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[Note: The time difference from San Francisco to Mexico is 2 hours forward, but for the sake of this story, I'm reversing it and putting it 2 hours backward. I know, I know... who do I think I am just changing up the world's time zones (!) but I need to do it for the story line! Please forgive me lol]


I had to get up at 3am to get to the airport in time for my 7am flight and my alarm felt like torture after only 3 hours of sleep. I'd put myself into bed at 10:30pm knowing I had to be up stupidly early, but of course my mind wouldn't let me sleep. I was too anxious, too excited, too full of adrenaline. Cassidy was up about half an hour after me, being a total trooper and driving me the 40 minute trip to the airport at 4am in the morning so I didn't have to take a taxi. I didn't ask her to and I felt bad about it, but she insisted. She really was the most amazing friend.

As we drove through the mostly deserted streets in the darkness, I held Cass' hand. I just loved her and appreciated her so much for supporting me through everything. I knew this 'relationship' for lack of a better word with Oli wasn't really good for me... it was a roller coaster of emotions, it was probably just going to make me sad again and then Cassidy would have to nurse my broken heart when I got home all over again, but she never told me not to go. She never told me I was stupid for giving him another chance, for opening my heart when his was so closed off, for allowing him to use me... she just wanted me to be happy and have fun, even if it was followed by sadness and heartbreak that she would have to deal with. "Oh my God, you're going to have the most amazing time. I'm so jealous you get to go hang out by a beautiful beach with a hot rock star while I'm working." she laughed as we drove.
"I'll bring you back a present." I said with a laugh.
"It better be something good!" she joked.

As we pulled up at the drop-off area of San Francisco airport, I got out of the car and retrieved my suitcase and Cass came and stood with me on the kerb. This was the longest I was going to be away from Cassidy in, well, probably ever. "Well Wills," she said as she grabbed my hands. "I would tell you not to fall in love with him again, but I know you're going to. Just try and go with the flow... Just think of it as a Summer romance and enjoy the time you have with him, OK?" Cassidy said. I knew what she was saying and I knew it was probably the best way to approach the trip, but I knew it would be hard. "I'll try and stay chilled out." I assured her as I gave her a hug.
"God you're going to have so much sex. I'm so jealous, but I'm happy you're breaking your  drought." she stated with a laugh. I shook my head and laughed as I squeezed her tightly. She was such a shithead, but I was really going to miss her.
"I'll miss you, but I'll be back in a week." I said as I squeezed her hard.
"Message me when you get there and say Hi to Oli for me." she said. "And Mat of course. God he's so sexy." she said as she let me go. I laughed and kissed her cheek and waved as I dragged my suitcase toward the terminal.
"Oh and Wills..." she yelled across to me. "Don't forget the blowjob!" she added as she stuck out her tongue. I just laughed. Thank God there was nobody within earshot of us.

I had only ever been overseas once; with Cassidy to Asia, so travelling alone to a foreign country was slightly daunting. I hadn't even been on a domestic flight on my own, but I wasn't going to worry about it. I checked in, cleared security and immigration and sat inside the airport with a coffee; watching planes take off and land as I waited for my flight to start boarding. I hadn't heard from Oli in 24 hours so I hoped he wasn't having second thoughts... I guess it was a bit late for that now anyway, but I can't deny that it put a little fear into the pit of my stomach.



Acapulco! Yes! 

Oh man, this is going to be such a great week. I can't wait to get a drink in my hand, get in the pool and just chill out and forget about touring.

I can't believe Roses will be here tonight too... That's just insane, lol. I just hope she's ready because I haven't had sex in weeks and I'm dying... hahaha.

She'll be a great distraction from everything going on with my ex too... I can't believe she's posting apologies and saying she wants to fix things. Eugh. I wish she'd just fuck off. I don't want her back... she's the one who fucking ruined everything.

Anyway, enough of that, I don't want to think about anything. Just get me to this resort already lol.


The flight from San Francisco to Mexico City was 5 hours and even though getting a couple of hours of sleep would have been great since I was running on so little sleep, I was way too excited and nervous about seeing Oli again to do that. I guess I hoped things would be how we left them in Atlanta... not the way they were when I first met him, but I had no way of knowing. He was always so hot and cold and incredibly hard to read. I had a 5 or so hour layover in Mexico City which sounded like a lot, but by time I cleared customs and transferred to the other terminal, I only had to wait a couple of hours before boarding my flight to Acapulco. I was glad I didn't have to wait any longer for that flight because I was getting more anxious and nervous about how things would be with Oli. I just hoped it wouldn't be too awkward. 

The second of my flights was short and on the smallest plane I'd ever been on but I could see the beach out the window as we came in to land, and that made me excited. It was 7pm back in San Francisco, but only 5pm in Acapulco due to the time difference, but by time I had my bag and was heading out to find my driver; it was almost 6 and the sun was going down. I was relieved that Oli had organised someone from the hotel to be standing there waiting for me at arrivals – it took a lot of the anxiety out of arriving in a country where you don't speak the language, but I wasn't expecting my driver to be in a suit and tie and escorting me out to a Mercedes. I really thought airport transfers were just in shared vans - that's definitely what they were in Asia! My driver loaded my bag and said we would be arriving at the resort in 30 minutes and with those words, my heart started pounding. I was suddenly so close to Oli again, and I didn't know if I was ready.

I messaged Cassidy to let her know I'd arrived safely, I sprayed a little perfume on my wrists, I  swiped on lip balm and I tossed my hair so I didn't look like total crap for my reunion with Oli. I didn't want to look like I just rolled out of bed, even if it's how I felt. I could see the Acapulco coastline dotted with resorts as we drove and after only a few minutes, we were right along-side the ocean. It seemed beautiful, though it wasn't easy to see since it was rapidly being flooded with the darkness of night. We only traveled for about 20 minutes before pulling up at a huge, gated resort where a security guard let us in, then driving toward a beautiful building with torches burning out the front. I could already tell how nice the resort was going to be by the lights lining the driveway, the perfect gardens and how slick the lobby looked from the car as it came to a stop out front. A man opened my door for me and said "Welcome to the One & Only Resort" and I swallowed hard as I stepped out of the car. I took a deep breath as I looked around and headed inside with my driver in tow with my bag. My nerves were out of control and I immediately looked around the seating areas to see if Oli was there, but I couldn't see him. Not yet, anyway. The lady at the front desk asked for my name and when I told her she smiled at me. "Ah. Miss Madison. Yes, I'll call your friend to let him know you're here." she said. As soon as she said that, I felt weak. My heart started thumping and my hands got clammy. I didn't even know why I was so nervous about seeing Oli, but I was. She asked me to take a seat and someone brought me a fancy, tropical cocktail that I drank embarrassingly fast; I was so anxious, I thought maybe the alcohol would help with my nerves. I kept looking around because I knew Oli was going to appear at any moment and I felt like I was going to pass out from fear, excitement and maybe also a sense of disbelief. I couldn't believe I was actually in Mexico and about to be face to face with Oli Sykes again.

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