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When I woke up, I had no idea how much time had passed. I didn't know what time of the day it was, or how close we were to arriving at the venue in Atlanta, but Oli was still holding me and was fast asleep with his mouth open. He had such soft, pillowy lips, all I wanted to do was kiss them, but I didn't want to wake him up. As I laid there looking at him I saw this gentle person who maybe had more bruises hidden below the surface that he didn't want anyone to see. I was sure he felt things much deeper than he let on, and that he had a sensitive side that he never let me see... I was convinced there was a side of him that was deeper than the ocean, but he hid it away from me and I guess, probably everyone else. He opened his eyes right as I was thinking about all the parts of him I couldn't see, and it freaked me out, but his eyes were like hazel oceans that went on infinitely; like windows into his soul, though I guess he didn't like me looking into them for too long since he looked away to break my stare. I probably totally freaked him out.
"Oli... I know it's a lot to ask, but would you fuck me again?" I asked softly. He looked at me totally perplexed. I wondered if he could even manage it.
"Fuck you're more horny than me!" he quipped. 
"It's your fault for being so good at it." I said, sliding my hands down to grab him and hopefully get him excited enough to make him hard. He smiled and maybe even blushed. Compliments seemed like a good starting point... or maybe dirty talk since he'd always seemed to like that, though I wasn't 100% confident in my abilities. "You're just really big..." I whispered by his ear. "It feels so good when you get really deep. You're so fulfilling." I added.
"Mmmm... tell me how wet you are." he said, encouraging me. I think he liked it. I mean, of course he did, I was complimenting his size and skills.
"God I'm getting so wet just thinking about you being inside me again." I sighed. My semi-OK dirty talk was working because he was getting hard, I couldn't believe it. 
"What do you want me to do to you?" he whispered, encouraging me to keep the dirty talk coming.
"I want you to fuck me slowly, but really deeply." I said, kissing softly at his neck. "I want to feel every inch of you inside of me and your skin pressed against mine." I added, kissing his neck again. He was almost ready, and I was impressed.
"Tell me how tight you are." he said.
"I'm so tight... and you're so thick, it feels like you're stretching me every time." I replied. 
"Oh man." he said with an exhale. He definitely liked that one, Lol. He was hard in my hands by that point. "That was quick." I said happily.
"What can I say, you arouse the shit out of me." he laughed.



I have definitely met my match in the sex department. Jesus. Lol. 

I can't believe such a pretty, innocent little thing knows how to talk so dirty. 

I'm in love Hahaha.


I kind of felt bad that I'd asked him to go again, but it was the last day we were going to be on the bus - I wasn't going to get the chance again, and I really wanted a repeat of earlier. I rolled over without him even asking and got into position and he laughed at how eager I was. He condom-ed up again and this time, slid straight into me. Oli chuckled to himself. "I love how fucking wet you get for me." he whispered in my ear.
"What can I say, you arouse the shit out of me." I replied - completely copying what he'd just said a minute ago. He laughed against my shoulder and thrust the same way he did earlier, though slowly as I'd requested. It felt so fucking good, and he touched me the same way he did the first time too. He made me orgasm in about 10 minutes and only a moment before he did. I was so impressed that he managed to get me off again; that he'd even been able to go again so soon, so I rolled to face him and I kissed him gratefully. He kind of laughed and joked that if I wanted to go a third time he didn't think he had enough energy, though I wasn't so sure; I think if I really stepped up my dirty talk I could probably make it happen. I was completely satisfied after getting off twice in so many hours though, going after a third orgasm would just be greedy.

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