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I was the first one to go to bed during the Halloween party but after feeding Ivy and putting her down for the night, I just couldn't be bothered in going back downstairs. I knew I'd have to get up in about five hours to feed her again anyway, so I took a shower, curled up in bed and was fast asleep within minutes.

The following morning, Ivy woke me at 6am. I knew I would the first one awake, but I was eager for everyone else to wake up so I could find out what had happened after I left last night. Judging from the amount of crap laying around downstairs, I figured they'd had a pretty big night and wouldn't be up for a while. I took Ivy downstairs with me and made some fruit salad to eat, then headed down to the beach with my breakfast and baby girl in my arms. The beach was completely empty at 6:30am, it was still kind of dark and the quiet was incredibly relaxing. I sat on the sand by the bottom of the stairs from our house with Ivy on my lap and ate my fruit salad, just taking in the silence apart from the distant sounds of planes landing at LAX and the occasional car passing by on the road behind the house.

The sun was rising slowly and the light of day was creeping in as I sat there with Ivy just watching and listening to the waves. It was nice to be there with her, just sitting there breathing the salty air. I started wondering if Cassidy had spent the night with Brian and how their night had been, if everyone would be hungover, if Oli fell asleep with face paint all over his face, lol.

I put my bowl up on the deck, then took Ivy for a stroll along the beach. She was awake, so I carried her face outwards so she could see the water and the sun rising... she seemed so happy and content there, but I always knew she would. We didn't go that far, but by time I got back to our house, it was much lighter and there were a few people walking and jogging along the beach who said hello as they passed. I kicked my shoes off near our stairs and took Ivy down to the waters edge so I could bend down and dip her toes in. She kicked her feet up at first like she wasn't sure, but then started kicking around in the water happily and I just giggled. "You like the ocean, don't you sweetie? Are you going to help me try to rescue it when you're older?" I asked. She just kept kicking her feet around playfully and I just smiled.

We had only been there 5 minutes when I heard someone close the gate at the top of our stairs, so I looked around and I was happy when I saw that it was Oli. "Hey." I said he wandered toward us and the water. "Hey, how long have you been up?" he asked.
"Like an hour, we went for a little walk and I just dipped her toes in the water. She loves it." I said with a chuckle as I looked at her, still kicking her tiny feet in the water. "Aww... she's so sweet." he said. "Are you hungover?" I asked with a chuckle. He just smiled.
"Nah, I'm alright. There will be some sore heads this morning though." he replied.
"Do you want to get in the water? I can get her little swimsuit and you can take her in for her first swim?" I asked. It seemed like a good idea while the waves were small and the tide wasn't coming in. "I would love that." he replied happily.
"OK well, come up to the house and have some fruit salad while I'm changing her. I made it this morning." I suggested.

Up at the house, Oli got some of the breakfast and I went upstairs to change into my swimwear as well as change Ivy into her little outfit too. She looked so adorable in a teeny tiny swimsuit! We headed back down to the beach and I put a towel on the sand for our things, and after pulling his shirt off over his head, Oli carried Ivy into the ocean. He only went in up to his shins, but sat down in the water and held Ivy so her butt was level with the top of the water. She grinned at him and kicked her legs around as he held her and my heart swelled in my chest. It was clear that she liked the water and the way Oli was smiling was unexplainable. He looked so incredibly happy. He put her in a little more, sitting her onto his knee so she was waist deep in the water and she squealed loudly in happiness. I had just been standing and watching, but I decided to join them, sitting down into the sea next to Oli, looking at our happy little angel experiencing the ocean for the first time. I leaned in and kissed her on the cheek with so much love and happiness. She made my life so fucking beautiful.

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