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Oli walked out of the hotel before I made it inside and automatically came in for a hug. "You look beautiful." he said with a smile as he let me go. To be honest, I made more of an effort that morning than I had some other days, but still, who would think three words would make me feel so good? His hug was quick, but I assumed that was because he was eager to see Ivy. He put his head straight into Ivy's pram to say hello to her as soon as he let me go. She was awake and looking at him as he just beamed at her, smiling as he booped her little nose. God, why did he have to be so adorable? Let's also not forget the photo from earlier where he was literally looking like sex on legs. He was too much. Anyway... "Ready to go see lots of flowers?" I asked. He smiled at me and nodded. "I brought a picnic blanket, so lets stop on the way to get some snacks." I suggested as we headed out of the hotel. He nodded and told me to lead the way, so I did. We headed to wholefoods and got some hummus and crackers, some fruit, popcorn... all healthy-ish kind of snacks since I was still trying to lose my baby weight. We got some drinks too, then jumped on a tram to take us to the gardens. I hadn't taken Oli there before, so I pointed out the science museum, the art gallery, the big wheel; all attractions within the park that also held the botanic gardens and about six million sports grounds. "There is so much stuff here." he said as he looked out the window. "Yeah, there's a golf course, a planetarium, fields for just about every sport, even a lake where you can hire boats... it spans like 50 or so suburban blocks. Pretty impressive, huh?" I asked.
"San Francisco is kind of impressive full stop." he laughed. He wasn't wrong.

"So, you know how you were talking about being around more next year..." I asked, wanting to bring it up with him for some clarity for myself. "Are you thinking of like, just coming more often like you do now, or, renting a long-term airbnb or something? I mean, I would offer for you to stay with us, but as you know, our apartment is pretty much only big enough for two. Well, two and a baby." I chuckled.
"No no, that's OK, I totally get it. I'm the weird third wheel." he laughed. "Are you sure you want to talk about it? We don't have to talk about it right now if you don't want." he said. Clearly he was afraid of worrying me or freaking me out.
"No, we should talk about it. I swear, I'm not going to freak out." I promised. He just smiled.
"OK, Well, I was thinking I would rent an apartment, somewhere close to you then just go back to England for a couple of weeks every few months or something. Or... I don't know, maybe I'd even think about buying an apartment, I'm not sure yet. I just know that I want to be here more while I can be. What do you think?" he questioned. I think Oli already knew what he wanted to do but he wanted to let me have a say in it. I don't know why, I just got that impression. I guess that was nice of him. "I mean, if I got an apartment near you, I could make a room for you and Ivy so you could bring her and stay the night, or I could just keep visiting you like we do now, I mean, it's just ideas at this point." he said. I could tell he felt a bit awkward talking about it with me, but I wasn't scared or upset or angry or anything. The idea of having him so close by was actually nice, though still a little daunting. I didn't expect this, I really didn't but it didn't sound like he was trying to mess with my life. It seemed like he was trying to disrupt it as little as possible. "It would be nice to have you here more, I know Ivy would be really happy, however you decide to make that happen" I said.
"Thanks Willow." he replied.



I had lied when I said I might think about buying an apartment. Truthfully, I'd already spent hours on real estate websites looking at apartments in the area surrounding Willow's place and I'd already found a couple for sale. I was originally looking at rentals with a one-year lease, but the more I thought about it, the more it made more sense to just buy one. They weren't super expensive and it's not like I didn't have the money, plus real estate is the most risk-free investment anyway since it never really loses value.

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