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Just like the day before, we were supposed to meet the guys for breakfast at 9am and we were late again, at least this time they didn't even joke about sex being the reason why. We ate breakfast and waited in the lobby for our guide, but this time we were going out to some island to go snorkeling. I wanted to wear the super sexy, push up bikini I'd borrowed from Cassidy, but I decided to save that for Oli. I didn't need to be parading around like that in front of the other guys who were all spoken for. We were whisked to the super-swanky nearby marina and boarded a speed boat to take us to the island, and I'm glad to say that Oli's mood was better than yesterday for today's tour guide.

When we arrived at the island, we were taken to a quiet little beach away from the main tourist crowds, and I audibly squealed when I saw about 6 dogs standing by the waters edge like they were actually waiting for us to arrive. "Oh my God. Doggos!" Oli said excitedly as he noticed them too. They were so friendly and all of us were patting them and giving them attention as soon as we'd jumped out of the boat. Our guide set up a couple of chairs, so I dumped my things and pulled my dress off ready to get in the water. Oli asked me to put sunscreen on his back, and I happily obliged, running my slippery hands all over his tattooed back. "You're checking out my tatts, aren't you?" he asked with a chuckle. I just laughed, I don't know how he knew. We grabbed snorkels and headed into the water and I swam around looking at the fish and coral below the water. I was in there for an hour before I got out and threw my towel down to lay on it, happy to sunbathe for a while while the guys stayed in the water. I snapped a few photos of the beach, the dogs, and the guys snorkelling too, and I posted a perfectly timed dog photo-bomb pic to instagram before closing my eyes and relaxing.

 I snapped a few photos of the beach, the dogs, and the guys snorkelling too, and I posted a perfectly timed dog photo-bomb pic to instagram before closing my eyes and relaxing

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The guys all came up for a break not long after I got out and Oli asked if I was alright. I was... I was more than happy laying in the sun with cute dogs running around me and coming over to interrupt me for pats. Oli sat next to me for a while and threw a stick for the dogs to chase then got back into the water after half an hour or something, and I perved at him the entire time. It was so funny how sexy he was to me, he wasn't really the type of guy I usually had a crush on, but I think a lot of it came from a deeper place than surface level. 

With the guys snorkeling again, I headed off to wander around the rocks, climbing over boulders and saying hello to a few people I came across. I picked up a couple of plastic bottles along the dirt path and threw them in a bin and found a tangle of nylon ropes floating in the water that I went in to dig out. Pollution in the ocean was the worst! As I was climbing back up the rocks from the water, Oli appeared and told me he wondered where I'd gone.
"Just exploring." I said with a smile as I climbed. He held out his hand for me as I got closer to him on the dry rocks.
"What were you doing down there?" he asked with a chuckle as I finally reached him.
"Just retrieving junk." I answered as I held my hand full of rope out to show him. "It's rope from a net or something. Someone obviously threw it in when they were fishing." I added with a sad face. He looked at me with the weirdest, most endearing expression. "Imagine if some poor animal got caught in it, or ate it and died." I said, sticking out my bottom lip.
"Aww, you're so sweet." Oli stated.
"It's no big deal, I just hate pollution. Did you know a million marine animals die every year from rubbish in the ocean?! It's so sad, and it's not like it's hard for people to put their rubbish in a fucking bin." I said with a frown. Oli was just looking at me with a little smile. "Sorry, just geeking out on eco stuff..." I said with a laugh as I started climbing back up toward the path.



I love how passionate she is about the world. It's kind of cute that she gets into it so much, lol. 

If everyone was half as mindful about the environment as she is, it would be in a much better state that's for sure.


Oli asked me how I got so passionate about that kind of stuff and what made me want to follow it as a career as we got back to flat ground, and we chatted about things I geek out on as we headed back toward the others. It was nice to talk about a topic so close to my heart, because I know not everyone wants to hear about it. Once we were back, Oli told me to smile as he pointed his phone at me, so I just smiled with my bits of rope for him to see. Lol.

We were on the island for about 3 hours before we headed back to the mainland, and some of the guys looked slightly pink. I think they'd gotten a bit too much sun. Oops. When we arrived back at the swanky marina, I spotted a boutique with beautiful dresses in the window, so I told Oli to go ahead and I'd meet him back at the hotel in half an hour.
"You know I'm not going to leave you here on your own..." Oli said with an eye roll. "Just don't take forever." he laughed as he went to tell the others we were staying behind. 

He followed me into the store and looked around as I sorted through the dresses to pick one out to take home for Cass, and 5 minutes later he said he'd be waiting outside. I decided on a gorgeous navy dress for Cass' gift, and a cute toiletry bag that I could put all of the other little bits and pieces I'd already bought for her in. Finally I'd found the perfect present, so I paid and headed out to meet Oli. "See, I was quick." I laughed as I met him only 15 minutes after the others had left. He just rolled his eyes at me as we exited the marina to head out to the taxi area. "What did you buy?" I asked as I realised he was holding a little bag with the same print as mine. "God, there's no hiding anything from you is there?!" he chuckled. "Give me your hand." he said as he stopped. "What?" I said automatically. Did he want to hold hands?
"Your hand, you know, that thing attached to the end of your arm? Give it to me." he laughed. I frowned a little but held out my free hand and I watched as he pulled something from his paper bag. He slipped a bracelet over my hand and I was very confused - and completely surprised. "What is it?" I asked stupidly, even though it was completely obvious what it was.
"It's a bracelet, dummy." he laughed. "Nah, it's a turtle." he said as he turned it on my wrist so I could see the charm; a little green turtle sitting among white and green-tinted beads. "It's made from 100% recycled plastic cleaned out of the ocean. The profits go to saving sea turtles." he said proudly as he handed me a card from inside his paper bag. I was trying to absorb what he was saying as I looked at the bracelet on my wrist, and trying to believe that he'd bought me something so meaningful. I was so taken back that I hadn't said anything. "I thought you'd like it." he added. He wasn't wrong. I was in shock for a moment but then I smiled and literally launched myself at him; throwing my arms around him and squeezing him tightly. "You like it then?" he asked in amusement as I hugged him.
"Oh my God, I love it!" I said with enthusiasm. I was overwhelmed by his gesture. It was perfect. "I really, really, really love it." I said as I let him go. I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face. It was the most thoughtful gift, but more than that, it was just the fact that he'd thought to buy it for me – that he knew how much I would love it because of what it supported. I looked at the bracelet and the card that I could already see explained how it was made and I felt my heart thump so hard. He was so fucking sweet. "I don't know what to say... you didn't have to buy it for me, but thank you. I love it so much." I said as I looked at him with the hugest smile, mixed in with a bit of vulnerability. I felt so shy all of a sudden. "That's OK. I knew you would, and I mean, how could I not buy it for you after you went and fished rubbish out of he sea today?!" he questioned. I just laughed. 
"Thank you." I said as I side-hugged him and started walking toward the taxi area again.

His gift floored me and I couldn't stop smiling. It was the most beautiful, thoughtful thing I think anyone had ever given me, and the fact that it came from him? I didn't know if I'd ever take it off.

 It was the most beautiful, thoughtful thing I think anyone had ever given me, and the fact that it came from him? I didn't know if I'd ever take it off

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