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Oli and I laid there on the lounger and I couldn't touch him enough... I literally wanted my hands to melt into his arms, his neck, his waist... and I wanted my hand to remain forever at the back of his head, lost in his hair. I pushed my body right against his to let him know I was eager and I must have kissed his neck, face and lips 100 times. I just wanted to be with him in every sense of the word; physically, emotionally, mentally. "I know we have to go to dinner, but I want to be all kinds of intimate with you when we get back." he whispered as he slid his hand up my thigh. I didn't react, but I was surprised. Oli had never referred to sex as being 'intimate'. In fact, I don't even think he'd even referred to the deed as 'having sex'. Oli always wanted to 'fuck', so his toned down terminology got me incredibly confused, but also excited and hopeful.
"Yes. I want that too. Badly." I whispered back as I kissed his cheek.

I got changed as Oli showered and I posted a photo to my instagram that I'd taken at Barra Vieja beach; the one Oli and I had visited earlier. He commented on it almost immediately with that little yellow heart again and told me how amazing the photo was as he emerged from the bathroom.

 He commented on it almost immediately with that little yellow heart again and told me how amazing the photo was as he emerged from the bathroom

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I felt so wonderful after being there with him, and everything that happened on the way home too. I wasn't lying when I called it my happy place. We headed over to the restaurant to meet the guys for dinner and Oli kept staring at me as he sat opposite me. I had no idea why, but he had this cheeky expression that made it hard for me to not smile. Something was different between us and it made me so excited. As we drank and ate our food, Cassidy messaged me asking what I was up to. Oli was watching me with my phone, so I snapped a photo of him and sent it to her so she could see exactly what I was doing. Naturally, he was hiding behind a drink again...

I didn't want to be rude and anti-social, so I excused myself from the table and wandered to the beach to call her

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I didn't want to be rude and anti-social, so I excused myself from the table and wandered to the beach to call her. I would make it quick, but I just wanted to tell her about my day with Oli, about the hand-holding and how things had felt different. She gushed about my photos of the sunset and I told her every detail of how he'd carried me over the river, how he held my hand and didn't let go, how he'd referred to sex as 'being intimate'... how it just felt like he cared about me.
"Oh my gosh. He's falling for you..." she said gently, like she was happy.
"I don't know Cass, but everything feels so perfect. I don't know how I could go back to being single after this week. I love being with him." I admitted.
"Aww... Well he certainly looks happy in all the photos you send me, so hopefully you won't have to!" she quipped.

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