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The following day, I messaged my friends with the invite to Cassidy's spur-of-the-moment Birthday picnic, and I told them that they would all get to meet Ivy there too. The responses were full of excitement and eagerness, and that made me feel wonderful. I hated shutting my friends out for so long and it felt good knowing I wouldn't have to anymore.

When the day of the picnic arrived, I made a little effort to look nice to see everyone for the first time in forever. I definitely didn't dress up, but I swapped pyjamas for a maxi dress and took my hair out of it's usual messy bun - it's funny how just doing that seemed like making an effort now that I was tending to a new born and having very little time to myself for anything other than napping.

Cassidy had hired a company to set up her picnic in the Botanic Gardens - nothing too over the top or fancy, just some pretty tables and chairs amongst the trees and a couple of grazing platters - and wine, of course. I took Ivy in her pram and dressed her in the cutest little outfit to meet all of her non-biological Aunts, and to be honest, I wasn't really nervous about the questions that were going to come my way. I was actually happy to tell them that Jayce wasn't her Father, that her Dad was actually an incredibly talented, successful and non-threatening person. I was excited to tell them that he had visited her and that he was coming back again. I didn't feel so ashamed of the situation anymore, and I didn't feel awful about anything that had happened because Oli had stepped up and accepted his role as her Father. It was surprising but reassuring to say the least.

While our friends were desperate to meet Ivy, Cassidy made everyone sit and wait until everyone had arrived so that I wouldn't have to repeat my story about Ivy and Oli over and over. I appreciated the way Cass always tried to minimise the pain or awkwardness on me, even though I was actually kind of happy to share my news... Gosh, they were going to be so shocked though.

"So, I know you're all here for me since it's by Birthday, but I know you're all waaaayyyy more interested in meeting Ivy, so... who wants the first cuddle?" she asked before shooting me a quick look to make sure I was ok. I smiled and nodded, happy she was taking control of the situation for me. Cass scooped Ivy out of her pram and handed her to one of our friends who was already gushing before she was even in her arms. I knew they were probably already putting it all together, wondering how her skin was so light when her Father supposedly had dark skin... I knew it was time to explain and I wasn't even nervous.
"So, I guess I want to tell you guys a few things that you're probably already wondering about." I said before taking a deep breath. "Everything I told you about Jayce, the guy I slept with at that house party... I meant it and I honestly thought it was the truth, but, he's not Ivy's Father. I didn't find out until she was born and I held her... that's also kind of why I couldn't let you meet her sooner." I explained. My friend closest to me grabbed my hand and smiled, while another looked at me knowingly. They weren't idiots. "So, if you haven't already worked it out... remember I spent a week in Mexico with Oli Sykes last year?" I questioned. That's when the gasps and wide eyed stares started, the 'oh my god's' and 'wows'. They seemed pretty shocked, though still happy. "Oli is her Dad." I said. They had definitely already figured that out. 

I proceeded to tell them that he had visited two weeks ago and met her, that we'd done a paternity test, that he was coming back in a couple of weeks and that he'd been keeping in contact, wanting to be involved even though he was on tour. Of course they asked silly questions about what was happening between Oli and I, and I had to explain that he was in a relationship now, that we were just co-parents, but it didn't even matter. I just felt happy telling them about Ivy and Oli, about the way he was with her, and I could tell they were happy for me too. Obviously it was such a big improvement on what it would have been if she were Jayce's daughter like I originally thought. 

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