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I woke up early on Friday morning, full of excitement about seeing Oli and the guys on stage that night, oh and The Killers... I can't deny I was excited to see them too, much to Oli's displeasure. I don't know why, but I found it cute how he got jealous of me liking other bands, lol.

Cass and I ate breakfast with the band and that's where we met Tilly; Matt's girlfriend. The girl he had relocated to Los Angeles for. She was quirky and cute, and so sweet - absolutely doting over Ivy from the get go. After breakfast we chilled out for a few hours by the pool and Tilly gravitated to Cass and I while the guys did their thing. We hit it off immediately, but honestly, I think she was just happy to not be the only female amongst the guys, and I definitely knew that feeling! I had been in her shoes in Acapulco!

At 1pm we headed off in a mini bus to the venue for the show that night. It was called 'The Forum' and was so close to the hotel that we probably could have walked, but when I saw the line that was already snaking down the street and around the block, I understood why we didn't. The guys would have been absolutely mobbed! The lobby inside was amazing; decorated with photo backdrops and faux spider webs, orange and black balloons and gigantic signs with various Halloween slogans. They had really gone overboard with the whole 'Halloween' theme, but I loved it. It was always one of my favourite holidays, apart from last year since it was when I found out I was pregnant...

The guys were there to soundcheck - that's why we had arrived so early, but I was really excited to watch. It had been so long since I'd seen them play in person. I had brought Ivy along for the day and Oli had brought the most adorable pair of pink earmuffs for her. They were kids ones so the actual ear-covering sides were almost as big as her entire head since she was so young, but she was fast asleep in my arms with a lot of background noise going on, so I guess they worked. Cass and I sat on the edge of the stage as the roadies were setting up the guys' instruments, looking out at the empty floor that in just a few hours would be packed full of screaming fans. "Can you believe we're here right now?" I asked her. "Last year we were those people out on the street, waiting in line for hours so we could be on the barrier." I added as I reminisced.
"I know, it's really crazy. Like you were an Oli fan girl, trying to get him to notice you with your bloody plastic roses, and now you're sitting here on the stage holding his daughter." she replied. That really was crazy. "You know, I brought a plastic rose with me... actually I brought 2, a red one from me and a pink one from Ivy. They're hidden in her stroller." I admitted. Cassidy laughed at me then rested her head on my shoulder. "Wills, do you have feelings for him?" she asked gently. For the first time since everything in Mexico happened, she didn't seem angry when she asked me that question. Did I? Of course I did. I always did. I found a way to push the feelings away and not engage with them, but ever since he came to meet Ivy, he had been making them come closer to the surface. "Honestly, I do. I'm not head over heels in love with him like I was before, but there's still something there." I admitted truthfully. "He's been so sweet to me the past few months, I really feel like he's changed and grown up." I replied, being honest but playing it down a little. She was quiet for a moment.
"He has definitely grown up and it's become really obvious that he cares about you a lot. Honestly, even though I'm a bit apprehensive about saying it, I think he might have some feelings for you." she said softly. "I think giving him those roses will mean a lot to him." she added. I think she might have been right.

When we got backstage, Oli jumped in front of us with this devious look on his face and held out his arms so we couldn't go into the band's dressing room. "I have a surprise for you." he said to Cassidy with a giant smile on his face. A surprise for Cassidy? I was completely thrown for a loop, confused and actually kind of giddy. "For me?!" Cassidy asked with a stutter, sounding even more confused than I was. I had no idea what Oli was talking about, he'd not mentioned any type of surprise for Cassidy to me. 
"Well, you might remember on our tour last year we had this video guy, Brian?" he asked with this expression that looked like a naughty school boy. I couldn't help but smile. "WHAT?!" she said bluntly, like she really was not ready. "Welllll, he might be here and might be a little bit excited to know that you're here too." he said with a wink.
"What the fuck, Oli!? Why the fuck didn't you tell me that he'd be here?!" she squealed quietly as she slapped Oli's arm.
"Geez, I thought it would be a nice surprise." he laughed as he clutched his arm. I was just standing there smiling dopily. I was so happy Brian was there, that Cass would be able to have fun. I mean, I wanted her to hang out with me, but I was still happy for her. "Christ, I didn't even get dressed up!" she said with fear.
"Cass, you look amazing, you always look amazing." I said with an eye roll. She really did. Oli opened the door and I went straight to Brian to say Hi, to take the pressure off Cassidy. She must have felt so nervous, the poor thing. She didn't get like that around many guys, so it was actually really nice for me to see her be so affected by his presence. I guess she actually really liked him. They hugged and the three of us started chatting, but I slowly removed myself so they could have some time alone. I was really happy for her.

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