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We got ID checked when we arrived at The Indie Bar at 8:55pm, before heading into the bar that was packed and pretty unglamorous. I don't even know why I was nervous, but I was, so I held Cassidy's hand. I know she wanted to be protective too... she was like a sister to me and she'd seen me get treated like dirt before, so she wasn't OK with seeing it happen again. I spotted Oli and saw him get up and head toward us as we stopped at the bar to order drinks. Cassidy squeezed my hand. "Don't give in to him just cus he's famous." she whispered to me. "Be strong and stand up for yourself." she said.



God, Roses, you're so hot. 

I need to fix this.


Oli greeted us and I tried to stay calm and un-phased, but even though I was meant to be angry at him, I still couldn't ignore how fucking hot he was. He ordered 2 vodka, lime and sodas for us and a beer and said he'd introduce us to some people. It was pretty awkward as we waited for our drinks to be honest, and Cassidy was still holding my hand tightly. The guys from the band all said 'Hi' as we went over to their group, and there were a tonne of other people now too – support acts, roadies and crew members... Oli didn't really introduce us to them, just kind of pointed them out. Cass and I stood around a table with Oli, Mat, and 3 other guys we hadn't met before that he introduced as guys from their support act, and their videographer; Brian. I could tell almost instantly that Brian was interested in Cassidy because he was practically staring at her, while I waited for Oli to ask me to chat privately. It was a little awkward but Mat asked me if I was feeling back to normal after my head injury to fill the silence, so I just talked to him about that. It wasn't until after a round of shots, and the 5 minutes or so of introductions, pleasantries and small talk with everyone that I finished my vodka and Oli asked me to go to the bar with him for a refill.

"How was your drive over?" he asked, making small talk after ordering more drinks.
"Long." I replied, not really feeling like being super chatty with him.
"Yeah, the crew drove up last night. It was like 9 hours." he said. There was a bit of an awkward silence as we waited for our drinks.
"So I should apologize for last night." he said uncomfortably. I just stayed cool, and tried to appear un-phased.
"You don't have to apologize for anything. You're free to do whatever you want." I replied. I wasn't about to play a victim with this... he didn't need to know that I was actually hurt by it. I was going to be strong, just like Cass told me to be. "Yeah, I do. I was a dickhead." he said.
"Well you can be a dickhead if you want to." I replied as I took a sip of my drink that had just arrived. I think I did a pretty good job of acting unbothered, and maybe it confused him. Maybe he was expecting me to be angry or upset or psychotic.
"You know how I told you that you were dangerous to me? Well this is exactly why." he said, almost sounding frustrated. "Cus you're in my fucking head all the time." he added. His comment snapped me out of my pretend sense of cool, calm and collected quick smart.
"I didn't ask to be." I replied in frustration. I hated how he tried to make it my fault... like it was my fault that he thought about me. What the hell? He was the one who made me assure him I knew it was nothing and I wouldn't fall in love with him... so if he was thinking about me, well, that wasn't my fault! "I know... I just... I don't know what it is about you, but I don't want anyone else." he admitted.
"It certainly didn't look like that last night." I replied with a chuckle without a moment of hesitation... totally losing my 'un-phased' vibe again. Damn it!
"I know. That's why I'm apologising. The truth is, nothing happened with them. I kissed one of them at the bar, yes, but I was super drunk and I told them to fuck off when we got to the hotel. That's why they posted all that bullshit online, because they were pissed off that I rejected them." he explained. It was pretty obvious that his ego was bruised by what had been said about him, but I hated that he was playing the drunk card as an excuse. "And I told them to fuck off because I wanted you there, not them." he said. I just stood there with my arms crossed. I didn't know if I should believe him or if he was just telling me what I wanted to hear. I wished I could debrief with Cassidy, but honestly, she looked like she was in deep conversation with videographer Brian. I took another sip of my drink which was disappearing quickly.

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