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I went to catering and grabbed two beers, then headed back to the dressing room where Roses was passed out cold like a fucking idiot that can't handle their alcohol. I was so mad at her, for everything. I got Mat's attention then nodded toward the door, then he got up and followed me, asking where we were going as we wandered. "The roof." I told him. 

I needed to vent, and Mat was the perfect person.

"I brought Roses up here before the show..." I told him once we arrived at the roof.
"How romantic." he laughed as he pushed the tab back on his beer. I just looked at him completely unamused.
"She fucked up everything. 
I'm pissed off." I said. He just cocked his head to the side and frowned in confusion. "She told me she loves me." I said awkwardly. Just saying it out loud made me feel so fucking uncomfortable. Mat just took another mouthful of his beer like it was nothing.
"You're not surprised by that?" I asked.
"Not really. Did you really not notice how she is around you?" he asked, shaking his head.
"Yeah but... Love? Fuck off." I replied.
"I told you to be careful. I told you she was going to get the wrong idea. It was obvious it was going to happen." Mat said like he was scolding me. I guess I thought he'd side with me and just laugh about how dumb it all was, but he seemed serious. Annoyed even.
"Why did she have to say THAT though?! It's so fucking stupid!?!" I questioned.
"You think she's stupid for loving you?" he asked.
"Yes! She knew not to catch feelings!!!!" I replied. Mat let out a frustrated breath.
"How was she not going to catch feelings when you've been acting like a couple all week? You were practically on a honeymoon!" he stated before sighing dramatically. "Dude, she really cares about you and she's a good person, so if you can't or wont give her your heart, you need to let her go. You can't keep stringing her along. It's not fair." he said. What the hell? He was making this my fault?! Like I was the one in the wrong?!
"Hang on, this isn't my fucking fault. She knew why she was coming down here." I snapped.
"But ever since she got here you've been acting like she's your girlfriend and giving her all these mixed signals. It's not fair to let her think that you want the same thing she does if you don't." he said. Why the fuck was he suddenly on her side in this? Wasn't he my best friend?!!?
"I have not been doing that, and I don't give her mixed fucking signals." I replied defensively.
"Seriously? You've been doing it all week! You were being all coupley with her in the bus this morning... and then there's all the photos on instagram, the gifts, the looks, dude - you kissed her in front of us at soundcheck like you're in love with her... and in the dressing room. Anyone who doesn't know how you are would think you fucking adore her." Mat replied. "Hell I didn't even realise you felt so little for her until just now." he added. I just stood there dumbfounded. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He wasn't helping at all.
"Personally, I think she's a fucking amazing girl and it seems like she's made you a lot happier than you've been lately, so I don't know why you're so hell-bent on pushing her away, but if you don't want her love, then you need to end it. Put her out of her fucking misery." Mat stated. He seemed so angry at me and I was shocked. I didn't even know what to say. I don't think I'd ever seen him defend anyone like that.
"I never said I don't want anything to do with her, I just don't want love or feelings or any of that shit involved. We're meant to be fuck buddies!" I replied.
"Well if that's all you can give her and you aren't going to love her back, or at least be open to it, you need to end it. She deserves better than to just be your play thing." he said angrily. I couldn't believe what he was saying. He was taking her side. "If you honestly feel nothing for her, then do the right thing by her for once and end it. Hurt her enough that she won't hold onto hope... She loves you, so she won't move on if you don't make it clear that it's completely over. You need to be cruel to be kind." Mat said with a somber tone. I just stood there as he downed the last of his beer and said he'd see me back downstairs.

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