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We spent five days in Sheffield and lots of that time was spent with Oli's family. They adored Ivy and I felt welcome around them too, like they included me and talked to me to make sure I didn't feel left out. Tom was particularly friendly toward me and absolutely loved his niece... I think she liked him too because Ivy squealed and smiled at him all the time, especially when he'd play peek a boo with her. It was so sweet. As promised, Mat came to visit - he actually came to Oli's birthday lunch and then brought his girlfriend out for dinner with us one night too. It was nice to meet her, but somewhere in my mind I thought that if she wasn't around, Cassidy may have had a whirlwind romance with Mat while I had mine with Oli... lol. I knew that was a silly thought but I couldn't help myself. His girlfriend was lovely though and it was nice that I would have another familiar face when I went to the guys' last show in just under two weeks time in London. Everyone in Oli's life seemed down to earth and friendly and that made me feel at ease. I liked being around them.

Sheffield wasn't a small town but it wasn't bustling like San Francisco or London, it was much quieter. Colder too. I liked the change of pace though, the open-ness and the way it felt like you were in the middle of nowhere after driving just 10 minutes out of the centre of town. We explored the city and surrounds, we even took Ivy to a farm-come-animal rescue and she was obsessed with the fluffy alpacas! So much so that Oli bought her the cutest little outfit. It was utterly adorable but when he put her in it, she really didn't seem impressed. I could just imagine what she was thinking... 'why the hell are you dressing me up like a fucking alpaca, Dad?!'. Lol. Her personality was really starting to come out now that she was getting a little older and it intrigued and entertained us all the time. Oli posted a photo of her on his Instagram and tagged me, and I could not stop laughing when I saw it. She looked so unimpressed in that alpaca jumper.

"She looks so much like you, so grumpy

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"She looks so much like you, so grumpy." I chuckled, seeing the big frown on her face.
"Hey! I'm never grumpy!" he protested. "Did you hear that, Ivy? Mummy thinks we're grumpy." he said to her, making her frown at him yet again. He just laughed.
"Maybe you are a grumpy little Syko." he smiled. Ugh, they were both so adorable.

The weather in Sheffield was cold, much colder than San Francisco and while it wasn't raining, it wasn't sunny either. It seemed perpetually overcast and I could only imagine how cold and miserable it would be there in the middle of winter! Imagine the snow!!!

Our days in Sheffield were fun and were going by quickly. It was so nice to meet his family and see Mat again, but I was beyond excited about where we were going next: London. I wasn't sure exactly when we were heading down there, but on Thursday, Oli told me to pack because we were heading off the following day. It was still ten days until Bring Me The Horizon played their show in London so I was surprised we were going so early, but I was sure I could fill nine full days in London. There was so much to see there after all! I guess Oli probably had to practice and get ready... maybe do some press stuff too.

I had liked being in Sheffield but I was so excited about heading to London to explore. I packed mine and Ivy's things and went to bed that night, almost unable to settle with how much I was looking forward to the adventure we were about to go on. "Oli, I really liked being here, but I'm so excited for London, I don't even know if I'll sleep." I told him as I laid in his arms.
"Don't be silly. You would sleep through an earthquake." he chuckled. He wasn't wrong. "I'm so happy that you're excited though. I think tomorrow is going to be a very exciting day." he said as he kissed the side of my head.

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