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A couple of weeks had passed since Oli's departure from San Francisco and I was keeping up with his tour; partly from the band's instagram account, and also from Oli sending me little messages and updates via text. We had video calls every few days too which were nice but Oli constantly told me that he would rather be here. He said that he felt like he was missing out on so many things with Ivy; like the first time she kind of laughed. I guess I took those little milestones for granted, but of course I sent him loads of photos and videos and he always got to see her and talk to her when we were on a video call. 

Ivy and I were doing well, though we didn't go out as much as when Oli was here with us

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Ivy and I were doing well, though we didn't go out as much as when Oli was here with us. I wasn't afraid of going out alone, but it just felt better having someone else with me, you know, just in case. We did take little trips to the beach and the park when Cass had days off though, so we were still getting out and doing things - enjoying the warm weather while it lasted. Cass was happy and doing her thing; studying, working, hanging out with us at home and spoiling Ivy as usual. She had even started going on tinder dates again though I hoped she would find someone worthy of more than just one night, I guess time would tell. For the most part, everything was great and everyone was happy, though for the past couple of nights, Ivy had been unsettled. 

It was now the second night in a row that Ivy just wouldn't sleep deeply or for long at all. She'd woken me up multiple times through the night and I was struggling with the lack of proper sleep in two days. I'd only managed to sleep for two hours the night before, and I was up with her again unable to calm her on the next. I'd checked her temperature and called the health hotline who gave me a few tips to soothe her, but nothing seemed to work. I didn't know why she was so grumpy and I was at my wits end. I loved my baby girl, but the lack of sleep she was causing was turning me into an emotional, frustrated mess. I could barely even think straight anymore. 

As Ivy cried this particular night, I just sat in my rocking chair with her, swaying and rocking and trying to get her to calm down, but it wasn't working. I cried in silent frustration as she screamed and I closed my eyes to try and trick myself into thinking I was sleeping, but it didn't work. Nothing worked. I had been up for over an hour trying to stop her crying with no relief so I gave in and picked up my phone. I knew she wasn't going to fall asleep and I wasn't getting to sleep any time soon either, so I sat there rocking her, scrolling around on Instagram, looking at baby stuff, pictures of happy things and dreaming of Venice every time another glorious photo from their tourism page popped up in my feed. Fantasising about going there might at least make me feel better. As I scrolled and daydreamed about being somewhere, anywhere other than where I was, Oli's name popped up at the top of my screen because he'd messaged me.

"Hey? You're online late. Is everything OK?" he'd sent.

Of course the first thing I wondered was how he even knew I was up with Ivy, or how he had noticed.

"Hey. How did you know I was on my phone?" I questioned.

It was a little weird and came across as a little stalker-ish, but honestly, I was actually happy for the distraction.

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