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My days were often pretty quiet, I went out for a jog or popped to the grocery store if Cassidy was at work all day, but I still went to my yoga classes two nights a week - and meditation too. I caught up with friends for lunch when they were free, I spent my days trying new recipes and over-cleaning the apartment, and sometimes I went to the art gallery or museum to just spend time with myself. I loved wandering around the botanic gardens or down by the bay too... anything to keep me from just being at the apartment all day.

After spending an entire Tuesday at home, I decided to put on a cute outfit and get outside for some fresh air the following day. Cassidy was working until 8pm and I didn't have yoga or meditation that night, so I decided to go for a wander around the botanic gardens and pick up some fresh produce for dinner on the way home. I jumped on the tram and headed out into what was a beautiful, sunny San Francisco day. I loved my home city and I couldn't imagine living anywhere else as I sat and stared out the window as I travelled through town. It was laid back but thriving and I loved the diverseness of the place. We always had so much going on, so much art and culture, and such interesting things happening, yet it didn't feel like a big frantic city to me. I felt so comfortable there, so at home... even though I didn't have family there anymore since my parents moved away a few years ago. They moved to San Francisco for work and once they retired, they thought it was it too hectic and headed about 8 hours north to a quiet town in Oregon. I was only 18 when they left and I guess sometimes I missed them, but I never regretted not going with them.

I wandered around the botanic gardens for an hour or so and people watched by the fountain with a coffee before heading into town to pick up some supplies for dinner. When Cass got home, she'd be starving, so I figured I'd be a good friend and have something fresh and healthy waiting for her. She would do the same for me! I didn't have to wait long at the King Street stop for the tram to take me home and as I headed out of the city, I posted a couple of photos from my day - you know, since I'd posted nothing while I was at home being lazy the day before. I got home a bit before 6pm and dumped my shopping on the kitchen bench ready to organise dinner.

I went to send Cass a message to let her know not to buy dinner after work since I was cooking, and I noticed that Oli had replied to my story photos. It made me feel fuzzy when I opened a message from him and he'd said something nice... His compliments always had that effect on me, and I loved it even more when he said I was 'gorgeous' instead of 'hot' or 'sexy'.

 His compliments always had that effect on me, and I loved it even more when he said I was 'gorgeous' instead of 'hot' or 'sexy'

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I thanked him but he didn't say anything else, so I got back to preparing dinner. It was nothing exciting, just a grain salad with pumpkin, Asian greens and quinoa; but something Cass could eat cold - or reheat if she wanted to. I sat at the kitchen bench and wasted time on instagram as I ate dinner, I did the dishes and then I got comfy on the couch to catch up on Season 4 of 'Orange is the new black'.  I was only 20 minutes into the first episode when my phone beeped next to me. I planned on ignoring it so I could watch my show, but figured it was probably Cassidy replying - or maybe Oli, either of which warranted pausing the episode.

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