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"So do you still feel inferior because I beat you at Mortal Kombat?" I asked cheekily as we entered the lift at the hotel. He just chuckled.
"You're not going to let me forget that are you?" he asked. I just laughed and shook my head, feeling very proud of myself. A smile crept onto his face and then out of nowhere, he kissed me. I was really taken back by his sudden affection but for some reason, I felt like his guard was down, and because of that, mine was too. I guess I felt more comfortable and I wasn't as reserved as usual, which meant I wasn't questioning everything I wanted to say. "Was that my prize for beating you?" I asked cheekily when he stepped away. He laughed and shook his head to himself.
"Nah, I just wanted to shut you up." he replied with a laugh. I guess I had been paying him out about losing quite a lot... 

He let us into the room and I went straight to the bathroom - I was absolutely busting for the toilet after drinking so much alcohol, and I pulled my jeans off after a bit of a drunk struggle since I knew Oli was going to want me naked anyway. I kicked off my shoes before walking back to the bedroom, and Oli was sitting on the end of the bed doing the same thing. He held out his hand to me as I looked at him, asking me to join him on the bed and when I was within reach, he grabbed my hand and yanked me toward him. He was so predictable. He put his hands on my skin, pushed my shirt up my body so he could kiss my skin at the top of my underwear, then ran his fingers down to pull my underwear down my legs. He was wasting no time in getting me ready for what he wanted, but honestly, his libido was kind of impressive. He wanted it every day. Not that I was complaining.

He tapped his lap, so I climbed on top of him and straddled him so we were sitting face to face, and he pulled my top off over my head. I ran my fingertips up his chest and over his ribs as I pulled his shirt off too, then he wrapped his arms around me and kissed at my chest and I ran my fingers through his hair. I felt a little dizzy from the alcohol but God I was horny. He fell backward into the mattress so I was on top of him; still holding me against him, and kissing at my mouth, though being drunk meant it was messier than usual. I loved kissing him, but I started to move my lips away from his, to his jaw, his neck, his chest... wriggling down until I was between his legs so I could free him from his pants. Cassidy told me not to forget the blow job after all. He moaned as I wrapped my hand around him and took him in my mouth and played with his balls with my free hand. God that felt so weird, but I'd read enough women's magazines to know guys liked it. He didn't look down to watch me but beckoned me to 'come here' with a finger curl once he wanted to move onto the next activity.

He threw a condom at me as I knelt between his legs, so I assumed he wanted me to help him out... and he watched me roll it down his hard shaft. He sat up and kissed me once I was done; putting his hands on my waist to move my body into the position he wanted as I climbed onto his lap. I carefully lowered down onto him, and he wrapped his arms around me tightly. That first moment as he slid into me always felt so fulfilling. He reached around to un-clip my bra, threw it away, then fell back onto the mattress, taking me down with him. I pushed my hips back and forth as he kissed my neck and I pushed his hair off of his face so I could kiss him. He was so pretty, even through my drunken haze. I can't believe he actually thought I only liked him because of his fame. I pressed my hands against his chest to push myself back up, and he grabbed my hips to push and pull me harder against him as I rode him. His hands caressed my breasts, my thighs, my arms... he touched me all over and it drove me crazy. I liked being on top and being in control, and as I discovered I could lean back and hold his knees for support, it totally changed how it felt - in the best way possible. I exhaled heavily at how amazing the new position felt, and without warning, Oli started to rub my clitoris with his thumb. I moaned loudly and desperately - it felt incredible and I begged him not to stop as I threw my head back.

I was riding him like a girl possessed and I'd totally forgotten about everything else in the universe as I felt the pleasure rising between my legs. I said his name without really thinking as tingles started to spread to my toes and I felt myself losing control. "Oh my God." I said desperately as I felt it arrive. I squeezed my legs into the side of his body as my body started shuddering and I put my hands on his chest for support as I fell forward and totally succumbed to pleasure. Even though I couldn't manage to move in the moment, he didn't stop touching me and he kind of thrust from under me as I rode out my orgasm which just made it longer and more intense. I said his name again desperately through my broken breaths and I think I swore a couple of times too, but I couldn't help it... It felt really fucking good.



Wow. That was really fucking hot. I should make her orgasm more often, Lol.


When he stopped touching me, my legs relaxed and my body un-tensed, and he sat up and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tightly as he made tiny thrusts from below me. I felt a little dazed and light-headed but I opened my eyes and he was just staring at me, so I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and kissed him. It was a really intimate moment, and I was really surprised that we were having it. Sex with Oli was usually fast, rough, without face-to-face contact, and like Oli was just eager to get off as fast as possible, but tonight it was totally different. He really seemed like he was making an effort to make me feel good too, and the fact that he kept kissing me and sitting up to hug me felt so intimate. I don't know why things had changed so much between this time and the times before, but I was happy about it. This was the kind of sex that I loved. I liked it so much better than when he was aggressive and rough with me. 

He fell back into the bed with his arms around me, and kind of threw me over at the same time, positioning himself in kneeling position between my legs after we landed. I laid there feeling warm and euphoric as he started to thrust and I ran my hands down his chest before holding his waist. I loved Oli's body... I know most girls like six-packs and muscles, but I loved the way he was less defined, and I really loved that every inch of his skin was covered in ink... all the way from his neck, down to where I watched his body disappear into me as he pushed his hips forward. I was almost surprised he didn't have any tattoos on his dick. I pulled him forward to wrap my arms under his and hooked them over his shoulders, which made him lay his body against mine. He lifted his head and kissed me and ran his fingers through my hair as he kept thrusting, so I held his face in my hands and kissed him back. He was honestly so beautiful at that moment. He moved back to kneeling so he could thrust faster and it was only a few more minutes before he gave in and came. Maybe it's creepy, but I loved watching him succumb to pleasure, especially when he was inside of me.

He landed on the bed beside me after his orgasm subsided, then rolled toward me and pulled me into his arms straight away. My heart was racing as I hugged him tightly, and I laid there with my eyes shut, feeling euphoric, happy and totally fulfilled. I opened my eyes and looked at him as he stroked my face with his fingertips and it made me smile. It felt so sweet. He seemed to be in such a gentle, loving kind of mood, despite the fact that we'd both had 7 cocktails and should have been loud, messy and crazy. Maybe it was because we were both a little drunk. I looked at him as I touched his face and he just held my gaze then leaned in and kissed me softly; gently grazing his tongue between my lips so I'd kiss him back. The way he was being with me felt the complete opposite of how he'd been with me before, and, well, it felt absolutely wonderful.

I closed my eyes and smiled as I nuzzled my face into his shoulder ready to go to sleep, but in the back of my mind, I could hear Cassidy reminding me not to fall in love with him. In the same moment, I could feel my heart beating hard in my chest, laughing at me as if it was saying 'yeah right'. I knew that feeling anything meant I was travelling a dangerous road, and I knew it would lead me to heartbreak, but it was like I didn't have brakes and it was pretty much impossible for me to stop. I felt like I'd been on a perfect first date with a guy I thought I didn't have a chance with. 

I'd managed to mostly keep my emotions out of our 'arrangement', but after tonight, I felt wonderful and happy, and my heart was off in la la land. Tonight had changed things. I had feelings for him and there was no point in trying to deny it. 



I think... I think I might be in trouble.

I think, maybe, I kind of... feel something. 

Fucking hell! I fucking knew this would happen. 

Fuck my life.

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