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I woke up at 9am, face down in my pillow, but warm under the blankets. Oli wasn't in the bed, so I sat up and my head immediately started pounding. "Owww." I whined to myself.
"Oh dear, someone is hungover." Oli laughed as he appeared from the bathroom.
"Oh God, I didn't even drink that much, did I?" I questioned. Oli immediately laughed.
"Oh, you definitely did. I had to carry you out because you could barely walk." he chuckled.
"Was I really that drunk? I only drank as much as the others..." I questioned.
"Yeah, you were. You all were. You were dancing on the couches and singing at the top of your lungs. It was like some kind of Mums gone wild type situation." he laughed loudly. I hid my face in my hands and laughed. Gosh, I really hadn't had a night like that in years... where I was so drunk that I basically blacked out. I guess it was nice to let loose every once in a while, but it explained how I got drunk so easily too. I didn't exactly drink much since becoming a Mom. "You told my dad that you loved him and kissed his cheek at one point. I think he was pretty into it." Oli chuckled.
"Jesus... I'm so sorry." I said with an embarrassed laugh.
"It's totally OK, you have nothing to apologise for. I liked seeing you having fun to be honest. Besides, you girls entertained us all." he replied as he kissed the top of my head. "Now, why don't you take a shower and I'll order room service. We need to get some food into you." he suggested.
"You're so good to me." I said as I crawled out of the blankets.
"Yeah, well I love you, don't I?" he questioned. I crawled over the bed and held out my arms and he rolled his eyes like my asking for a hug annoyed him. I know he was just kidding because he gave me a big cuddle. "Thank you for looking after me." I whispered by his ear. 
"You're welcome." he replied. "Just be thankful you have a few hours to recover before we head to the airport." he chuckled as he let me go. He was right. Thank GOD our flight wasn't until 7pm and I had time to get over my hangover.

A hot shower felt amazing and did wonders for my well-being and I popped some pain killers to help soften the pounding in my head. The food and coffee that Oli ordered definitely helped make me feel human again as well, but the best feeling was the way Oli was taking care of me. I loved the way he cared for me and wanted to make sure I was OK. It was done out of love, a sign that he truly cared for me and it made me feel so warm and fuzzy.

Oli went to retrieve Ivy from his parents' room and to check on his dad; to see how he had faired after our night on the town. Apparently he was getting a bit 'loose' as Oli called it, lol. I'd had such a great night and despite feeling a little worse for wear the morning after, I didn't regret a thing. I loved everything about my last night in London, in Europe. I snuggled with Ivy when Oli brought her back to our room, bright-eyed and wide awake... she was so cute, wearing a Drop Dead sweater Oli had made for her. It was always a bit big, but now it fit perfectly. "Did you have a fun time with your grandma last night?" I asked her. She smiled at me in response and Oli did too. I think he liked hearing his mum referred to as grandma. "We're going to meet them at midday for lunch to say goodbye and so I can give them our Christmas gifts to take back to Sheffield." Oli said as he started throwing things into his suitcase. "I'll get them to take all of Ivy's stuff back to my place so we have it for next time we're here too." he added as though he were thinking out loud. I just loved that he talked about us coming back. Honestly, I wanted to! I liked England. Maybe next time we could organise it for a time when Cassidy could come too! "Well, assuming you don't hate Sheffield... or hate the weather so much that you refuse to return..." he suddenly chuckled.
"Don't be silly. I love it here and in Sheffield, I definitely want to come back." I replied with a smile.

We spent a couple of hours packing, chilling out and just being lazy in our room; easy given it was drizzly weather again. We played with Ivy and looked through our photos from the past two weeks too... they were such beautiful moments and such incredible memories. "Hey, um... I forgot to ask in all of the excitement from last night but, did you see me sing Follow You last night?" he asked. I couldn't believe I had forgotten about that, that I hadn't actually told him how much I loved it or thanked him for it. "I did." I replied with a smile. 
"Did you see I took one of the roses you gave me on stage?" he asked.
"I did." I replied, still smiling. He just smiled back at me.
"There were thousands of people in that room, but I was singing it only for you." he stated. My heart melted. "I know. It was beautiful... and well..." I said, suddenly mustering up the courage to attempt to sing in front of him. I knew he wouldn't care if I wasn't any good. "I'm telling you, you're all I need, I promise you, you're all I see. I'm telling you, you're all I need, I'll never leave..." I nervously sort of sung. "And, well you know how the rest goes." I said, not willing to attempt anything else. I felt silly for semi-attempting to sing when he was so good at it but he smiled at me and I could tell he didn't care how I sounded, he looked too happy. 

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