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When my alarm went off on Sunday morning, I rolled over and picked up my phone to see if anything exciting was happening, and it was -  Oli had messaged me again since our conversation ended last night. I was half asleep as I opened our chat, but when I saw what he'd sent me, I woke me up faster than if I'd just had a shot of the strongest espresso in the world. He'd sent me a photo; a selfie to be exact, and he looked utterly gorgeous.

 He'd sent me a photo; a selfie to be exact, and he looked utterly gorgeous

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My heart completely melted and I automatically smiled. I knew it was silly, but I felt so warm and fuzzy just seeing a photo of him, even if it was accompanied by a cheeky, smart-arse message. I checked his profile, but he hadn't posted anything - the photo was to me and only me, and I felt every feeling I'd developed for him come flooding back. He was adorable and it was incredibly sweet that he'd sent me a photo after I'd mentioned it. I replied, telling him that he looked cute and that I very much appreciated the selfie, but the more I looked at it, the more sad I thought he looked. All I wanted to do was hug him, but I knew that was impossible.

- - - - - 

Over the next couple of weeks, I messaged with Oli every now and again, usually only when he was bored on his tour bus, and never really for long or about anything deep or sensitive like the night after the Fall Out Boy show. I liked being in contact with him all the same though. I was busy studying for my end of semester uni exams, so time flew by and when exam week arrived, I pretty much stopped looking at social media all together. I needed to focus! After a week of intense studying and stress, everything wrapped up for Summer break and I let out a huge sigh of relief. I felt like I'd done pretty well with all of my subjects so I went out for drinks with friends to celebrate. I got a bit too drunk and I woke up with a hangover the next day but it was the first day of my holidays and I had 6 days to relax, pack and get ready for my Birthday trip to Malibu. I couldn't wait to get away and I was beyond excited for beach time!

There were seven of us going on the trip and Cassidy had booked us an amazing beach house through airbnb. I guess that was the beauty of travelling in big groups; it meant you could go somewhere expensive since you were splitting the cost between so many people. Cassidy and I raided our closets, went shopping and picked outfits for the trip, and on Thursday night we loaded our things into Cass's car ready for our departure. At 7am on Friday morning, we headed out of San Francisco for 5 days of fun, adventure and complete bliss by the beach, and we all squealed as we pulled onto the highway. It was going to be amazing.

As the sun started rising, I put on a road trip playlist that I'd created with the most appropriate song to start us off; 'Malibu' by Hole. I took a video of us singing our lungs out and posted it to my story, and Oli laugh reacted to it about ten minutes later. I kind of wanted to ask him what he was up to, but I put my phone away and enjoyed the time with my friends as I sat with my feet on the dash board. I was honestly so happy sitting there with the sun on my face. It was about an hour later into the drive when 'Shadow Moses' came through the speakers and I know it was cheesy, but I had to do another video... I waited for the part where Oli screams "This is sempiternal!" and got my friend in the back seat to hit record as Cassidy and I screamed along and thrashed our hair around in the car. I knew he would reply to it, and he did, about 20 minutes later.

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