bed and headed to the bathroom, so I pulled my robe back over my body and headed to my suitcase. I hung up a few of my outfits as I tried to decide what to wear. "Are the rest of the guys joining us?" I asked as Oli emerged in nothing but underwear. Jesus, he was so sexy. "Nah, I think they'll be going a bit later." he replied. Knowing it was just Oli and I going for dinner together, on a beach in a beautiful, romantic place made me want to look my best... I mean, it was feeling a lot like a date to me, so I wore something pretty yet sexy and perfectly beachy. I hoped he'd think I looked nice.

I didn't pay too much attention to where we were going as we walked through the resort, but as we came to the restaurant, I was gobsmacked. It was beautiful. The entire place was open, on a huge deck area with tiki torches, and a clear, unobstructed view of the beach. There were tropical flowers on the place settings, chefs cooking over open flames up the back, and a stage on the sand with a band playing music that truly reminded you that you were on holiday. It was absolutely incredible.

Oli asked for a table for two and I'm pretty sure our waiter thought we were together together, but I obviously didn't mind. I had no problem with being seen with him, in fact I liked it - he was absolutely gorgeous after all. "My Gosh, I'm being way too spoilt... I'm never going to want to leave." I chuckled as the waiter brought me a glass of champagne without even asking if I wanted it. Oli just kind of looked at me with a tiny smile but didn't say anything, so I started reading the menu. It felt a little awkward, I have to be honest... kind of like a first date, in the way you're not 100% sure what to say at first. "You look really good, by the way." Oli said randomly and a little awkwardly as we sat there alone. I guess after everything that happened and after all the time that had passed, the conversation was going to be a little clunky. I think he was a little unsure... but it really did feel like a date so I wasn't surprised. "Thank you. You look really good too, but you knew that already." I replied with a smile, joking a little to try and lighten the mood. He asked about my Birthday in LA, about Yosemite, about Uni, and I asked about his tour and if he'd done anything fun in Europe. The weird tension went away pretty quickly as we sipped cocktails, laughed, talked and ate our meals, but I noticed he wanted to talk about me more than himself. I guess he didn't want to think about the tour when he was on holidays. The awkwardness had completely gone by time we finished eating and I was enjoying chatting with him, but as time passed, I started yawning more and more. I was soooo tired. I didn't want to end the night with him so early, but I was starting to struggle with staying awake. 

It was around 8:15pm when the rest of the band arrived at the restaurant and I automatically got up to awkwardly kind of hug them all, apart from Mat; I was genuinely happy to see him again and give him a big squeeze. I don't know what it was about him, but he had such a positive, friendly energy - he always had done. "Roses! Fancy seeing you here." he joked. I felt myself blushing, not really knowing what to say. "I know... pretty crazy huh?" I answered. It was crazy to be around people that I'd admired from such a distance before... that were only ever images on a screen or voices in my headphones... that seemed impossible to actually reach. It sounds funny, but I got a little starstruck with them. I never imagined I'd be around anyone famous... certainly not a band from England... and I definitely never imagined that I'd be hanging out with them at a resort in Mexico. I wondered what they thought about Oli inviting me there... I hope he had told them that he was inviting me there! The guys wanted us to join them at the bar and I really wanted to, but I was so tired. I said I'd go for one drink but would leave at 9pm - at that point I would have been awake for 20 hours, so I needed to sleep. Mat called me a lightweight and gave me shit about my jet lag, so I hit him in the arm as I walked with them to the bar.

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