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I had seen pictures of the pool and it looked beautiful so I was excited to get there and just relax. It was lush, with hessian loungers and hanging pod chairs, surrounded by palms and it took up the entire courtyard between the hotel's three buildings. "Could you take Ivy so I have my arms free for hugs?" I asked Oli with a smile as we approached. He laughed at me but happily obliged, talking to Ivy in silly baby babble even though she was fast asleep. I couldn't see the guys straight away, but it wasn't long before I saw a lot of tattooed bodies, drinks in hand... I knew it must be them.

"Willow!" Mat yelled out as he spotted me. I couldn't help but smile, his excitement made me feel so happy. "Oh my God. Mat! How are you?" I asked as we automatically went in to hug each other. He felt like a brother to me; protective, caring... that was unexpected since we really hadn't spent that much time together. "Oh my God, I'm good love, how about you? Oh my God, I can't believe you're a Mum now!" he gushed.
"Yeah I know, pretty crazy right?" I questioned.
"Well, you look bloody amazing!" he said with a smile. "I'm so excited to finally meet the little human that has turned my best friend into a total pile of mush!" he said as Oli appeared with Ivy in his arms. "Oh my God! This is a sight I never expected to see." he said as he looked at Oli holding our daughter. Oli kind of laughed as he automatically handed Ivy over to Mat without him even needing to ask. "If you corrupt my child..." Oli said as he carefully passed her to him. I couldn't help but laugh. God, if anyone was going to corrupt her it was going to be Oli himself. He'd be taking her to tattoo parlours from the moment she hit eighteen, I could already see it.

Ivy woke up as Mat cradled her and when he said hello with a huge smile, she smiled back at him. "Oh my god. She's SO cute." he sounded. Ivy was such a manipulator, smiling at people, knowing it would make them fall in love with her, lol. "I guess I should start calling you Uncle Mat now then." I joked.
"Can you actually?" he chuckled happily, never diverting his attention from Ivy. "Hello little one. Are you happy to finally meet your Uncle Mat? I bet you are. I'm going to teach you how to play drums when you're older so you can drive your Dad crazy... I'll be the cool Uncle." he laughed as Ivy just looked up at him with big eyes. He was so funny. 

The rest of the band had seen us and since come over, all fawning over Ivy and greeting me like an old friend. It was so nice to be back with the guys, I didn't realise how much I'd missed them until I was with them again. I re-introduced Cass to everyone, but they remembered her from the tour and Mat bought up her 'Nicholls for President' sign. Everyone wanted to talk to me about what had happened since I last saw them, obviously about Ivy and the incident with the tram tracks... I guess Oli had told them about that, not that I minded. I found out how they had all been too and what had been happening in their lives over the past year. Oli was gushing to everyone about Ivy as the guys took turns of cuddling her and honestly, they all seemed totally smitten with her, so I just enjoyed the freedom and laid on a sun lounger in the sunshine. I was on holidays after all.

I snapped some pictures of my legs with the pool in the background and wasted time on instagram, and I laughed when Oli posted his photo of his Halloween treats. It was hilarious how much he liked them, but they did look incredible. I also smiled when I saw that he'd referred to me in his caption as his 'fave'.

 I also smiled when I saw that he'd referred to me in his caption as his 'fave'

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