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When The Killers finished their set, we headed backstage where there the rest of the band were showered, dressed and sitting around on their phones; apart from Mat who had Ivy in his lap and was playing peek-a-boo with her. "Mat, I think a baby suits you." I said playfully.
"You think so?" he asked.
"I do. Is she making you clucky?" I asked with a chuckle.
"Well I can't lie, I do have a soft spot for your little Ivy, BUT, let's not forget that when she starts screaming or shits herself, I can give her back to Oli." he laughed. I just laughed. I definitely understood.

"OK, everyone ready to get going?" their manager asked as he arrived in the dressing room.
"Yes, I'm so ready for drinks." Matt replied.
"How far away is this after party thing, anyway?" Jordan asked as he pulled shoes onto his feet. I quickly made the assumption that they were going out drinking and as much as I would have liked to go, that obviously wasn't the sort of place for Ivy. "It's in Santa Monica, it's like 20 minutes away." their manager replied. Overhearing this information, I went to Cass who was talking to Brian and seemed to have missed the whole exchange. "Hey, so the guys are going out to an after party at a bar, so I'm going to head home with Ivy." I said to her quietly.
"Oh, what? Damn, OK. I'll come with you." she replied. I just smiled at her.
"No, Cass. I went out last night and now that Brian's here, you should hang out with him." I told her. "I want you to go and have fun, OK?" I pleaded as I held her shoulders.
"But..." she said with a sad face.
"No buts. It's really not a big deal. I'm happy to chill out alone. You go out, reconnect with Brian and have fun. You deserve it." I insisted. She hugged me and then I grabbed Oli to let him know my plans.

"Hey, so I'm going to head back to the hotel with Ivy, but Cass is still going with you guys if that's OK." I said to him, still speaking quietly.
"Oh fuck, I didn't even think. Sorry. The label just booked us to go, I hadn't even thought about Ivy. I'll come back with you." he said.
"Don't be silly! You have to go and celebrate. I'm pretty tired anyway." I said.
"I'm not going to let you sit at the hotel on your own..." he said with a frown.
"I won't be alone, I have Ivy and I don't mind, really. I'm sleepy anyway." I replied.
"But I don't even like after parties and it won't be any fun without you." he said. I just laughed.
"I'm sure you will have fun without me. In fact you will probably have more fun without me. You can chat to the other bands and meet people." I said. Oli just looked at me sadly. "Seriously, go!" I insisted.
"Willow..." Oli said with a sad look.
"I'm not debating this with you. Go let loose, drink, meet people and have fun. I'll see you in the morning." I said.



I don't want to go and 'have fun', I want to stay with her. I'd prefer to be at the hotel doing nothing with her than having to talk to people I don't give a shit about in some noisy, busy bar. And what does she mean by 'meet people'? Does she think I want to talk to other women because I really don't. 

Eugh. She's so stubborn, lol.


I announced to the guys that I was feeling really tired and needed to get Ivy to bed so I was going to head back to the hotel. They all protested and asked if I couldn't go but I really couldn't take Ivy, so I just told them I was too tired and said goodnight. Oli made the minibus drop Ivy and I home, and he frowned at me when it stopped at the hotel entrance. "Have a great night, everyone, don't be too hungover for the drive to Malibu tomorrow." I laughed. 
Oli took Ivy's baby capsule from the van and said he'd carry it up for me, but I told him I was perfectly able. "Go have fun. We'll see you tomorrow." I smiled. Oli let out a heavy breath then kissed Ivy's head. "OK. Goodnight." he said reluctantly before climbing back into the mini bus.

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