ROOM 1109

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I arrived on level 11 and stopped outside the door of room 1109. I felt so plagued with nerves about who and what awaited me on the other side of that door. It was really hard to believe that Oli Sykes was in there, and that he had willingly invited me there. I was so turned on just thinking about the possibilities... I took a deep breath and knocked twice before sliding the key card into the door lock. I swallowed hard as the light turned green, and I pushed the door open.



That must be her. YES! 

Deep breath. 

Why the fuck am I nervous?!


Oli opened the door as I pushed it; he was obviously waiting for me and as I saw him standing there shirtless, I felt my legs go a little weak. God he was so sexy. I felt the tension in the air, like he was eager for what was going to happen, and I felt kind of like prey walking into a lion's den.
"Hey. I'm glad you came. Do you want another drink?" he said to greet me.
"Uh, that's OK thanks. I think you've given me enough already." I replied, trying to make a joke as I stood there awkwardly and waited to see what happened next. He looked at me with a grin, then poured himself a glass of something. "I can't believe you thought you needed plastic roses for me to notice you." he chuckled. I felt myself blush - I could never take a compliment well, and I didn't know how to respond to his flirting. I was kind of in a state of disbelief at the entire situation. He started walking toward me, shutting off the main light on the way so it was a little more mood-lit and then stopped. "Are you sure you don't want anything?" he asked again as he got close to me and took a sip of his drink. I felt like the insides of my body were in a mincer... he was staring at me with the most intense look, and I felt like I was getting sucked into a vortex. It was like he had me under a spell. "I just want you." I said out loud, without even realizing - my mouth spitting out my thoughts without the usual filter. I had totally lost control. He grinned at me and stepped right in front of me. "You're cute." he whispered. He leaned in and kissed me lightly on the lips and I felt my entire body tingle at the contact. It was so hard to believe what was happening. He put his glass down on the table beside me, then kissed me again, this time intensely; our tongues chasing each other in some kind of passionate wrestling match as he held my jaw in his hand. He was a good kisser and it made me want him so much more. His free hand landed on my hip and he pulled me in close to him. I was so turned on, it was like Niagara Falls had relocated to between my legs.



God this girl is making my heart race and I'm not even doing anything to her yet. She seemed so confident and flirty but now she's gone all shy and innocent... Oh man. 



His hands slipped under my skirt and up my thighs while I unbuttoned his pants. I couldn't get him out of them fast enough, but I struggled with the button - I couldn't think straight and my hands were so clammy. His fingers felt like electricity against my skin and as he ran his fingers under the band of my underwear and started tugging them down, I felt like I could faint. He kept kissing me, now moving between my lips and my neck as he pulled my top off over my head. I couldn't focus at all, all I could think about was that this couldn't be real... this couldn't really be Oli Sykes. How was that even possible? I finally managed the button and zip on his pants and I pushed them down and out of the way and he kicked them off. He was down to just boxers and the reality of the situation started sinking in as I saw how turned on he was getting already. It's not like I'd never been in the same situation with a guy before, but Oli was different, and I felt more nervous than ever - even more than the first time I had sex! I kissed his neck as I ran my hands over his chest and part of me wanted to stop and look at his tattoos, but I couldn't stop myself even if I wanted to. He was so incredibly sexy and I was so eager. I ran my hands down further until I reached the elastic of his boxers, and as I pulled them down, I dropped down to my knees. I remembered what Cassidy had told me about not forgetting the blow job...

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