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By time I got back to Bring Me's dressing room, the band before them had finished and it was only 15 minutes until the guys were due on stage. Fuck! Oli wasn't even in the dressing room, so I grabbed the roses and stuffed them in the back of my jeans and wandered outside to look for him. He had to come back at some point! Oli came back from the bathrooms a couple of minutes later and my heart suddenly leapt in my chest as I realised what I was about to do. I could hardly believe I was going to give him these stupid plastic roses again. I'd originally just thought it was a cute idea for old time's sake, but now that I was doing it, I felt like maybe it meant more than that... maybe he'd think it meant something very different.

He was moving quickly, like he had no time to waste, so much so that he didn't even notice me until he was right in front of me and even though I was questioning what I was doing, I had no time to think about it. "Oli can I steal you for a minute?" I said urgently.
"Uhhh sure." he said as he looked up at the clock on the wall, clearly aware of needing to get to the dressing room to change but not wanting to say no to me. "What's up?" he then asked, smiling at me and giving me his full attention, despite being in such a hurry. I felt butterflies in my stomach as I clutched those damn roses in my hand behind my back and I didn't know why. I felt vulnerable, like they said something I couldn't or didn't even necessarily want to. I had no idea if this was a cute gesture or if it was really lame and pathetic. "These are for you." I said as I brought the roses in front of me and held them tightly. "The red one is from me and the pink one is from Ivy." I said nervously. 



W, what? 

Oh my God...


He just stood there. I was expecting him to be happy, to take them from me with a smile and say how sweet it was, but he was just kind of frowning. I think I had confused him, or maybe I'd brought up memories he'd rather not remember. God, he must have thought I was such a weirdo to be giving him them again. "This was really dumb, wasn't it?" I questioned. I felt so ridiculous as he just looked at me. Just as I was starting to feel incredibly awkward by his silence, he wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me so tightly, resting his head into mine, just literally enveloping me in his arms.



I can't speak. 

My heart feels like it's trying to break out of my chest.

Every single memory from our past flooded back, every stupid plastic rose; the first time I'd taken one from her and thought she was cute, the ones I'd drawn her, the ones she gave me in a hotel room that laid beside us on the bed while we had sex, the last one she gave me in Mexico on the barrier where I kissed her in front of everyone without even thinking... even just the way she smiled when she gave them to me, all of it, every single rose, every moment we'd been together... 

I was so lost for words. 

'I fucking love her.'

That was the only thing I could think to myself as I held her and she clutched those roses in her hand. I didn't want to let go of her. Ever.


Jordan called out to Oli from the dressing room, telling him to hurry up and get dressed, but he didn't loosen his grip on me at all. "Oli, I think you had better go and get ready." I said, even though I was very happy in his embrace. He let me go and finally smiled at me, and I noticed how glazed over his eyes were, like he had tears in them. I smiled back and held the roses out to him again, and this time he took them with a smile. "Thank you." he said as Jordan yelled out again. Oli rolled his eyes and yelled that he was coming, then disappeared. I guess those stupid roses meant a lot to him, as much or maybe more than they used to now that there was a second one from Ivy.

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