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Oli and I were now in Pacific Heights; a posh area that I didn't expect to be in because of the how expensive it was and also somewhere I didn't expect to see a gothic looking house. Most of the houses in the area were pretty traditional looking. I guess I expected the inside to have a dark, gothic kind of vibe too, but actually, it was the warmest, most simple yet elegant interior of all the houses we'd looked at and I got such a good feeling the second I walked in the door. The realtor took us to the kitchen and it was immaculate; huge, slick and modern and the dining room had these beautiful tan-coloured chairs and gold accents. There was a fireplace in the lounge, huge floor-to-ceiling windows and exposed beams in the lounge that made it feel so architectural. Again, there were three bedrooms, two with ensuites but this one also had an office and another bedroom downstairs with it's own bathroom and lounge that once again felt like a little separate unit. It also had two garage spots and to Oli's excitement, an unused room that he immediately dreamed about turning into a recording studio. There was a massive walk in closet in the master bedroom that I definitely liked and a view of the city out the window that I could get used to waking up to. "Before we go to the backyard, this house has a surprise." Oli said as he squeezed my hand. "Follow me." the realtor said as he led us to the internal staircase. We went up another level and Oli told me he was going to cover my eyes. I wasn't sure what he was surprising me with, but I felt the breeze on my skin as he opened a door and led me outside, and when I opened my eyes the view was amazing. "Oh my Gosh." I said as I looked out over San Francisco. The city high rises were to the right, the Golden Gate bridge was to the left and I could see the water which meant Fisherman's Wharf had to be right in front of me. "I thought we could watch the fireworks from here." Oli said softly as he wrapped his arms around me from behind. I felt goosebumps erupt all over my body as his words sunk in. Emotion flooded me, I couldn't believe he'd remembered me talking about loving the fireworks from the pier so much... saying I would take Ivy to see them when she was older. 

Before I had a chance to say anything, he turned me around to show me a bar and lounge area behind us, with a TV and stereo; like a private, intimate, mini rooftop bar. My mind started racing at the thought of being able to throw little parties up there to watch the fireworks on New Year's Eve or the Fourth of July. Then there was the backyard that I could see below; a big grassy area as well as a paved area with plenty or room for a big outdoor dining table... not to mention the trees and greenery around the fence line that made it feel more private. It was so beautiful, the whole house was. I didn't even know what to say as I just stood there taking in this home.



I could tell by the way she smiled when we first entered that she liked this house. I noticed how her eyes lit up every time we entered another room, how she touched all the surfaces and how excited she was by the walk in robe and the big backyard visible from the bedroom window. The cherry on top was the rooftop though - she was absolutely  speechless over it. There was no doubt that this house was her favourite. 

"Do you like it?" I asked as we stood there on the terrace. She tried to not let me see it, but I had seen the sparkle in her eyes like she'd already pictured herself, Ivy and Cassidy cooking around the kitchen bench or playing with a dog together on the grass. "It's a beautiful house." she replied without giving much away. I didn't know why she was afraid to show me her excitement, to tell me how much she liked it... I knew she did. "Willow..." I said as I took hold of her hand. "Your opinion is really important to me. I'm doing this for us as a family, so I want you to be honest about what you think and tell me when you feel something; good or bad." I said as I rubbed the back of her hand with my thumb. She let out a heavy breath and then looked at me, her eyes full of this expression I couldn't put my finger on. "I'm sorry, I'm just kind of overwhelmed at the thought of living somewhere like this." she said. I just smiled at her. There was my nervous, overwhelmed Willow again. As much as I didn't want her to ever feel uncomfortable, there was something about the way she got overwhelmed that just melted my heart, like she was so innocent and needed guidance or something. 

"This is the one, isn't it?" I asked quietly, squeezing her hand tighter. She looked me dead in the eyes and she looked like she had tears in hers. "If you asked me to create my dream home, this is pretty much what I'd create." she said softly. "I can't even imagine calling a place like this home though. It's beyond amazing." she added.

I couldn't help but smile. It was all I needed to hear. 

I kissed her forehead and looked at her with a smile. "Let's stop imagining then. Let's go for it - let's make it our home." I said. She looked at me with a frown for a moment then wrapped her arms around me tightly. I wrapped my arms right back around her too, completely enveloping her in them. Holding her in what would hopefully be our home together felt so wonderful... honestly, I never wanted to let go. "Oli... how can I accept this? How can I accept you doing this and me living in a place like this?" she asked me.
"You don't have to accept anything. I'm buying a house and I just want you to live in it with me." I told her with a smile. "If it makes you feel better, you can tell yourself that you'll be taking care of it for me when I have to go back on tour one day." I said with a kiss to her head. She was definitely feeling overwhelmed but I was so fucking happy. I was so happy that on our first day of looking we had already found our dream house, her dream house. My ultimate goal was to make her happy and I could tell that she was.


The agent came and joined us on the terrace and asked what we thought of the house. Oli looked at me with the biggest smile and I just stared back at him feeling completely overwhelmed. "Well, we want to put in an offer." he said as he looked back at the agent with the goofiest smile. I could barely believe what was happening. My heart was pounding and my hands were shaking. How were we already doing this? How was Oli already buying a house - a beautiful, dream house in Pacific Heights never the less. We'd only been looking for a day! 

I took a deep breath as we headed back to the kitchen and as the agent started to organise paperwork, my mind was racing. "Oli, I know it's none of my business really, but, this house must cost so much. I don't want you to buy it just because I like it. I liked all of them." I said quietly, feeling awkward about how much he must have been spending. Originally he was just going to buy an apartment, not a god-only-knows how expensive house in an expensive suburb. "Willow... Please don't worry about it. I love this house too and I wouldn't have inspected it if I couldn't afford it, would I?" he asked. I went to say something, but Oli kissed me quickly before asking me to go and explore the house some more, I guess because he didn't want me to overhear him talking business or whatever, so I did. I stood in the doorway of what I imagined would be Ivy's room and pictured her crib, toys, decorations and my rocking chair by the window. I went to the master bedroom and pictured Oli and I in there; my pretty, girly clothes on one side of the huge walk in robe and his black, ripped clothing on the other. I headed downstairs and imagined our parents, Tom or Mat coming to visit and staying down there; how we could use it like a guest suite... the house really was perfect. "You know I'm going to steal down here as my recording studio if we get the house, right?" Oli asked as he appeared behind me and made me jump. I just smiled at him. It made me happy that he could obviously see himself in that house as much as I could.
"We'll have to put in a doggy door for the dogs and the cat." he chuckled as he put his arms around me and nuzzled into my neck. "And for us when we inevitably lock ourselves out..." I added. Oli just laughed and squeezed me tighter.

We wandered around in the garden hand in hand talking about vegetable gardens, barbeques and cubby houses for Ivy and I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. The idea of having all of that room for her, having pets for her to grow up with... it was like a dream, but it made me really happy. We wandered around inside for a few minutes too before letting the realtor close up what could be our, well, Oli's house in the next day or two. I looked at it with a smile as we drove away, the reality of what was about to happen dawning on me as we left. I wasn't sure what I even wanted to say to Oli, how I would ever be able to thank him or repay him, but he needed to know how fucking much I appreciated what he was doing for me, for Ivy, for Cassidy...
"Oli..." I said as we waited at a set of lights at the end of the street to head home.
"Don't say anything, baby." he said with a smile as he grabbed my hand and kissed it. "Let's wait until it's actually ours." he added. He was right. It wasn't ours yet and until it was, I needed to stay calm and not get my hopes up. 

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