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We headed down in the lifts to meet the guys and take cars to the venue, but as soon as we arrived in the lobby I realised that wasn't going to be as straight forward as it should be. A massive group of fans literally ran at Oli as we exited the lifts and he made the weirdest noise... it sounded like shock mixed with terror. Poor Oli. I quickly stepped away from him and managed to walk past the crowd out to the waiting cars and I watched as he and the other guys were completely swamped. They signed autographs and awkwardly posed for photos for about ten minutes and Poor Oli looked so uncomfortable as he was engulfed by his fans. When he finally broke free, he walked quickly toward the car with the widest eyes and I couldn't help but giggle.
"What the fuck? We have never been bombarded like that before!" Oli said as he landed on the seat next to me and we drove away. I wondered if he hated that, or if he actually secretly loved it. Surely it would make him feel pretty special. "I told you that lots of people love you... do you believe me now?" I questioned. He just grinned at me.
"Yeah alright, but still... that was insane. It's never been that bad. Maybe I should have brought a fucking disguise!" he chuckled. I just looked at him and pulled his hood up onto his head, then pulled the cords so it closed in around his face. "There you go. Incognito." I said in amusement. Oli laughed at me and I just smiled at him as he peered at me through the little gap. The way his eyes shined and little wrinkles formed at their corners when he really smiled made my heart burst. He did the same thing to me; raising my hood and pulling the cords, laughing the entire time as my face disappeared. We both laughed like crazy as I pulled out my phone and we saw ourselves - we looked ridiculous. I snapped a photo and posted it to instagram with the caption 'Incognito' because I loved that moment. It was another one of those little random things that made me feel so close with him and it was hilarious, well, at least we thought it was.

 It was another one of those little random things that made me feel so close with him and it was hilarious, well, at least we thought it was

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We arrived at the venue and the guys went straight into their soundcheck, so of course, I decided to watch. Their soundcheck was even better than their show to me because they messed around and I could stand down on the barrier like I used to all those months ago. I loved being at the side of the stage, but the pit had so much atmosphere and the most amazing view. Oli had no idea that I'd brought a plastic rose with me from home; I'd hidden it in my hoodie, so while Lee was swapping guitars, I called Oli to get his attention and beckoned him to come down to me. He had no idea what I had for him and I hoped he'd be surprised.

He jumped onto a speaker and came down to the barrier, so I whipped out the plastic rose and held it out, just like I had done that very first time in San Francisco. He had no idea that I had it, and it was like his face lit up when he saw it. He kind of blushed. It was very cute. There were no limbs hitting me in the face and I wasn't being squashed by people trying to reach over me to touch him, but it took me right back to the tour as he stopped in front of me and smiled at me. "For you, senõr." I said playfully. He took the rose from my hand then stepped right up to the barrier and kissed me. Deeply. He'd never, ever kissed me in front of the guys before and my heart was racing. Was that the ultimate sign that we were something more? Proof that he felt things for me? He used to be afraid to show any affection toward me, to even walk with me around them and now he was holding me and kissing me passionately in front of them? He pulled away and smiled, then quickly kissed my cheek and headed back to the stage.

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