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Cassidy's alarm went off at 9am and I groaned loudly as it ripped me from my slumber. "TELL ME EVERYTHING!" Cassidy exclaimed as I opened my eyes and saw her landing on my bed with an excited expression. "DID YOU FUCK HIM?!?!?!" she squealed.
"Oh God." I said, pulling my blanket up over my face. I was still half asleep! She shook me and refused to let me sleep and not share details for another second.
"OK, OK! Yes, I fucked him." I admitted with a shy smile. She literally screamed in excitement and jumped on top of me to hug me.

I sat up and told her everything that had happened and she just sat there wide-eyed with her mouth open in shock as I explained my night in explicit detail. She wouldn't have it any other way and she insisted I tell her how 'equipped' he was. I was kind of mortified, but I gushed about how girthy he was and how good it felt. It was more than I'd ever had in that regard, and it was very enjoyable. She lunged forward and squeezed me tight when I had finished with the story and all of it's details. "I cannot believe that my best friend fucked Oli Sykes!!!" she said in my ear. I just laughed. She seemed more excited about it than I was. I picked up my phone and saw that Mat, who I'd also tagged in the group selfie had reacted to my story with a laughing emoji. I showed Cassidy and she squealed, then I started showing her the photos in my camera roll. We laughed together for about 20 minutes and she dramatically collapsed back on my bed at the ones of her with Mat. God it would have been so much fun if he was single too and was hooking up with someone on the tour too! We started getting dressed and ready for that night's Bring Me The Horizon show and I wondered how it was going to feel seeing Oli on stage given what had happened. I wasn't worried since he said it wouldn't be awkward, but I wondered if it would feel different. 

Walking back into the Hard Rock hotel felt a little weird; both Cassidy and I were giggling as we passed the saloon to find the line to the venue. We arrived at 11am, but we were surprised at the size of the line, it was quite a bit longer than anywhere else we'd been. We queued all day and spoke to other fans, but we didn't breath a word to anyone about meeting the guys the previous night. That was our memory that we weren't going to brag about, and I certainly wasn't about to start telling people about what had happened between me and Oli! When we got let inside, we managed to get barrier, a bit off to the side, but still where we could see perfectly and where I could presumably hand Oli another plastic rose to add to his collection. 

As the lights went down and the guys walked onto the stage, I saw Oli in a different way. He was always fucking gorgeous, and my heart always raced when I saw him, but this time it was different. He was hotter than every other time I'd seen him. I looked at Cassidy and she looked back at me knowingly. I watched him scan the front row of people and try not to grin when his eyes locked onto mine. I felt myself blush. I couldn't believe I'd actually had sex with him, and it was so weird knowing that nobody else in that crowd knew.



There she is. Ugh, my little sex toy. Now I just have to not think about what I did to her last night for the next 90 minutes.

I kind of look forward to that stupid, plastic rose now... but not as much as what I'll do to her later... Haha.


The show went along as usual, and Oli came over, grabbed my hand and jumped up on the barrier to sing 'Can You Feel My Heart'. He took the plastic rose and smiled at me as the song came to an end and the room went dark and I just smiled to myself. It was so funny that he actually wanted to keep getting them. The rest of the show carried on as per usual, with Oli demanding pit circles and walls of death... it was fun to watch, but I always avoided being in them for fear of getting knocked out or breaking an arm or something. When the show came to an end, Mat actually waved to us and while we waited to get out of the venue, we started planning our next move. We didn't have to get up early the following day, so we debated whether we should go to the saloon again; on the chance of meeting the guys, but figured that  lots of fans would go there, so maybe we should just go somewhere else. We needed to go back to our hotel to change since we were drenched in sweat anyway, so we decided we'd head back and decide from there. I took a shower then sat on the bed with my freshly-washed hair in a towel as I waited for Cassidy to take hers, and as I sat there, I noticed Oli message me on instagram.

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