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We sat around and chatted, and I made sure Oli ate food and had drinks put in front of him. All of my friends wanted to talk to him, I mean, I got it... he's a famous rock star, though I forgot about that most of the time. They asked about his tour and he talked about where he'd been the past few weeks... about how tiring it was... about how he'd gone straight from the venue to the airport and left Madrid less than 2 hours after coming off stage to get to San Francisco when he did. God, he must have been absolutely exhausted! Hopefully he got some rest on the plane at least.

"Hey, you didn't happen to send Willow roses today by any chance, did you?" one of my friends asked without a filter as she sort of looked at him with a cheeky, drunk grin. Oh my God, how embarrassing. Oli kind of laughed but he looked awkward as fuck as he looked at me. "Uhhh yeah, that was me. I uh, I organised them before I changed my flight, so..." he admitted. I felt my face go red and I hated that I couldn't hide the way I felt knowing he'd sent me roses. I looked at Cassidy and she looked as confused as me, but she shot me that 'I told you so' kind of eyebrow raise. I wanted to hide, but I also saw the way my friends' expressions changed. God, I swear they were all falling in love with him more and more by the minute, lol. He was definitely charming them and making a good impression, though they didn't know what he'd said to me or the extent of the pain he caused me after Mexico. Cassidy on the other hand did and she wasn't buying into his charm like the others were. It was almost impossible to believe that this calm, charming and likeable person was the same one who hurt me and made me feel so awful last year.

"Oh, hey I just realised, where's Ivy?" Oli asked me quietly out of the blue once the focus had shifted off of him. He didn't sound concerned, just curious I guess.
"Oh. My parents are in town so they're looking after her tonight. I'm not drinking too much though, you know, in case she needs me." I stated. I didn't want him thinking I was being irresponsible with our Daughter, though I felt tipsy so I had already probably had too many drinks. "I'm sure she will be fine. You should just enjoy your Birthday." he said reassuringly. Cassidy had been saying the same thing, even my parents told me to have fun and not to worry. Maybe they were all right. Maybe I should just have one night to completely let myself go.
"Hey, thanks for coming, it really was a nice surprise." I said, maybe being a little too honest. "That's OK, I'm glad I could be here." he replied with a smile that would turn anyone to jelly.
"You look absolutely amazing, by the way." he said a little quietly like he didn't want everyone to hear. I... uh, oh... I felt so awkward, like my cheeks were on fire and my words were caught in my throat.
"Oh. Thanks, I tried." I replied hopelessly. Oli just shook his head with a grin and I felt so silly. I hated how I felt when he complimented me, how it rendered me the most awkward person in the world. I also hated that only him saying that could make me feel so good about myself. 

I hadn't noticed until right at that moment, but Oli looked so fucking good and he smelt absolutely delicious too. I hated how the alcohol made me think about the past, how he made me feel good back then in other ways. I hated that I had started fantasising... how in this situation back in Acapulco I would run my hand up his leg and whisper in his ear that I wanted him... how he would take me to the closest private place, rip my clothes off, push me against the wall and... "WILLOW!" Cassidy yelled. Holy shit. What?
"What?" I questioned. I felt flushed as I snapped back to reality.
"Come to the bar with me!" she said from beside me. Yes. The bar. Let's go to the bar. I almost felt dazed as I got to my feet and followed her. I was so fucking turned on, it was embarrassing. I really hoped nobody else noticed me zoning out in a full-blown, sexual fantasy.

"Are you enjoying your night?" Cassidy asked me as we got to the bar. 
"Yeah, it's amazing, Thank you for organising it for me." I said as I hugged her. 
"You're welcome. Now, I believe it's customary that we do a shot together." she said with her arm still around me. She ordered 2 shots for us, then looked at me with furrowed brows. "Did you really not know that Oli was coming?" she asked.
"I swear I had no idea. He told me just a couple of days ago that he was arriving at 2pm tomorrow..." I answered as our shots arrived. Cassidy laughed and gave me a cheers, then proceeded to order another 11 shots for the table before we headed back. She was wild, but I was just glad she didn't bring up my zone out a moment ago. I was so embarrassed.

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