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The morning Cassidy was due to pick me up, I waited on the rocking chair on my parent's front porch, and I was beside myself when I saw Cassidy's car turn into their driveway from the road. I was 8 months pregnant, so I couldn't move as fast as I would have liked, but I still got up as fast as I could to greet her as she came to a stop, and she threw her arms around me as we reunited. "Oh my God, you're huge!" she squealed. I laughed and frowned at the same time. "Wow. What a compliment!" I joked. She just laughed. "Actually Wills, you look amazing... you're glowing and that personal trainer has clearly been doing her job!" she squealed. I guess she had.

I introduced Cassidy to my now very active baby and let her sit with her hands against my belly to feel her kicking. My little girl did that every day now, particularly if I was doing something she liked or didn't like. It was like she had a mind of her own already. Cassidy was so happy and excited when I told her all those weeks ago that I wanted to keep the baby... she cried and seemed so overjoyed that I was finally happy. She was acting the same now; grinning from ear to ear as I stood there holding my bump protectively with a smile on my face. I guess I was happy about everything now too... it was much nicer to love my baby than to resent her like I used to. 

Cass spent the night with me on the property before I said goodbye to my parents and headed with her back to San Francisco the following day. I should have been upset about leaving my parents, but I wasn't. As much as I appreciated them and I kind of enjoyed being there, I didn't really feel 'at home' like I did in the city. My heart was always in San Francisco. The time away definitely did me good, but I was ready to return home.

Being back in my apartment was bittersweet. I loved San Francisco and my place within it, but my bedroom was also where I'd felt so awful and upset before leaving for the past couple of months, and the memory of that was impossible to escape. I hesitated to go to my bedroom for a moment, just worried that my mood would drop, but when I pushed the door open I was met with a big surprise that made me so happy. Cassidy had set up a cot and laid out gifts all over my bed; little blankets, a mobile and soft toys, baby products, nappies and the sweetest little baby outfits I could ever imagine. Not to mention the stroller by the window and the baby capsule she'd bought to put in her car. "Cassidy, why did you do this? You didn't have to do this!" I exclaimed. It must have cost her a fortune! "I wanted to. As soon as you told me you wanted to keep her, I went into Aunty mode! I told you, we're in this together!" she said as she hugged me from behind and put her hands on my bump again. Anyone would think we were a couple by the way she held me, lol. "Oh my God. Thank you." I said as I turned to hug her. She really was the sweetest, most generous friend. I would be so lost without her. "By the way, there were no nasty phone calls or anything while you were gone, so I think it's safe for you to have your proper sim back." she said as she retrieved it from my dresser. I guess it was nice since all of my memories lived on there, but I really hadn't missed it that much.

As I sat on my bed and Cassidy gushed about how adorable all of the things she'd bought were, I stopped her and held her hands. "Cass. I think this was already kind of obvious, but I want you to be her Godmother. If anything happened to me, I wouldn't want her in the hands of anyone else." I said. She dropped the toy she was holding and hugged me with the most beaming smile. "Of course I'll be her Godmother. It would be an honour." she said. "I'm still calling myself her Aunty too though." she said as she held up a tiny adorable onesie that said 'Auntie's favourite'. I couldn't help but smile, it was so sweet.

She went back to showing me the things she'd bought; from tiny sneakers to baby shampoo and everything in between, and she also told me that she'd organised to throw me a baby shower. I wasn't immediately excited about it, but she promised it was going to be small - only for the 8 or so people who knew, and that it would be at our apartment, so I didn't need to worry about anything. She was amazing and so thoughtful to want to throw me one, and to keep it so low-key when nothing either of us did before this was ever low-key. "Cassidy, nobody is ever going to care about me the way you do, I'm completely sure of it." I said with a grateful smile.
"I know. It's seriously a shame I wasn't born a dude. We'd be soulmates." she joked.
"We're still soulmates." I said happily.
"Aww." she cooed. 

With my phone back to normal, I took photos of some of the cute things Cassidy had bought me and as I played with the tiniest socks I'd ever seen, she took my phone from me. "Wills, I'm going to create a new instagram account for you. I want you to be able to post photos of your baby shower and all of the amazing moments we're going to have in the next few months." she said. I kind of frowned at her, I wasn't sure it was a good idea... I mean, I didn't want there to be any way for Jayce to see that I'd had the baby. "Cass, I don't know if I want people to know... not for a while anyway." I said hesitantly.
"Well, we won't put your name on the profile, then just don't post any photos showing your face  or anything that gives away your identity. I'll disable comments too so your friends can't accidentally spill anything." she said. I guessed that would be OK. I really did like posting photos... I could only imagine how many I would want to take of my baby when she arrived. She looked around my room for something to take a photo of and she snapped a photo of the faux white roses beside my bed. "How do you feel about 'flower girl' for your username?" she asked. I just shrugged, I didn't really care too much, as long as it was non-descriptive.

She clicked around for a while, then smiled at me. "Welcome to your profile, flowergirl 95!" she said as she handed me my phone. There it was, a new profile, a blank canvas to start again with. I didn't know what to put as my name or my bio, so I used 'Just a girl' and a saying I liked. Nothing descriptive what-so-ever. I guess it was nice that I would be able to record my Daughter's life on there, though deep down I wish I could share it all on my real account. I wanted the 6,000 people who followed me to see how much my life had changed, well, apart from a handful of people like Oli and his annoying girlfriend.

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