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When I opened my eyes and saw the sky and I wondered if I'd died and gone to heaven, I'd certainly dreamed about that many times over the past 6 months, especially lately, but there were people above me who looked vaguely familiar, though blurry. What the hell was going on? I was just standing on the platform taking deep breaths. Why were people freaking out in slow motion? It was like chaos was happening and people were yelling but all of the sounds were muffled. All I managed to understand was 'she's pregnant!'; a shrill voice reverberating in my head as a blurred face appeared above me. I was tired and confused so I just went back to sleep.

The next time I opened my eyes it was to bright lights and the muffled sound of sirens... where was I? What was going on?
"Hello sweet heart, I want you to stay awake talk to me, OK?" someone asked me. I was so confused.
"Where am I?" I asked as I started feeling frightened. 
"You're in an ambulance. You had a fall but we're on our way to the hospital." the blurry person said. I suddenly felt pain shooting to my head, my wrists, my hands, my body and I started remembering falling. I automatically grabbed for my stomach as fear overwhelmed me. "Is my Baby OK?!" I asked.
"You're going to be OK." they replied. That wasn't what I asked!
"Is my baby OK?" I asked again, with more desperation, but she didn't respond. I said it over and over as I started crying but nobody would answer me. As my vision came back into focus a little, I looked at my hands and I saw blood... so I used all of my energy to lift my head and look down but I felt intense pain shoot down the side of my body so I flopped back down. I started hyperventilating as the memory of what happened started coming back to me; someone... someone pushed me. What the fuck?! "Please tell me my baby is OK!" I pleaded. 
"We'll be at the hospital in less than a minute." the person with me said. Why wouldn't they tell me my baby was OK?! I felt my heart racing out of control and I suddenly felt incredibly cold. I was frantic, but I felt tired and like my eyes were trying to close. I couldn't stay awake even though I wanted to.
"She's going into shock!" the woman yelled. I don't remember anything else.

The next time my eyes opened, there were bright lights again, so I squinted hard, but I felt still and calm. I didn't seem to be moving anymore and everything was so silent.
"WILLOW!" I heard as I woke up with a groan. I felt so groggy. "Oh my God!" Cassidy cried as she threw her arms out and hugged me across the bed. "I never should have let you go alone." she cried against me. Where? What? I didn't even know where I was. "Where am I?" I asked wearily. Cassidy looked at me with puffy red eyes, I don't think I'd ever seen her so upset before. "You're in hospital." she said as a tear ran down her cheek. I suddenly started remembering everything that happened and even though moving my arms was excruciating painful, I immediately reached for my stomach without hesitation. "Is the baby OK?!" I asked desperately as I looked at Cassidy, tears now welling in my eyes.
"It's fine Wills, the baby is fine." she said. I closed my eyes and let tears stream down my cheeks. It was only at that moment that I realised how much I cared about my baby. I was so scared that I'd lost it. I didn't even know why, but it was the first thing I worried about. The only thing. "Wills, someone pushed you..." Cassidy said with tears running down her face. I already knew, I remembered feeling their hands on my back, the weight of their body pushing me forward. I was so tired, my body ached and I started to realise where it hurt the most. The right side of my face, my hip, my wrists... I had bandages around both of my hands and they throbbed like crazy. I guess they'd taken most of the fall. "How bad is it?" I asked. Cassidy shook her head.
"Your hands and face are pretty cut up, you sprained your wrist and you're going to have some pretty nasty bruises, but nothings broken." she informed me. I was relieved.

The police came and took a statement from me, as well as photographs of my injuries and I agreed to file a restraining order against Jayce, though I really didn't know what it would achieve. A piece of paper would hardly protect me. It probably wasn't even him who pushed me, just someone he asked to do it, just like all the people who had threatened me. I didn't want to press charges, but the police were still going to review CCTV footage to see if they could find out what happened. Honestly, I didn't care what they did, I just wanted to forget it. Cassidy practically screamed at the police officers, pointing out that we'd reported threats previously and that they had done absolutely nothing about it... she was absolutely furious and I didn't blame her, but I knew it was pointless. I begged her to stop because her anger was only making my heart race more so she did, but I knew how furious she was. Our friend who had a legal degree and worked at a company in town she said she would take care of everything for me in regards to the restraining order but honestly, I wondered if it would do more harm than good.

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