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As I walked into the apartment, I expected to find silence and darkness. Willow and Ivy would be fast asleep, Oli would be back at his hotel... it was 11pm after, all. 

'What the fuck?' I thought as I entered to find the TV on. I put my bag down on the kitchen bench and peered over at the couch, and I almost died when I saw them there. Oli was laying on his back, Ivy was on his chest and Willow was cuddled up with him; her face on his chest, her arm around his waist... What the fuck was she DOING?! 

This was so dangerous for her emotionally. I fucking knew everything she said about only being friends with him was bullshit and that she was going to do this. I knew she wasn't really over him. She was so fucking hopeless... I knew she'd just let him back into her life like he never hurt her at all. She's so gullible and way too much of a romantic. It made me angry that she let him in so easily, it was like she totally forgot that he made her want to kill herself... 

As I went to walk past them to my bedroom, Oli scared the shit out of me as he said Hello. I thought he was asleep! I jumped, then stopped and I pretended I hadn't already seen them. "Uhh... OK." I said out loud as I took a better look at the situation. He just smiled. 
"They both kind of fell asleep on me..." he said in amusement. Why the heck did he look so pleased with himself, anyway? "I can see that." I replied. It was only then that I noticed the TV playing some retro  Japanese game show or something. "What the FUCK are you watching?" I asked without thinking. "I don't even know. I can't reach the remote and I don't want to wake them." he said with amusement. As much as I was frustrated by the situation, I had to admit that it was a bit cute that he said that. Damn him! 

I walked over to the coffee table and picked up the remote, then placed it on the armrest where he could reach it. "Thanks." he said.
"How long have you been there, exactly?" I asked him.
"Mmmm a couple of hours I guess. My arm is completely numb." he chuckled. I could see why; it was under and around Willow, and her head was no doubt cutting off his circulation. I don't know why I thought this was a good time to talk to him, but he looked so defenceless stuck there with both Ivy and Willow asleep on him. 

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked as I sat on the coffee table. He nodded. "How do they fit into your life? Willow and Ivy..." I questioned. He looked at them and answered without even thinking about it. "They don't fit into my life, they are my life." he responded. Seriously? Did he really think corny shit like that was going to work on me? Make me think he was 'sweet guy'. "You won't win me over with pretty words and sweet promises. I mean it, what do you want out of this?" I asked. Oli looked at them again, stared at them even... "I mean it, Cassidy. I care about them more than anything and they are my number one priority now. I will make my life work around theirs." he said. His answer was pleasing, but I wanted to question him more. I was tired though and I guess it didn't seem fair to interrogate him like that.
"Ok, well, I'm glad to hear that. I guess I'll be off to bed." I said as I stood up to leave. "Have fun with your dead arm." I said to lighten the mood.
"Cassidy..." he said as I walked away. "I know you're worried that I'll hurt her again, but I swear to you, I won't. I will never do anything to hurt her. I'm an idiot for pushing her away once, I won't make that mistake again." he said. I just nodded and left, but what did he mean by that? 

As I showered, I couldn't stop thinking about Oli's confession. What did he mean when he said he wouldn't push her away? Maybe in a round about way, he was saying that he regretted pushing her away last year. Did he regret leaving when she told him she loved him? Did he... actually love her like I thought he did? I needed answers. 

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